H/Cal #4: Handsome and his Bullet Girl!

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Hey Emerald, thanks for the words and the petition. :D OMG!!!! I so love your new video of H and Cal... OMG!!! :eek: :D :D :D I love it and you did an awesome job as I run over to put it up on my site! "Nothing else matters" Up on You tube I believe, everyone go check it out, its awesomeeeeeeeeee! I can guarantee you will al be smiling and gushing at the end! :lol: :lol: :lol:

LMH, keep up the great work and the awesome poems! You rock girl! :D

DuCaine baby! :cool:


Another poem and pic inspired by HCrazy's picture

Keep the Faith :cool:
Hey everyone

LMH. I really love your poems they all are really wonderful,I do enjoy reading them. If you could pm me Camp Fear that would be really awesome, I'm in need for a great smutty story.

HCrazy your manips are fantastic as always, I love them all.

Emerald, I think the petition is such a great idea and I'm going to sign that very soon.

DuCaine forever!

Being the new kid on the block, just wanted to check in and say "hi" to all. I'm a big H/Cal fan, although their fan base appears to be dwindling somewhat.

Haven't had time to read all the posts, but what's this petition? Hope it's to the creators, writers, cast, etc., requesting they increase H/Cal onscreen time, even renewing their former bantering and flirting.
Welcome skyqueen!!! ***waves hello*** :D

Emerald's petition is part of the H/Cal group/thread over at yahoo. Sorry, I can't post the link. Against the rules, I think. But google it or something and the thread should come up. Then you just need to join to post and stuff. :)

luvingmyHoratio, AAAWWWWW...what a great, tender poem. Brings a tear to my eye. :eek: I so miss our H/Cal moments. :( But with your wonderful poems and HOT stories :devil: and HCrazy's awesome pics, we keep the faith alive!!! ;)

Now I'm rushing over to youtube to check out Em's new vid. I'm so excited!!! ***skips off to the web*** :D
***waves back***

Horatiosangel: Thanks for info on yahoo group. Found it, joined and signed.

Thanks for the welcome!
Hey Skyqueen,

Welcome to our wonderful group of Horatio and Calleigh! :D

I promise you will have lots of fun here! :devil:

You can also check out my profile and click on the link that will take you to my HCrazy website. :D Its purely H and C Fanfic, pics, soundbytes and videos and a bunch of other fun stuff. :devil: :devil: :devil:

Anyway welcome and glad to have you on board! ;)

Hey Suzie, Thanks so much my friend!!! :D :D :D

DuCaine Forever! :D
Thanks for the warm welcome. :lol:

:pAre these your pics I keep seeing? WOW!!!! TERRIFIC!!! :p

;)Just watched (again and again) "Under Suspicion", one of the best examples of H/C moments. Makes my day.
If you haven't had a chance yet, go check out Emer's video's on You tube. They are very, very awesome. Great job Emer. :D

Also I've done a new short story Rrated DuCaine of Course. :devil: :devil: :devil: PM me please.

@ Skyqueen, Welcome to our ship, it's wonderful to have you.
Have some Jelly Beans. :D

Keep the faith ladies.

Remember, DuCaine Love is True Love :)

I watched Grand Prix again last night. I just can't get enough of the hotness , when "H" stairs at Calleigh's butt, as they are headed into that party. :devil: :devil:

I mean you could hear him saying , "Now that's Hottttt"!!!
luvingmyhoratio, it has come to my attention that you are also posting some of your picture manipulations and poems in this thread in the Fan Fiction Forum. Just to let you know, this is a form of spamming, as you are posting the same thing in two separate forums. Here's a reference to the relevant part of the Board Rules:
You can't post the same thing multiple times on the board.
I appreciate that you may not have been aware of this rule, so it's just a request to bear this is mind.

From now on, please could you post your manips/poetry in the thread that you created in the Fan Fiction Forum. Shipper Central is not really the appropriate place for creative writing and picture manipulations. Thanks. :)
I miss the good old DuCaine. I really wish they will get more scenes in the new coming season, they really deserve it and see that spark that they used to have again.

LMH has kept the faith for us alot with everything, and sorry to our beloved mod, we'll be good. ;)
Ladies, If you get the chance get up to You Tube and catch Emer's new Video "Crucify". It is amazing. Such talent young lady, you should be proud. :D

"2" New Poem and pick in Poetry thread. I just added another, I just did.

P.S. Then head over to Yahoo group and check out Emer's new story "Kissing You".

Keep the Faith
Hey Ladies!!!

Just wanted to stop by and say Hi. LMH, you're new short story was ... beyond words. :D

And HCrazy I finally made it over to your website and it is AWESOME!!! And I signed your guestbook, like you asked. :)

I checked out Emerald's vids last night and instantly became a subcriber of hers. You're right, LMH what a talented woman!!!

DuCaine Forever!!!
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