H/Cal, GSR - The two of them, the two of us


Sara and Eric sat side by side in the car, driving back from the crime scene. Sara forced herself to look down at her hands while she could feel Eric’s eyes caressing her silently. He was simply studying her, beholding her movements and her stubbornness, as she would not look at him.
“You look nervous.” He said.
Sara bit her lower lip, repressing a slight smile.
“I’m not. I’m just hungry and I tend to get a little-”
“Let’s go and grab something to eat.” He suggested, interrupting her.
This time Sara couldn’t help herself from staring at him with a stunned expression. Had he just asked her out?
“I… Uh…”
Before she could finish the sentence, her stomach growled and answered for her. Eric laughed.
“Sounds like someone needs food.” He chuckled.
“Hey!” she protested, folding her arms on her chest, trying not to let out the laugh she felt inside her throat.
Eric stopped in front of the red traffic light and turned to her. His smile was so sexy that Sara mentally cursed, feeling her cheeks burning.
“What do you prefer? Restaurant? Fast food? Take-away?”
“Eric, I’m not sure-“
“Sara, relax!” he said, half giggling. “It’s just a dinner, ok? I’m not going to ask you to marry me and be the mother of my children… Unless you don’t want me to...”
Sara smiled unconsciously. On one hand she desperately wished to go to her hotel room, have a quick shower and dine at the hotel restaurant with Grissom, but on the other hand the perspective of spending some time with a man she liked and who liked her, a man she was sure she would have fun with, was very attractive. As Grissom himself once had told her, she deserved some diversion, after all.
“I’m a vegetarian,” she just said, without giving him a precise answer, though she knew he had read ‘yes’ between the lines.
“Fine,” he replied. “I know a nice place not far from the lab. I promise I won’t oblige you to stay any longer than necessary.”
Sara laughed. She wondered how Grissom would take that, but she was surprised to realize she was really curious to find out and not afraid at all of his possible reactions.
Eric drove her to a small restaurant and parked the car right in front of it. He got off and opened the door for her.
“It looks… intimate,” she commented, while he locked the car.
“I swear I’m not trying to seduce you, Miss Apprehensive,” he whispered to her, in a tone that intentionally didn’t sound very convincing.
They entered the restaurant and sat down at a small table, next to a large window with a view on the inner garden. Sara felt unusually comfortable.
After she had broken up with Hank, she had stopped trusting men and it had been a very long time since she had last enjoyed a date. Even though, of course, that was not a date.
“Ready to order?” he asked, lifting his eyes from the menu he was holding in his hands. A waiter she hadn’t noticed was standing next to them, waiting.
She glanced down at her own menu and quickly read it.
“I’ll have… Um, Mexican chilli.”
The waiter wrote down the order and then turned to Eric, who chose the same dish as Sara’s.
When the waiter was gone, Eric grinned lifting a brow.
“So you like hot stuff?”
Sara blushed, casting him a piercing killer look.
“You said you wouldn’t try to seduce me!” she pouted.
“I did,” he said. “And I’m pretty sure I never said anything about flirting.”
Sara tried her best not to let him understand she was actually enjoying his attentions, but she was well aware the effort wasn’t really worth it; there was nothing wrong in what they were doing and, however, she would soon be back in Las Vegas and that dinner would be just a beautiful memory.
One minute later their dinner was served and they started to eat in silence, simply savouring the goodness of the food and their mutual company.
The sun had almost set when they got back to the lab. The shift was over, but they still found Horatio and Grissom, discussing at the table.
As she and Eric entered the room laughing, Grissom turned to her, furrowing his brows.
“Where have you been?” he asked, without being able to hide the hint of anger in his voice.
Sara and Eric looked at each other with confused expressions, wondering why he was so rude while Horatio seemed to be rather amused.
“We’ve been processing the-“
“I don’t doubt that,” he abruptly interrupted her, his tone forcedly low and calm. “But I remind you we’re here to work, Sara.”
Sara felt the anger growing inside her. What the hell was he saying?
“And that’s what we’ve been doing!” she exclaimed, trying not to lose her temper.
“It’s very late,” Horatio kindly intervened. “And we’re all very tired. I suggest going home and continuing the discussion tomorrow, when all of us will feel better.”
“Fine,” Grissom said, standing up and collecting his things. It was clear he was exhausted and Sara suddenly felt very tired too.
“Goodnight everyone, then,” Horatio said, and then walked out, giving Eric an eloquent look.
“Uh, yeah. Well… goodnight Sara.” He said with a smile, and then he suddenly remembered Grissom was there too. “Grissom.”
“’Night, Eric,” he snorted.
When Eric was gone, Sara folded her arms on her chest and put on an extremely hostile face.
“What the hell is going on with you?” she burst out. Grissom kept on putting the documents inside a folder nonchalantly.
“Nothing,” he answered.
Sara rolled her eyes and nodded sarcastically.
“Yeah, sure. It’s been one of the only three times I’ve ever seen you losing your nerve.”
Grissom looked up. The silence in the room was overwhelming and they almost felt it on their skin.
He observed her for a long while; then sighed.
“I didn’t mean to act like that.”
“Of course you didn’t,” she said understandingly. He was just stressed, that was all.
“Let’s go to the hotel and have dinner, shall we?” he said smiling.
Sara felt her heart sinking. She couldn’t tell him she already had something with Eric, so she just nodded and she thought it was worth it to eat a little more than usual if the result was that happy expression he was now wearing on his face.

