H/Cal #3: Everything was compromised. Everything but you.

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Re: H/Cal #3: Everything was compromised. Everything but You

I voted! :p Which one I will not say though. hehehe. Finally finished up Season 2 a little while ago, at current I'm reading Florida Getaway, does anyone know if we get any shippery moments in any of the books? I only have that one Miami novel at the moment and well the more Ducaine the better I say! :D
Re: H/Cal #3: Everything was compromised. Everything but You

I have also noticed that Cal is wearing more all-black (or close to it) these days. She's teasing him!
Lol, I totally think that too! :lol: She knows how much it drives him crazy :devil: to see her in black, and she knows that they're trying to keep their relationship out of the public eye...so she is playing with him, making him want to touch her, which is why we havne't seen much DuCaine lately, cuz H would not be able to resist jumping her everytime he saw her! :lol:

And because we have plenty of time...here I've narrowed our poll down to two...but this is really the last poll! :lol:
Re: H/Cal #3: Everything was compromised. Everything but You

Oooh...the one I want is winning!!! *Cheers*

You know it...I noticed in 'Under The Influence' that she was wearing all-black. She wanted to say goodnight to H because she wanted one last rub-it-in-his-face that day that she was wearing all-black and she knew he would get weak-kneed. The way the light shone on just the two of them was so symbolic. When he says that 'one day at a time works both ways', I think he means that with each successive day he's falling more and more in love with her, and that one day he'll let his love for her engulf the both of them in a sea of ecstasy.
Re: H/Cal #3: Everything was compromised. Everything but You

Awwww I like that thought EyeH I like that thought alot! ;) And yup I agree, they really are falling more and more in love each and every single day! And despite their best efforts to hide it you know, you KNOW, it will burst forth one of these days and they will be unable to contain and resist the power of their feelings for eachother anymore! Make out in the middle of the lab anyone? :lol: No more what I see is one of these days H is going to get shot (no panic, just wounded not dead!) cuz you notice how it's always his team that gets wounded/hurt not him? So I think he'll be the one to get wounded one of these days and Cal will freak out and without thinking rush to his side and cradle him and hold him and then we'll get our "Horatio Caine, you stay alive you hear me! You cannot die on me, I love you! I need you damn it! You can't die on me, you just can't!" And then she'd sob into his chest and he'd mumble in her ear, "Not gonna die Cal, love you too..." before passing out... :) Now that would make for an amazing eppy! Drama and romance!! :D
Re: H/Cal #3: Everything was compromised. Everything but You

Oooh I have theorised about the possibility of H getting hurt and Cal for once fears that she'll lose the only thing that matters to her now. It's high time for our hero to be dealt a blow not only emotionally but physically, and I agree in the belief that he'll be shot someday. I can see her by his side, her tears falling onto the sheets, taking his hand into hers, rubbing it gently, constantly praying that everything will be okay. And when H finally comes to, Cal will be there, which of course will speak volumes.

If you didn't read my first poem, it's on the FanFic Poetry thread along with my latest ones. They're DuCaine, through and through (otherwise I wouldn't mention it here).
Re: H/Cal #3: Everything was compromised. Everything but You

*pout* hmmph. Who didn't vote on my title? huh? :lol:
Y'alls know which one I voted for ;)

Make out in the middle of the lab anyone?
Yes PLEASE!! :devil: :lol:

So I think he'll be the one to get wounded one of these days and Cal will freak out and without thinking rush to his side and cradle him and hold him and then we'll get our "Horatio Caine, you stay alive you hear me! You cannot die on me, I love you! I need you damn it! You can't die on me, you just can't!" And then she'd sob into his chest and he'd mumble in her ear, "Not gonna die Cal, love you too..."
You sure you're not a under-cover writer for CSI:MIAMI? :p That is something they should definantly use on the show :D
Re: H/Cal #3: Everything was compromised. Everything but You

Oooh the vote is tied.
We could use some DuCainers on the writing staff, indeed. The scenario Mo concocted that BG pointed out is too juicy to NOT use.
Re: H/Cal #3: Everything was compromised. Everything but You

I voted!! :)

Oooh, a life and death scenario would be great for revealing hidden feelings!! :eek: Just last night I was dreaming about Calleigh and she was working on some sort of project at her home (doing home improvement I guess?? :confused:) and out of nowhere this weirdo came and tried to abduct her!! I woke up before anything else could happen, but I could just imagine Horatio flipping out if Calleigh suddenly went missing and some nut was holding her ransom. Make for a helluva an episode that's for sure!!

PS: Nobody answered my earlier question, does anyone here who has read the CSI: Miami novels know of any in particular that feature some great Calleigh/Horatio interactions?? :confused:
Re: H/Cal #3: Everything was compromised. Everything but You

Lol, you found me out minion! ;) Really I'm an undercover writer for Miami...coming in here covertly to see what y'all think of my ideas! (Gah don't I wish! I would LOVE that!!!) It would be a good eppy though...and I have a feeling something like that will happen...it's bound to, H isn't invincible, he looks it, but still and you know Cal will fall to pieces and then take care of him! Of course!!

BG your avie is GORGEOUS!! Oh my word...seriously, how perfectly beautiful! Wow!

Keep voting! ;)
Re: H/Cal #3: Everything was compromised. Everything but You

Sorry, but I haven't heard of anything that's transpired in the novel. Has anyone read them?

