Hello everybody!! Great to be back!
First off, thanks for all the birthday greetings.

I had a great 18th, and the WP made my day!!

H and Cal poitning guns, hot flashes!!! :lol: Thanks again,
HCrazy, you're fantastic!!
Here is something to talk about: Did you always ship H and Cal from the very beginning? Did you always feel their vibe together as a couple?
For me, I was content to let them be simply work colleagues following most of S4(terrible I know!!), but after watching S1, I opened my eyes. It was by chance that I stumbled on many more people who shared the same view about their chemistry, or I could have gone down a different road, and not our Lonely Road!! But even in 'Shock', I could see their chemistry, even by that short conversation. The look in Calleigh's eyes made me think a lot... But even after the S3 fianle, and 'From the Grave', it was only after I watched them again that I thought did something happen between them after S3? Did Horatio convince her to come back to the lab? That's another thing I love about this ship. So much is left to our imagination, we're free to wonder and specualte madly and fill in the obvious gaps. Although after 2 seasons without decent conversations can put a dent in anyone's spirit... we can't really build on anything if they never speak to one another!!!

When I saw 'Under Suspicion', I was speculating like mad, because the tension was so unbearable, and when Calleigh held Horatio's hands, I felt it was going to explode!!! :devil: And the fact that she had that slight smile on ehr face, and the look they shared after... *fans self* The hottest hand-holding I'd ever seen!!

Hopefully now, as they work together more in S6(fingers crossed, and if TPTB listen to and heed our campaign), the saying, 'Absence makes the heart grow fonder' will be very true. If they do work together as closely as they did in S1, I believe Calleigh will have some serious thinking to do concerning her feelings for Horatio, as will he. We all know that Horatio would never, never hurt Calleigh like Hagen and Peter Elliot have done. He will comfort and protect her and love her like she deserves. Calleigh will never leave Horatio like all the other girls either. She is his strength, and is so loyal to him through the hardest times.
Bottom line is,
they need each other. They will only ever be right for each other. They will prevail until the end, and I'm going to wait for them, until the last episode of the very last season. They truely are my passion.
What are your own thoughts everyone? Was it DuCaine all the way, or was it one look or a single moment that converted you??

Just an update on the postcards: my neighbour and her friend have decided to help me, and they are sending postcards to David, Emily, the 2 magazines and the writers!! 5 to each of them, so that's 25, plus my 20 is 45 total!!

I'm so happy to make a contribution!! This is already a huge success!!
You know that song, 'Destination Calabria'? That video... *shiver* Anyhoo, I believe our goal, our objective, our 'destination' it's not 'unknown', it's 'end game'!! So here's the song with a minor lyric change... copyrights belong to Alex Gaudino.
Destination End Game
And if you like this you can follow me so let's go,
Follow me
And let's go
To the place where we belong and leave our troubles at home
Come with me
We can go
To our paradise of love and joy
Our destination end game
Brief moment of craziness there...
@ HCrazy: I'm so glad you got a reply from Corey Miller!

I was just about ready to give up until I read the message on the Yahoo! Group, and that clears up everything!!

I'm so happy!!
Here's some pics of some "lab lovin'" from 'Camp Fear'! :devil:
H: By the way... a present for you from Alexx. *And I get to hold your hand...*
Cal: Nasal mucus. H: Hmm...
Cal: And it isn't even my birthday...
H: Sorry about that. Cal: *I don't mind really... you held my hand...
Oh, the cuteness!! *squee*
Back tomorrow!! Hopefully with another slideshow!!