H/Cal #4: Handsome and his Bullet Girl!

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Hey Girls!! "It's ready" , Camp Fear Part 2 :cool:. I've already sent it out to a few of you. So if you didn't recieve it, let me know and I'll send it again. :D

I also have a new one in the Works it's called "KILL ZONE" :devil: :devil: :devil: :devil:

It's hottttteeeeerrrr with our favorite couple, and some hot Manips from our ever talented HCrazy. :devil: :D
Oh boy are they all in for a .... SURPRISE!!!! :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek:

Hold on to your PC because they may explode! :lol: :devil: ;)

Okay girls, new poem and pic.

@Inthewind, Megan930, Melty Fan. Just to let you all know, Incase you missed the earlier posts. this is very Rrated, above N17. If you're still interested PM me.

As for the rest of our DuCaine Girls, that was hot wasn't it. :devil: :devil:

Just wait till the next one.. Especially with the new pics from our HCrazy :devil: :p :p

See ya'll soon. :D
Hey, everyone! :D I have been away for a long time (according to me :p )and have come bearing some goodies! :lol:

I have finally finished chapter two of the Hurricane Anthony Remake, which I just put up on its thread. I made a wallpaper with Hcrazy's JK/C manip and its over in the WP thread :)

I know you said PM, but LMH, could you please PM me the R rated scene? I have caramel tart and malteasers! :p

Inthewind, please try and make your posts 3 lines line at least ad avoid double posting like its the plague. Just a warning, because I dont want you getting in trouble with the mods ;)

Morning Ladies, new pic and poem. Though I just noticed I spelled Electricity wrong, Opps :rolleyes: :p

Oh well!! moving on. :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

Keep the faith Ladies and talk to ya'll soon. :D
Hello DuCaine fans!! :) It's nice to see some new faces!! Welcome again, and I hope you're having a great time in here!!!

I've been having fun making a new slideshow with the recent manips by HCrazy, and I was so hyper I was up 'til after 2am this morning!!! :lol:

Loving the poems, LMH! You're amazing! I have a few poems to post today, will do that soon! :)

Are there still people sending postcards for the postcard campaign, which I thought was really successful in rallying everyone together. :) I'm thinking of starting that petition I was talking about a while back... and I just have!! :D

Here's the link!:


Sign and show your support!!! :D :) If we sent it the week of the S6 premiere or something, that would get them to sit up and pay attention! Come on!!! :lol:

Just to talk about scenes in S1, or 'DuCaine heaven' as it is affectionately dubbed, one of my faves will always be from 'Simple Man' when he asked Calleigh to process those golden talon bullets, and she gave him this look that spoke volumes. She was going to be behind him, and do this for him. It was a massive favour, that he knew, because the case had already gone to trial, and time wasn't on their side, but Horatio knew he could rely on her. Once more, Calleigh demonstrates her incredible loyalty to Horatio. It's that devotion that makes this ship so endearing to me. :)

Here's a few caps from the eppie:

One look with so many meanings...
And he knows he can depend on her...
Cal: Okay... quickly and quietly... H: Thank you...

Aww, and she gets a 'Nice going' later on!!! :) And a big hug at home!! :D I wish!! :lol:
Hey girls, just to let you all know, I've signed the petition for our favorite couple. :D :D I hope we all get our wishes. :D If we don't I think our next step would be to go directly to them, with signs and march around the building until they give us what we want". :mad: :mad:

Keep the Faith Girls.. :devil: :cool:

@Emer, love what you've done. You are totally awesome :lol:
Thanks for the daily DuCaine fix, LMH. :cool: I just got back online after they hooked up my FiOS. I was starting to have withdrawal symptoms. ;)

I soooo wish that kiss would happen in real life!!! :p

Em has a petition up over at the yahoo thread to get our H/Cal scenes back. Make sure you go and sign it , if you haven't already. TPTB have got to listen to us fans!!! :mad:

Hey Ladies.... Another poem and pic.

@Emerald, Thanks for the Compliments, and for your awesome FB on everything :D *BIG HUG*

@ horatiosangel, Glad you're up and running again. Thnaks for the Compliments :) I love giving you girls your fix, you all really boost my confidence :lol:

*Look more Jelly Beans :D :D

At Melty Fan, Thanks for your Compliments also, and hope you'll enjoy the Camp Fear :devil: :devil: :p :p

As always girls, Keep the Faith, and remember

Ducaine love is True Love. :)
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