Better yet, an ep entirely focused on Cal taking H home and caring for him, making sure he's not too cold, making him lunch, all of this of course voluntary, because there's nowhere else she'd rather be. Then she would make her move and make him hers!!!
Re: H/Cal #3: Everything was compromised. Everything but You

I haven't read any of the miami novels, but they should use my massage parlour theme ;)

yay for my icon being cute! :lol: my MSN one is even cuter *hint hint* :lol:

H and Cal, sitting on her bed.... K-I-S-S-I-N-G! :lol: I did an extended version for a D/L thingy I'm doing :D

EDIT: Mo, we should apply for a writers job together! :lol: I might be going on a student exchange thingy, where I'll get transferred from Aus to San Francisco for a year :p
Re: H/Cal #3: Everything was compromised. Everything but You

Hey all! :)

The vote's tied!! Keep voting!

If there was ever a time for Horatio to need Calleigh, Mo's scenario would be perfect, and I agree with EyeHeartH too. It's like 'Under Suspicion', with Calleigh behind him, and she would protect him no matter what. That dialogue is completely accurate, and they would so say it! But would we really be ready to see either of them being hurt?? It would have to get to a very low point for us to want something tragic, but we are slowly getting desperate, PTB, I hope you're listening! :rolleyes:

I'm actually working on a CSI: DuCaine scene partly inspired by 'Officer Down', and all the fics written about that storyline, so you'll eventually get to see Horatio so concerned for his Calleigh, and then vice versa hopefully!! Keep you posted, it's a working progress!!

@ Cova: I've read both novels by Max Collins, and the one by Donn Cortez. In 'Florida Getwaway', we see some interaction during the case, not as much in 'Heatwave', both by Max Collins, but in 'Cult Following', a lot!! I won't give away too much, but my favourite was 'Cult Following' by far. Go and read them! I'm a complete book fan, so reading books CSI Miami is a dream!! Ha ha, just like your dream!! :D Nice one, BTW! :)

@ BG: That's Emily's band name, isn't it? :D It's a really lovely avie!! And your banner too, from Hinder's song, 'Lips of an Angel'. Great song!! That is how Horatio feels with every other woman he's with, and he's thinking of Calleigh all the time! :D

I actually wrote a silly little thing, it kinda plays to my own ego and my writing 'talents'. :p I've always loved 'Kill Bill', and Lucy Liu's character, O-Ren-Ishii, so I wrote kinda my own demented version of O-Ren and the Crime Coucil, where I'm O-Ren assuming power and you're all my entourage, generals, bodyguards, the like. If you want it, I'll PM it to you, k? If any of you have seen the movie, my version's not that violent, just to let you know. ;) And I also did a 'mission' scenario, where we're all preparing to break into the writer's headquarters and steal the scripts!!! I had too much time on my hands!! :D :lol:
Re: H/Cal #3: Everything was compromised. Everything but You

H and Cal, sitting on her bed.... K-I-S-S-I-N-G!
Lol, minion that should totally be our next thread title! :lol: How fun would that be, heehee! I'd love that! ;)

Mo, we should apply for a writers job together!
Ohhhhh, okay!! I love that idea! I'd love to be a CSI writer, although if I did that, it'd be a whole lot of ship and not so much case! Well enough to still be CSI, but there'd be plenty of DuCaine to make us all happy! :devil: :D

BG your title is winning! ;)
Re: H/Cal #3: Everything was compromised. Everything but You

EmeraldEyes06 said:
@ Cova: I've read both novels by Max Collins, and the one by Donn Cortez. In 'Florida Getwaway', we see some interaction during the case, not as much in 'Heatwave', both by Max Collins, but in 'Cult Following', a lot!! I won't give away too much, but my favourite was 'Cult Following' by far. Go and read them! I'm a complete book fan, so reading books CSI Miami is a dream!! Ha ha, just like your dream!! :D Nice one, BTW! :)

Thanks for the input!! I'll be sure to look out for Cult Following, this weekend when I go out. ;) Reading Florida Getaway as we speak er type. :D I'm liking it a lot. I feel spoiled with the selection we've got at this one Barnes & Nobles Bookstore, lotsa CSI novels. :eek:

Hehe thanks, I'd of liked my dream more if it had some Ducaine action in it. Suppose I can't complain though, I meet more famous faces asleep then I do awake. :lol:

At the moment I'm slowly piecing together a fic myself, I'll be sure to share it with everyone when it's finished. ;) It's partly based around the events of Man Down. And at this point it's pretty angsty what little bit I have written so far. :devil:
Re: H/Cal #3: Everything was compromised. Everything but You

Sure, we wouldn't wish for any of them to be hurt, but I'm sure I speak for all of us that we would love to see one caring for the other. I would especially love to see H taking care of Cal. Normally she's so strong and tough, but when she's hurt she probably has a feeling of helplessness because she can't do anything. I can see it now, Cal sitting in bed, very comfortably thanks to H:

H: Is your pillow fluffed enough?
Cal: Yes
H: Is the temperature just right in here?
Cal: Yes, it's fine
H: Are you hungry? I could make you a sandwich, or if you're thirsty I could get you a glass of water or a...
Cal (amused at this point): HORATIO...I'm fine, really.
H (getting concerned): Are you sure? I mean, I could...
Cal: Horatio, everything's great. You're spoiling me.
*H sits next to Cal*
H: I just want to make sure everything's perfect. I don't want you to feel uncomfortable even in the slightest.
*Cal smiles*
Cal: I'm feeling great...because you're with me.
H: Really? I mean, I know I'm being a nag and all...
Cal: No, you're not. You're being an excellent caregiver. Thank you.
*Cal leans over and kisses H on the cheek. H blushes*
H: Uh, I mean, um...thank you.
Cal: No, thank you, for caring.
H: Always.
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