Hello DuCaine fans!!

It's nice to see some new faces!! Welcome again, and I hope you're having a great time in here!!!
I've been having fun making a new slideshow with the recent manips by
HCrazy, and I was so hyper I was up 'til after 2am this morning!!! :lol:
Loving the poems,
LMH! You're amazing! I have a few poems to post today, will do that soon!
Are there still people sending postcards for the postcard campaign, which I thought was really successful in rallying everyone together.

I'm thinking of starting that petition I was talking about a while back... and I just have!!
Here's the link!:
Sign and show your support!!!

If we sent it the week of the S6 premiere or something, that would get them to sit up and pay attention! Come on!!! :lol:
Just to talk about scenes in S1, or 'DuCaine heaven' as it is affectionately dubbed, one of my faves will always be from 'Simple Man' when he asked Calleigh to process those golden talon bullets, and she gave him this look that spoke volumes. She was going to be behind him, and do this for him. It was a massive favour, that he knew, because the case had already gone to trial, and time wasn't on their side, but Horatio knew he could rely on her. Once more, Calleigh demonstrates her incredible loyalty to Horatio. It's that devotion that makes this ship so endearing to me.
Here's a few caps from the eppie:
One look with so many meanings...
And he knows he can depend on her...
Cal: Okay... quickly and quietly... H: Thank you...
Aww, and she gets a 'Nice going' later on!!!

And a big hug at home!!

I wish!! :lol: