H/Cal #3: Everything was compromised. Everything but you.

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Re: H/Cal #3: Everything was compromised. Everything but You

Hey hey where is everyone? BG....minion? Hello? **Mo glances around as the words echo slightly...**
I'm right here, Mo! :D *huggles* :lol:

Oooh! my thread name is up there still! Yay for "Handsome and his Bullet Girl!"

If that ends up as the thread title, I'll have to get "Knighted" like people do by the queen, right? :lol:

EDIT: My thread title is tied! :eek: I hope it wins! :lol:

*runs to teller and places bet on name* :p Go Handsome and his Bullet Girl! go, go, go! :lol:
Re: H/Cal #3: Everything was compromised. Everything but You

Heehee! Yay someone else hanging out in here! :lol: *Huggles!*
Yup "your" thread title is still up there! ;) It was actually the winner of the last poll...so it's popular! :D
Lol, if that thread title wins I'll see if I can get H or Cal to dub you Thread Title knight of the day or something...how's that?! :lol:

You're too cute! :D
Re: H/Cal #3: Everything was compromised. Everything but You

Yeah, by the floridian order of the..... *looks around* by the floridian order of the rose, I now pronounce you "Thread Title Bodyguard," (I haven't forgotten our little joke a while back either hahaha) *cough* "knight!" Congratulations, Bullet_Girl!


I know. I had to check back on it twice just to make sure of it haha :p
^^ on the title thing, not the cuteness thing :lol:

But I have to say I am cute.... :D

EDIT: If you have ever watched "Princess Diaries" you'd know where I got the "Floridian order of the rose" thing from :p only in the movie it's, "The Genovian order of the rose" :lol:
Re: H/Cal #3: Everything was compromised. Everything but You

Hello everyone!! Great to be back!! :D

I've been voting away the last 2 days on the titles, and getting excited for the new thread!! :) I love all of them! Let's save the ones that don't win for the next thread! So far, the poll is looking good. :)

@ BG: I love that movie!! Anne Hathaway and Julie Andrews are really good!! :D If there was a dubbing with H and Cal, Horatio could be dressed in blue velvet, and Calleigh could be wearing a gorgeaus gown... the King and Queen of Miami!! :D :lol:

Hey, Mo, I've got something creepy to tell you! I watched 'Simple Man' too!! :eek: DuCainer minds thinking alike again!! We are all on the same wavelength it seems! :D

I loved the first scene they had together, of course, as well the scene when she brought the results to him in the courthouse. It was just the two of them, and I think Cal was a little overwhelmed by the occasion to say the least! But she accomplished what Horatio asked of her to a 't', all for his case. She even put Hagen's case on the back-burner!! A la Nelson Muntz, 'HA HA!!' This case was of the greatest importance for Horatio, and she probably thought, 'He's so worth it! He appreciates my work, and appreciates me for me...' Such a gentleman!! :)

Here's the transcript:

(Horatio sits in a quiet area.)

CALLEIGH: (o.s.) Hey.

(Horatio gets to his feet when Calleigh walks in.)

HORATIO: How'd we do?

CALLEIGH: I did a mix and match from the vault and finally got a test-fire.

HORATIO: Bottom line?

(She hands him the file.)

CALLEIGH: Bonita Cruz and Abby Sandoval were killed by the same weapon.

HORATIO: We got a match.

CALLEIGH: We got a match.

(Horatio takes the file and is already leaving.)

HORATIO: Excellent. Nice going.

CALLEIGH: (sighs) Thank you.

(Calleigh takes a moment, then turns and leaves.)

So sweet, especially when he called out 'Nice going' as he left, she was just in time! And he knew he could rely on her to complete it 'quickly and quietly'. Always there for each other in tough situations, that's DuCaine right there!

Here's some caps of that scene:

Horatio all by his lonesome...

But Calleigh comes by with good news...

H: Nice going. Cal: (soulful sigh)Thank you.

It has been pretty quiet, I've noticed... they'll come back, I know they will... especially for FREE NUTELLA!!!

*The bait is set... hee hee!!* :lol: :lol:

Now come back! ;)

For now, I'm heading to BG's DuCaine discussion forum... it's really fun!!

Back soon!!
Re: H/Cal #3: Everything was compromised. Everything but You

@ BG: I love that movie!! Anne Hathaway and Julie Andrews are really good!! If there was a dubbing with H and Cal, Horatio could be dressed in blue velvet, and Calleigh could be wearing a gorgeaus gown... the King and Queen of Miami!!
Ohhhhh...... I hope Cal is in a black gown... ;) :lol:

It has been pretty quiet, I've noticed... they'll come back, I know they will... especially for FREE NUTELLA!!!
YUMMY!!!!! :lol:

*The bait is set... hee hee!!*
*looks up from jar of Nutella and says,* "Wait, you didn't spike this did you? :lol:

Oh, and my thread title is still winning! yay! *places more money* you can do it, I just know you can! :p
Re: H/Cal #3: Everything was compromised. Everything but You


Aww those caps were cute, especially the last one. She took a moment to compose herself before continuing on...the power of the red hair overcame her for a second.
Hmmm...so the co-host of my radio show made a show opener, and at the very end of the opener, she put a clip of H going 'Burn baby burn!' It's GREAT!!!

