H/Cal #3: Everything was compromised. Everything but you.

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Re: H/Cal #3: Everything was compromised. Everything but You

Hey all! :) The time is getting closer for thread #4! Excited, much?? :D

@ BG: I would never spike anything, especially not delicious Nutella! It worked though, more people, yay!! :D And be prepared for 'Going Under', it's gonna be amazing, and you will definitely shout 'YEAHHHH!!!' with the credits after the 'sweetheart' scene, and following this dialogue, which I can't resist posting yet again!!:

CALLEIGH: (ashamed) But it's all compromised.
HORATIO: (softly and lovingly) Yes... everything, but you, ma'am.

YEAHHHHH!!!!!!! :lol: :lol:

The poll has an obvious leader right now, looking great!! :)

Just to talk 'Handsome', nobody else has ever called him that, not even Rebecca, she called him 'sir'. :confused: What kinda name is that, 'sir'? 'I love you, sir...' :rolleyes: :mad: Well, he did call her 'ma'am,' I suppose. But that means that he has feelings for Calleigh 'cos he calls her ma'am too. He has respect towards Calleigh and all she stands for, as well as that deep, burning 'forbidden love'. :D I suppose that's why he calls her 'ma'am', not just to be polite. And 'sweetheart' didn't just slip out, did it? Came from the heart, and was completely sincere, just like 'Handsome' was. *sigh* I love discussing nicknames, and finding DuCaine connections in everything!! :D

Welcome to HCfancy, enjoy the DuCaine madness in here! :)

@ Speedslady: Nice to see another H/C supporter. It is obvious isn't it? Their chemistry is undeniable, and the flirting is unforgettable! Here are the memorable flirting moments, that melt my heart everytime I hear them. :) :

Kill Zone

HORATIO: So what do you get when a six-foot-tall man lays down with a three-
foot-long rifle?

CALLEIGH: Hot flashes. But that's just me.

*points at siggie* How blatant is that?? :D

HORATIO: And the answer, my friend... is blowin' in the wind.

(He looks at Calleigh, she looks back.

Long intense look.)

Wet Foot, Dry Foot

HORATIO: You got something for me?

CALLEIGH: I got a question.


CALLEIGH: How old are you?

HORATIO: (smiles) Hmm. 45. Caliber round, right?

CALLEIGH: See the rifling characteristics?

(She nods toward the monitor.)

HORATIO: I do. Now I've got a question for you.


HORATIO: Do you think that's a Colt?


HORATIO: (nods) So do I.

CALLEIGH: Bullet from the torso on the left. Bullet from the boat on the

HORATIO: Two hearts beat as one.

(The elevator dings and the doors open. Horatio steps out into the hallway.
Calleigh catches up with him.)

CALLEIGH: Horatio ...

HORATIO: I like that tone.

(Horatio takes out his phone and dials.)

CALLEIGH: That's an affirmative on the .45. It's the source of all three


(He opens the door, they walk through it.)

CALLEIGH: Doesn't that mean we have the guy?

HORATIO: Well, you tell me. (They walk clear through the lab and into the
hallway on the other side.) You make a run for freedom you shoot your sister
along the way and then you try to save her life.

CALLEIGH: See, this is why I like ballistics. It's an exact science.

HORATIO: (smiles) Mm.

(Calleigh walks away.)

And here's the 'Lonely Road' scene from 'Simple Man':

CALLEIGH: John! I got the results for your causeway shooter. It matches
across the aboard. He's going away.

JOHN HAGEN: You got that right. Patrol picked him up already.

CALLEIGH: I thought you needed ballistics to file on him.

JOHN HAGEN: We got ballistics. He shot someone else after we cut him loose.

CALLEIGH: I thought you were going to watch him.

JOHN HAGEN: We did. He got into a beef with a street-level dealer; grabbed his
gun and put two rounds in him before our guys could get out of the car.

CALLEIGH: God, I am so sorry.

JOHN HAGEN: Hey, one lowlife pops another. The streets are safer for it. Just
be glad it wasn't a taxpayer, for you and Horatio's sake.

CALLEIGH: Oh, no, that release was my call. He didn't have anything to do with

JOHN HAGEN: Listen, I know you look up to the guy ...

CALLEIGH: Sure, I do.

JOHN HAGEN: I'm just saying, it's a hell of a lonely road he's walking.

CALLEIGH: Well, that's why I'm walking it with him.

(Calleigh gives Det. John Hagen the file. She turns and walks away. He watches
her go.)

Broken Yippee!! :D :)

CALLEIGH: (to headset) She's talking to someone but whoever it is stayed off

(On the monitor, Calleigh watches footage of the back hallway. She sees Ruthie
holding someone's hand and walking through the hallway.)

CALLEIGH: (to headset) He must have surveilled the place. He knew how to stay
out of sight. Where are you?

HORATIO: (from headset) I'm walking towards the bathroom.

(Calleigh looks up at the security monitor.)

CALLEIGH: Okay, I don't see you... I don't see you... hello, handsome. I see
your hand.

