Hi guys!!

I'm back from Miami, and I had a blast!!

Feels great to be back, and I'm well rested after all that jet lag!!
You'll never guess what: when I was in Miami last week, I saw the Inter-continental hotel building where Horatio and Calleigh tracked Chris Harwood in 'Kill Zone'!!

OMG!! And that's where they had the 'hot flashes' conversation too!!

I was halfway to tears when I spotted it on my way back from the Everglades in Downtown Miami, and all the meories from 'Kill Zone' came flooding back, which was the epitome of a DuCaine episode for me.
Also, when I was heading back to Miami International airport to catch my flight home, I kept looking for the coral quarry where they tracked the sniper to, it was very, very exciting!

If there was ever an episode to embody everything that I love about DuCaine, 'Kill Zone' is that and more. I kept quoting the 'all-balck' and 'hot flashes' comment to my mum, and she thought I was nuts!!! :lol: Can ya blame me, they're amazingly brilliant!!!

And each time I saw a Hummer, I imagined them driving off somewhere together!!
I also swam with dolphins, which was cool, and I thought after what it would have been like to see Horatio in a wetsuit and clinging to the dorsal fin of a dolphin!!! :lol: And Calleigh taking pictures of him all wet!!!

:lol: It would be so sweet if they took a trip to the Seaquarium, and I'd make sure they had a private swim with no one gaping at them!!!

I'm going nuts after it all, Miami was just amaing, and it felt good to be in the city where DuCaine was born.
Here are some photos of the famed Inter-continental hotel I uploaded today, where our dynamic duo made that wonderful moment!!!
Inter-continental hotel1
And this is where they stood looking over Miami, side by side:
'Hot flashes, but that's just me...'
I hope you like!! I wasn't able to up on the roof, but I stood nearby smiling and wearing my Horatio sunnies!! :lol:

That was the definite highlight for me!
S6 is almost here, and I've posted my petition today, so fingers crossed for more H/C!! Yay!! Loving all the talk in here, and it's great to see you all!
Luving, Hcrazy, HAngel, BG, starbuckhan, Suzie and everyone!! Missed you all!!
I will be on again this weekend, and again the weekend after, 'cos I'm in school again and won't have much time to post.

Keep the faith tho', and I will never give up on Horatio and Calleigh. I'll fight to keep them alive. TRUE LOVE NEVER DIES!!!!
Just before I go to bed, here's some images of one of my fave moments from 'Wet Foot, Dry Foot', the great 'How old are you?' scene *squee*

He's so amused, just look at that smile.
Oh, just kiss her, you know you want to!!
They were so cute in that scene!! An obvious sign of their flirting and chemistry.

And who could forget the 'two hearts beat as one' line, which is the definition of DuCaine, always and forever.
See ya!!!