Oooh, so I'm watching the episode of 'Frasier' where Niles and Daphne finally accept their feelings for each other and the following scenario would be perfect for H and Cal. Put H in Niles' place, Cal in Daphne's place, and any love interest of Cal's in Donny's place.

Niles: So I was just talking to Frasier about a conversation you two had.
Daphne: Oh, dear.
Niles: Don't get upset.
Daphne: I specifically asked him not to say anything. What was he thinking?
Niles: No, I'm - I'm glad he told me.
Daphne: Yes, so we can have a big talk about it. That's what you psychiatrists always do: drag everything out in the open so we could work through it, no matter how awkward it might be. Well I just don't see the point...
Niles: Daphne, I'm glad he told me...because I love you.
*They share a moment of just looking at each other*
*A sequence of interruptions from various characters ensues for a few minutes, until we rejoin our heroes on a private balcony...*
*Daphne joins Niles, standing alone on the balcony*
Daphne: I'm sorry about all that.
Niles: I must be in love. It doesn't even bother me that you've come with them. Lovely night, isn't it?
Daphne: Mmmm.
Niles: Stars are out, nice breeze, *sniffs* night-blooming jasmine. Of course, there's the beautiful girl...
Daphne: Dr. Crane, I still haven't answered your question.
Niles: I know. That's why I keep talking. I guess if I don't get the answer I want, at least I can make this moment last a little longer...I'm not sure if it's jasmine or orange blossoms. You know, a lot of times...
Daphne: Oh, for God's sake, Dr. Crane...
*Daphne grabs Niles and kisses him slowly and sensually*
Niles:...I think you can call me Niles now.
*They share another kiss*

Wouldn't that be a nice DuCaine scene?
Re: H/Cal #3: Everything was compromised. Everything but You

*waves* hey all, just saying Hi, and Yeah for all things DuCaine. I'm a newcomer to the show (still catching up wiht back episodes) but I really noticed that Calleigh and Horatio don't even seem to have any scenes together anymore, and I'm so sad! At this point, I wish CSI would take a cue from LandO SVU, the tension is there, and you konw nothing is going to happen, but its acknowledged and part of the show. *sighs* oh well. Here's to hoping!!! (PS, love the clips! very cute!)
Re: H/Cal #3: Everything was compromised. Everything but You

Oohh, and I apologize in advance for any "social" gaffs I might inadvertantly commit. As a rule, I don't get involved with online posts, my space, LJ or whatever, so Please correct me if I have committed some error.
Re: H/Cal #3: Everything was compromised. Everything but You

Yay people are here again! :D Wohoo...lol! :lol:
Emer lol, that's really funny about "Simple Man", heehee! Cool beans hon, great minds think alike! :D
Okay narrowing our poll down again...here are the top 4 choices...vote away lovelies! And remember...DuCaine IS alive...it really is!! :D
Re: H/Cal #3: Everything was compromised. Everything but You

Thanks for the poll sweetie. (Ohhh cute icon by the way!!! I forgot to mention! DAMN THOSE REPORTERS!!! Grrr. They've got my little fluffy heart angry. :lol: But I'm not going to fret too much over it, D/L will get their kiss!)

I voted for: He Begs to Differ as well as She'll Walk That Road With Him!

Very cute titles, guys!

^^ Can you say 'hotness'?
Re: H/Cal #3: Everything was compromised. Everything but You

I sure can, kissmesweet :D

my thread title is up still! :lol: :devil: But how on earth did Calleigh manage to Lose Horatios Leather Chaps?! :lol: Cal needs to be taught a lesson now..... :devil:

And welcome to the DuCaine board, HCfancy :D You'll love it here! :D
Re: H/Cal #3: Everything was compromised. Everything but You

Woo hoo!!! The titles I've been voting on are winning!!! :D And welcome to HCfancy!!!
Re: H/Cal #3: Everything was compromised. Everything but You

Lol, I just realized for all our voting, we've still got a good 100+ posts to go before we can make a new thread title! :lol: So keep posting folks, we're doing good! :D

And yeah for all the lapse of DuCaine right now...they WILL sail again, I promise! If ever you doubt it just go back and watch the lovely DuCaine in Seas. 1 and remember how HOT they were...and then watch the scene our current title came from and realize that all that hotness is SO still alive and well...behind the scenes for a bit now, but it won't be able to stay that way forever! It'll burst out like the blazing hot fire that is it! :devil:
Re: H/Cal #3: Everything was compromised. Everything but You

I have to say I can see these two getting together. Some of their scenes together have been sizzling.
Re: H/Cal #3: Everything was compromised. Everything but You

:lol: My favorite one ;) is winning! :D and.... OH. MY. GOD! "Going Under" is on in less than 3 hours over here! that has the biggest DuCaine shipper moment since "The Hug" in Lost Son! I am sooooo excited! :D
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