Hey DuCainers
I've been kind of MIA working on that "All In" vid, (which is almost done, I promise
), but I just wanted to drop a line and spread some DuCaine love. Doese anyone have any spoilers for the upcoming eps, re: will our dynamic duo have any more scenes this season??
I really hope so!
I was reading Dojo's blog on tvguide.com, and dojo gets it right 100% - TPTB shouldn't just "throw us a bone," they really need to get H and Cal's relationship (and I'm not talking romantic right now, just friendship-wise) back on track. Watching all those clips from "the good old days," and even some clips from Seasons 4-5 — before the terrible drought — has really made me wonder what the heck happened between these two characters ... they were so close, then suddenly they just broke apart, it was very strange to see the progression - sounds like a fanfic idea
Anyway, I was watching "American Idol" yet again (and I don't feel half as bad, seeing as how Emily was on it briefly last week! :bolian
, and I think we have another DuCaine song on our hands w/David Cook's rendition of "Always Be My Baby". I was never a big fan of Mariah Carey's version, but the lyrics really fit DuCaine right now, and Cook's "emo" version was awesome! I'm sure it's on YouTube, so definitely check it out. I personally could see a vid starting w/MC's version and leading into Cook's - MC's version is light and sweet, like Calleigh, while Cook's is very emotional, like our H
Anyhow, I've just been on a song kick the past few weeks, thinking of our dynamic duo and what went wrong
. Hopefully TPTB can right this "ship," as it were, and get them back to interacting. Here's to hoping for another "you got it" from Cal to Horatio before the season's over
(see, I don't ask for much :lol
PS - Definitely check out the CSI:Miami paperback "Cut & Run" by Donn Cortez (it just came out last week, and you can probably find it at Borders) - I haven't gotten far, but there's some really nice DuCaine scenes (like the one I posted). At least someone still understands and appreciates the chemistry and friendship between H & Cal!