Ouh! Another awesome chapter. Eh, Eric and Sara's got something going on here? Can't wait to read the H/C part :D :D. *dreams...*
Hi !!
I loved the great alchimy there between Eric and Sara...never picture them together, but with you, I can picture them easily !!
Loved also Grissom's jealousy...
More please
So there's no H/Cal part of the story? Anyway, it's cool. Grissom's jealous hehe :D And that double dinner thing...it happened to me before. I know exactly how Sara must've felt. :eek:
I promise there's going to be more H/Cal interaction in the next chappy... It's coming soon, it's currently being beta-read, so be patient and you'll have what you long for! :D
Thank you, guys! :D


When Horatio entered the kitchen, he found Calleigh bent over the counter, preparing the dinner.
As soon as she sensed his presence, she raised her face and her lips spread into one of her brightest smiles.
“I missed it so much,” he whispered, hugging her tenderly and placing a kiss on her forehead.
“You missed the pizza?” she joked, pointing at the dinner.
“I missed your smile,” he answered, running one hand through her hair. The more he stayed with her, the more he realized how much he loved her.
“How are you two feeling?” he asked, gently rubbing her belly. Calleigh smiled even more brightly and put her hand over her husband’s.
“Great, now you’re here,” she said. “And we’re also very angry, aren’t we, little one?”
“You shouldn’t have waited for me,” Horatio said.
“We couldn’t start without Daddy,” she replied, finishing laying the table.
He took off his jacket and left it on a chair, then helped her to settle the last few things.
“Did you find out anything useful?” she asked when they began to eat.
Horatio took his time to drink his glass of wine, and then shrugged.
“Eric and Sara have found something, but we haven’t had the chance to discuss it, yet.”
Calleigh lifted a brow questioningly. Horatio’s expression became very eloquent.
“I think there’s something going on between Delko and our charming stranger.”
“Oh!” Calleigh exclaimed enthusiastic. “I’ve known it since they first saw each other!” She made a pause, chewing thoughtfully her pizza. “But I am also pretty sure that she and Grissom have feelings for each other…” she continued.
Horatio repressed a laugh. He loved the way she narrowed her eyes when she reflected and the light that sparkled in them when something enthralled her. He simply loved her; that was all.
“Actually you missed some kind of jealousy scene…”
“I what?” she complained. “That’s not fair! I knew I should have- But what happened exactly?”
“Eric and Sara were just back from the field and they entered the room acting like they were old friends and… well, as Gil saw them he started to act very weird and Sara was practically fuming.”
Calleigh glanced at him, wearing a knowing smile.
“I almost can see you,” she said, amused. “You must have had the time of your life in that room…”
Horatio smirked. “You know me too well,” he commented. “And since I know you too well, too, I can easily guess what’s going on in your mind in this very moment.”
She chuckled girlishly and he couldn’t help himself from thinking how cute she was when she did that.
“We can’t just watch, H!” she said. “They need help and I have some brilliant ideas.”
“Cal, that’s none of our business,” he admonished her, but he knew she was too determined and she wouldn’t listen to him.
“Think about it: if we were them, wouldn’t we accept some friend’s help?”
He studied her for a long while: she was his beautiful, smart, lively wife, and he was going to have a child with her. He tried to figure his life without her and suddenly he felt that in that case there would have been no life.
“If Sara means to Grissom what you mean to me,” he sighed, “then they definitely deserve our help.”
Calleigh beamed happily and took a sip of fresh water. Horatio knew then fun was yet to begin.


“Sara, are you alright?”
Sara lifted her eyes from her spaghetti and found Grissom looking at her.
“Yeah,” she answered, hoping to sound natural. “I’m just not very hungry. Don’t worry, Griss, I would tell you if something was wrong.”
He raised one brow, not convinced at all. “Would you?”
Sara did her best to fake a spontaneous smile. He seemed to know that she was hiding something, but she was not going to let him know anything. He had to accept that there was a part of her life he didn’t have access to and she had the right to keep it for herself.
“Of course I would!” she assured him. “But, Grissom, would you please tell me what’s happening to you? I’ve never seen you so…” Sara couldn’t finish, cause she didn’t know exactly what was the right word. Was he really just stressed? Was he angry? And if so, why?
Could he be… Jealous?
He was staring at her, stunned and speechless.
“You’re acting like a jerk, you know?” she completed, slightly shaking her head.
A pregnant silence fell upon the two of them that seemed to last for ages.
“I know,” he said at last. He sounded sorry.
She was about to speak, but he didn’t let her.
“Look, Sara, I know I’ve always been a little… cold to you, you know.”
She listened, still wondering what the point was.
“But I’ve never wanted to give you the impression that I don’t l- I don’t esteem you, both as a person and as a CSI.”
She smiled and put a friendly hand on his. She felt totally defeated, but he didn’t need to see.
“I know.”
“Do you?” he asked, his voice full of concern.
“Yes, Grissom, I do,” she said. “But this doesn’t mean I want to prevent myself from meeting other men forever.”
He swallowed, but apparently he didn’t seem to have anything to say.
“You know, after what has happened to Nick… I’ve realized how short life is. Now I understand why Warrick decided to get married so suddenly.”
There was a sparkle of fear in Grissom’s eyes.
“By that I don’t mean I want to get married,” she explained. “But I need to live my life as long as I have it. You understand?”
Grissom nodded gravely and sighed, joining his hands.
“Does this have anything to do with that Cuban guy-?“
“Yeah, Eric.”
“No. Or better, not only.”
Grissom cleared his throat. There was something in the air. Some uncomfortable feeling they had never experienced before.
“What are you going to do about this?” He asked her.
Sara bit her lip, looking straight into his blue eyes.
“Any suggestion?” she shyly replied, almost inviting him to make a decision once for all.
“It’s your life, Sara,” he said lamely. “Follow your heart.”
She jumped up, a furious expression on her face.
“I will!” she cried. “But not before you!” and she stormed away, leaving him alone with his thoughts.

Ouh! That is brilliant and sad all at once!

Ohoho, Calleigh is going to meddle! I can't wait to read more! Pizzaa!!! *yum

Alright, I gotta get on with the manip pic I promised you and the DuCainers. All the best with the next chapter!
Great!Great!Great! I really love the story.. :D :D ;)
Please update soon!!