H/Cal #5 - DuCaine...Absence Makes The Heart Grow Fonder


CSI Level One
Welcome the thread #5 in dedication to our fave ship, Horatio and Calleigh! Pull up a seat, help yourselves to some cookies and whatever else you can find around here (There are some root beer floats in the fridge...;), and watch as our couple spend some time together.

As a threadwarming present, I bring you...


A little bit of Lonely Road Love from "Cross Jurisdictions". *sigh* Good times, good times...

We'll have a vote on the new thread title as soon as my mind comes back to me. :lol: Or if anyone else wants to do that for me... :lol:

And for the nostalgic... here are the previous threads:

The Horatio/Calleigh Shipper Thread #1
H/Cal: "Hot Flashes. But That's Just Them" - DuCaine #2
H/Cal: Everything Was Compromised. Everything But You. #3
H/Cal#4 - Handsome and his Bullet Girl

Edited to change thread title.
Re: H/Cal #5 - Untitled

MMMM COOKIES & FLOATS, I thank you much!! Well here is hoping to some Ducaine scenes so we'll actually have more to chat about. For now, here are my title contributions...sorry if they suck.

H/Cal #5: Ducaine...end game.
H/Cal #5: He likes his lady in black! (girl, gal or sweetheart)
H/Cal #5: I'll catch you when you fall.
Re: H/Cal #5 - Untitled

H/Cal #5: Lonely Road Ain't So Lonely
H/Cal #5: Lonely Road Love
H/Cal #5: End Game? Hell Yeah!

My suggestions.. not my best, but I tried :lol:
Re: H/Cal #5 - Untitled

Hey Everyone,

Okay we need a title...

They all sound good but I like something with DuCaine...

Have fun deciding! :D :D :D

How about :lol:

"Keep the DuCaine love alive!"
"TPTB, Give us back DuCaine."
"DuCaine is the only way."
Then my Fav... "Love is DuCaine." ;)

HCrazy :cool:
Re: H/Cal #5 - Untitled

Hey guys here are a few.... :D :D

HCrazy/HAngel/EmerAngel....big hello, and hug :)

Ducaine.."Heaven in their eyes"
DuCaine.."Forever in passions desire"
DuCaine..."His desire, is her Fire"

Good luck :)
Re: H/Cal #5 - Untitled

Woohoo! A new thread! Nice goin', as H would say :)

I personally like these titles:
DuCaine Is End Game!
Keepin' The DuCaine Love Alive

Here's to hoping the next couple of episodes have some DuCaine scenes, especially "Stand Your Ground."

You guys have definitely inspired me w/your fanfic and music videos. I recently went through the CSI:Miami seasons to see what I could dig up of "DuCaine" in terms of footage, and there was wayyy too much from Seasons 1-4 to put on my hard drive! I was like "Holy cow!" I forgot all the DuCaine goodness, even in Season 4.

I'm starting to come up w/some sort of backstory to explain this whole lack of scenes, and I think the song "Don't Speak" by No Doubt is perfect. (Yea, I have no life :rolleyes: ) I'm also mixing in some stuff from NYPD, "King of NY" and "Kiss of Death."

Just a question - I was tryin' w/my limited technology to make "DuCaine" videos, but I'm not sure how to post them on YouTube once I'm done. If someone could PM me about this, that would be great. Thanks!
Re: H/Cal #5 - Untitled

Hey y'all!!! :D ***pops open champaigne for all (non-alcoholic, of course ;) )***

WooHoo!!! We made it to thread #5!!! ***does happy dance all around*** :) :) :)

Luvin' so great to see you!!! ***Huge Angel Hugs*** :D

Hmmmm... new title huh? Let's see... :confused: I agree with HCrazy that it should have "DuCaine" in the title... How about...

DuCaine = End Game (DUH :rolleyes: ) :lol:


DuCaine... Horatio + Calleigh = True Love
DuCaine... A Love That Lasts Forever
DuCaine... Absence Makes the Heart Grow Fonder
Re: H/Cal #5 - Untitled

New thread, aww, so lovely. :)

I like those last three, their definately ducaine-ish, and we really need some freaking scenes soon or I'm going to lose it. seriously.
Re: H/Cal #5 - Untitled

I just wanted to join the party. Congratulations for the new thread, it was hard since we haven't had good scenes for ages, but you did it anyway.
I'm shy to post here, because I don't speak english very well, but I think I should do it often, to keep this wonderful couple alive. ;)
Thanks for the videos and fanfics, in that you are the best guys :D
Re: H/Cal #5 - Untitled

Hi Ruth!

Don't be shy; a lot of people here don't have English as their first language. And you're already doing very well!!! Help yourself to some root beer floats or some cookies and come join the DuCaine love! :)

Re: H/Cal #5 - Untitled

Thanks Sissi!! I'm gonna join the Ducaine love with a couple bottles of white chilean wine, since we are good producers of it. Are you agree with my choice?? Let me know if you aren't :D

Cheers for Ducaine, and the faithful fans :D
Re: H/Cal #5 - Untitled

Hey everyone,

OMG!!! Next weeks Promo with Calleigh looks great and I am thinking there is no way they can keep H from being with her on this! It looks amazing and now I am really psyched!!!!


Re: H/Cal #5 - Untitled

Hey guys,

Let's all keep in mind that posts need to be at least three lines of on topic discussion. Off topic discussion needs to be kept to a minimum and should not overshadow on topic discussion.

Also, when talking about thread titles, please keep it brief and make sure to still have three lines of on topic discussion.
