Hey guys,
Loved the cross-over pic - man I miss Speed! CSI:M should really do another cross-over w/Vegas - that would rock!
OK, I have to say, I was thinking about why I'm such a devoted H/C shipper (a lot of people can just jump from ship to ship, but I'm too freakin' stubborn

), and I think I came up with an answer.
Watching the earlier seasons, and listening to DVD commentary, it was obvious that the writers weren't writing "DuCaine" scenes - they were writing crime scenes, and the actors had such great chemistry that it was awesome! The way Calleigh would say something, the way Horatio would lean in toward her, etc. There weren't any "romance" scenes - it was all very natural and part of the show's plot.
The whole E/C thing (again, no disrespect intended!) is really just forced. I liked the scene between Eric and Cal in "Man Down," but the other stuff - it's so obvious that the writers are trying to force them together as a couple. The scenes are written to address the possible romantic element of their relationship, and it's just coming off as forced.
With Calleigh and H, the scenes flowed well and were never intended to indicate a romance - it was that natural on screen. They're just an amazing duo, and I think by not putting them together for the majority of this season, a lot of fans may have forgotten that and "jumped" ship, so to speak.
I know H/C fans are losing in the poll on Wiki (about which relationship should go canon) but I think that's because H and Cal haven't had a scene together in forever. People may not realize the easy banter and great friendship these two once had - and long-time fans of the show can only wonder what happened.
Even if the writers don't want to pursue a romantic relationship, they can still do what they did w/Catherine and Grissom on CSI:LV. I saw the finale, and the two leads had some great scenes together, even though everyone knows Grissom is dating Sarah.
I just feel like the whole H/C friendship could be a big bonus to the series - especially when it comes to character arcs. I think the finale set us up for some good Calleigh background next year (the reference to brothers, the troubled family, the way Calleigh was somewhat emotional about the whole case, etc.). I hope they follow through.
I miss H/C - and I'm on board for whatever we fans can do to bring them back together.