(Sure enough, Horatio's hand and part of his feet break into the security camera

(Horatio leans against the desk studying the shoe prints hanging on the view
box. Next to him at the desk, Calleigh has her head down.)

HORATIO: (softly) Calleigh?

(Calleigh lifts her head up and gasps when she realizes that she's fallen

CALLEIGH: Oh, my god. I'm so sorry. I closed my eyes just for a second.

HORATIO: Don't worry about it. You're a morning person.

CALLEIGH: Horatio, I don't know what happened.

HORATIO: You're fine. Do me a favor and take a look at subject B and tell me
if you see anything peculiar about it.

(Calleigh stands and moves next to Horatio to look at the shoe prints.)

CALLEIGH: His weight's all in the back.

HORATIO: Mm-hmm. See, normally when someone takes a step it's heel, ball, toe.


HORATIO: But in this case there's pressure on the arch and not the toe.

CALLEIGH: Are you thinking his shoes are too big for his feet?

HORATIO: When someone takes the time to put on a pair of shoes that are three
sizes too large it can mean that they're trying to hide their identity.

CALLEIGH: Just like he did with cameras.

HORATIO: Mm-hmmm.

CALLEIGH: You know, subject B's steps peter out near the storage room.

HORATIO: Hmm. Okay, and we have trace soil on the fourth print, don't we?


HORATIO: Good. What would you like in your coffee?

CALLEIGH: (smiles) Sugar.

(Horatio chuckles.)

So sweet! :D Nothing blatant, just very subtle but with such an impact!! :D Don't deny it, ladies, there is something so much deeper between them, and I believe that the theory of 'behind the scenes' is a very feasible explanation for the lack of interaction the last 2 seasons.

Look at the evidence:
1) They hardly work together, seeing as there is so much tension in the air everytime they meet.
2) They communicate only by phone calls, seeing as how they would melt if they talked face to face seeing as how that affect each other. (Even though the sound of the other's voice is enough to make them melt anyway.)
3) Even in Horatio's absence, Calleigh still wears all-black, hoping to walk past him, and subliminally tease him.
4) They smile softly around each other. (If ever they're around each other...)
5) They are two very professional people trying to keep their private business from interfering with their work, so they 'avoid' each other.

Ladies, I rest my case, and I beg to propose. I sound like a defense lawyer... :p

We are sailing through a rough patch, but we'll come through. Look, 4th thread already!! :D

Back next week! School again! :rolleyes: And check out CSI: DuCaine for an update too!

Re: H/Cal #3: Everything was compromised. Everything but You

I just saw the bit at the start and I sung the whole damn theme song! YEAH!!!! :lol: DuCaine=Love! Peace out!
Re: H/Cal #3: Everything was compromised. Everything but You

Hey Emerald, hey everyone and welcome to the new H&C fans! :D (waves!)

BG: I love the title. It so has to win! :D

Emerald That was awesome! :D

Now, I have to agree because this is how my mind works! :devil:

I think they are (Psst, come closer, I don't want TPTB hearing) Keeping their relationship hush, hush, ya know. :D

I believe we are going to get a shocking scene one of these days with Calleigh coming out of the bathroom wearing a robe and she walks over to her bed that has Horatio laying comfortably under the covers looking up at her! :devil: :devil: :devil:

(Jumps up and down and up and down) Yipppeeeeeeee! Yippppeeeeee! :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

I could never, ever, give up on my favorite couple in the whole wide world! :D :D :D :D :D :D :D

NEVER, DID YOU HEAR ME! :p :p :p :p :p :lol:
Re: H/Cal #3: Everything was compromised. Everything but You

Chaha! How's everybody in the house? Hey, the new thread name coming around! Excellent!

HCrazy, I'm with you there. DuCaine all the way. I may not ship here all the time but I do at heart. :D

Gosh! So much activity from this thread! *beams!* Will try to be present for the new thread!

Cheers ya'll!

Re: H/Cal #3: Everything was compromised. Everything but You

Wow, the thread title race has an unexpected leader! I mean I love them all so any of them are good with me, but yeah it's just funny! :D

Hi y'all! Casp! yay you dropped by! We're doing good here, keeping our ship alive and well! ;) Emer you are awesome! I've finally seen all those moments you transcribed and I LOVE them all...they are all so sweet and I was totally hearing DuCaine say those lines in my head as I read them! :D Lovely! And I am definitely agreeing with your case for them being in love behind the scenes...

