Re: H/Cal #5 - Untitled
Hi everyone!! THREAD #5, YEAHHH!!!!

Congrats everyone, and I'm so sorry I'm late! *shakes fist at teachers*
Anyway, it's great to see everyone still keeping the DuCaine love alive.
HCrazy, I fell in love with those wallpapers! Great job!! If we got DuCaine for Christmas, I'd be smiling so much!!
Welcome to
Ruth, and welcome back

All the shippers are coming back, yay!!
I LOVE the title, 'Absence makes the heart grow fonder'!! I voted for it, and it's perfect! Please make it our title!
I realise that we have been disappointed with 'Chain Reaction' and last week's eppie as well, but we did get a scene with them together in 'Chain Reaction', and no matter how small it was, it was something anyway. (says the one with infinite optimism...

I didn't see the episode, but I saw a cap of them together on
liten's site, and I got really emotional. You could see a little tear in my eye... Their chemistry just can't be denied, no matter how hard the writers try to push them apart. And try though they might, you can't stop the inevitable. You can never stop Horatio and Calleigh being together. To coin the words of Tori Amos from 'Bells for Her':
'Can't stop what's coming, can't stop what is on its way.'
That's us right there. I watched
horatiosangel's DuCaine re-write with the 'Chain Reaction' scenes, and felt much better!!
I am really hoping that with Monday's eppie we will see Horatio show the same concern for Calleigh as he did in 'Going Under', which seems like ages ago now. But hang in there, we'll make it through. This is just an observation from an obsessed poetry-freak; why would Horatio be the first on the scene when Calleigh is run off the road into the river, and then ignore her when she has a gun pointed at her over a year later? It would make absolutely no sense character-wise, but if all else fails, we have fanfiction to tide us over.

And we will storm the headquarters of CBS, demanding an explanation as to why they passed up this wonderful opportunity to show Horatio's HUMAN side as he consoled Calleigh after her ordeal. I completely agree as well,
mjszud. I will lay the smackdown on all their candy-asses!! *blushes* Bit of The Rock there... darn WWE... :lol:
I just saw
HCrazy's promo, and I'm screaming half out of fear and half out of excitement!! OMG! I'm so excited!!!
Before I head off on a rant and completely deviate from why I'm here, today is November 18th, the 'Kill Zone' anniversary!!

*happy dance*
It was 5 years ago today, when Horatio and Calleigh stood on top of the InterContinental hotal building tracking homicidal sniper, Christopher Harwood, and we had the great 'hot flashes' moment:
HORATIO: So what do you get when a six-foot-tall man lays down with a three-foot-long rifle?
CALLEIGH: Hot flashes, but that's just me.
As well as this scene...
And this scene...
And this scene...
And this great quote:
CALLEIGH: I don't look good in all-black.
HORATIO: I beg to differ.
Great times, great times.

It was quintessentially the perfect CSI: Miami episode with Horatio and Calleigh working together, a riveting plot, and fantastic scenes.

Enjoy the caps and all the memories!

See you again soon, and hopefully after Monday, we'll be having ourselves a H/C celebration!!!!
Byee!! Great to be back again!