And you said something about him calling her ma'am...and that made me think, I'm a HUGE Stargate SG-1 fan and I firmly believe the two main characters (Carter & O'Neill) belong together...and I'm bringing this up because on that show the two main characters are clearly in love but they almost never call eachother by their first names. (I think I could count on one hand the number of times it's happened.) Now partly that's because they're in the military...but mostly it's because whenever they say eachother's first names all the love they feel for eachother pours out through that one name and it's made blatant to the rest of the world how much they care about eachother! And I gotta say I think it's the same way for H, he calls her ma'am because he knows if he says her name too often people will see right through him and know how fully this woman has captured his heart! :D

So yeah that's my theory! ;)
Re: H/Cal #3: Everything was compromised. Everything but You

*sniffle* my. title. is. not. winning...... :lol: I "Going Under' ! wow, now I know what you were all talking about :D

Now, I am (im)patiently awaiting next weekend for the next installment of CSI:MIAMI :D My post is so damn short, DuCaine still has their magic grasp on me! :lol:
Re: H/Cal #3: Everything was compromised. Everything but You

It's coming back minion hon, so it still could be the winner! ;)
Lol, yeah isn't "Going Under" a great eppy! That's a great moment...awww proof that DuCaine is indeed alive and well! ;) Heehee, love it!

Yeah each week I get my hopes up for some DuCaine...one of these times it has to be rewarded! :D
Re: H/Cal #3: Everything was compromised. Everything but You

Hey BG,

Nice Banner. :D I see you put my pic to good use! :devil:

Is that one of the pics you were making for me, it's awesome??? Say yes, say yes! :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Let me know. :D
Re: H/Cal #3: Everything was compromised. Everything but You

huh? you mean the banner or a totally new manip? :lol: I am on such a high still...... I'm at school right now, and I'm yelling to my teacher "Horatio called Calleigh SWEETHEART! It's sooooo cute!" and shes like "Yeah. I know." :lol:

I am gonna make a bazillion wallpapers and stuff when I get home :D *bounces from walls* :p
Re: H/Cal #3: Everything was compromised. Everything but You

Lol, did you really say that to your teacher BG? That's awesome! Lol, you crack me up minion! ;) Yup it's a great scene to be sure! :D It was pretty cute that's for dang sure! :D :D

Sweet we love new walls and banners...I've got to figure out a way to crop the pic so Eric isn't it...so if you can fix the pic so it's just them two in it then you rock!! :D

Our poll is SO close! Keep up the voting, we've still got plenty of time before we have to close it! :D
Re: H/Cal #3: Everything was compromised. Everything but You

I mean The totally new Manip I made. :rolleyes: You made the banner, obviously! :lol:

You're too funny telling that to the teacher. :lol:

So is that what the web design looks like? I know you said you were making me something when I sent you that Pic? :confused:

I just can't remember what it was! :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

I know you said you had a few designs and I am hoping that pic is going to be in one of them! I love it! :D :D
Re: H/Cal #3: Everything was compromised. Everything but You

I have made a DuCaine wallpaper with that manip aswell, its over in the WP forum :D

I'd put a link up here, but I got in trouble in the past for doing that *looks around nervously* :lol:

Yeah, I did say that, I actually have more than one teacher, it being highschool and all.... So most of them felt my wrath :p But then I got in trouble for wearing the wrong color socks :lol: I wear the same color every day, but that is the first time I got in trouble for it :D In case you were wondering, they were black socks :p Also for wearing my dunlop volleys.... damn workplace health and safety crap :p
Re: H/Cal #3: Everything was compromised. Everything but You

Hi everyone, *Waves*

I thought I should bring myself out of my hiding and say Hi to you guys. I am a major H/C shipper but that's probably why I'm here. LOL I have hope that the writers will open there eyes one day and put are favorite couple together, if not there will always be fanfiction. Anyways I'm glad to be here and I'm going try to keep myself out of hiding LOL.

Re: H/Cal #3: Everything was compromised. Everything but You

Hey Suzie,

Welcome to the land of H and C where all your fantasies come true! :devil: :devil: :devil: :devil: :devil:

Glad to have you here! :D :lol: :lol: :lol:
Re: H/Cal #3: Everything was compromised. Everything but You

Welcome to Suzie and all of the new DuCainers!!!

I have also noticed that Cal is wearing more all-black (or close to it) these days. She's teasing him :D

Hmmm, I've been wondering how H and Cal would drop the bomb on the other. Here's what I think:

I have a theory that all of this hardship and pain that has befallen H as of late will turn around, and Cal will be the ray of light to pull H out of his hell. H falls further and further into sadness (we have seen evidence of this earlier this season because of something he told someone, but to avoid spoiling anything, I won't say what it is exactly...I'll put a spoiler tag) and Cal wishes she could take his pain away so she tries to comfort him any way that she can, and H eventually gets the hint, so he asks her if there's anything she needs to tell him, and she tells him that she loves him.

If H were the one to reveal his feelings, he would ask her to stop by his office after her shift was over, he would draw the shades, then, pulling her close, he would stare into her eyes and tell her that he can't live without her, then she would tear up then lower her head onto his shoulder as he pulls her closer. She would then look back up into his eyes, and much in the style of the almost-kiss scene in The X-Files Movie, they would slowly come closer and closer, and their lips will finally unite as the relationship comes to fruition.

That's just my idea. How would you picture it?

The evidence that H is suffering:

Ethan tells H that H doesn't know what it's like to lose everything and H responds, very close to tears at that: "I do Ethan. I've lost everything."
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