H/Cal #3: Everything was compromised. Everything but you.

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Re: H/Cal #3: Everything was compromised. Everything but You

Emer that's right! I totally forgot that "Dispo Day" was where the "My L.T." line came from! :D That was a great line and it's so very true...he really is hers! In fact it brings a great thread title to mind...
H/Cal #4: Miss Dusquesne and Her L.T.!

Awww EyeH yeah Call totally shows all the signs of a lady in love when around H! It's so classic and so totally adorable, gotta love it! :D
Re: H/Cal #3: Everything was compromised. Everything but You

Hmmm...Mo I'm digging that title a lot!!! I smiled when I read that one!!!

There are so many good titles now!!!

I added another song lyric to my post in the DuCaine songs thread.
Re: H/Cal #3: Everything was compromised. Everything but You

:D Now, Hcrazy....you know I love that manip so much..... if only they were just a little closer together.... *jumps up and covers both of them with mad kisses* :lol:
Re: H/Cal #3: Everything was compromised. Everything but You

Hey gals,

Hold on to your panties!

BG this is especially for you! :D How this for closer? :devil:

Phew, Oh my lord is it HOT in here or what! :eek: :eek:
(Wave hand fanning myself,) OMG!!!

SO HOT!!! :lol: :lol:

Did he tell you how nice Calleigh's hair smells? :devil: :devil:

Enjoy :lol:

Re: H/Cal #3: Everything was compromised. Everything but You

:eek::devil: I made a wallpaper with the very first one you sent me via email..... I will put it up tomorrow..... :p

I am in the middle of trying out a manip.... I can't wait to show you all :D
Re: H/Cal #3: Everything was compromised. Everything but You

Thank you so much BG! :D

You're the best and I can't wait to see the Manip. :D

I am going to have everyone going Manip HCrazy! :devil: :devil: :devil: :p
Re: H/Cal #3: Everything was compromised. Everything but You

Hey all!! :D

OMG!! :eek: :) HCrazy, thanks for the warning! I fell off my chair!! They are great! Thanks a lot! :D Closer, closer!! :)

And I'm so glad you remember that, Mo! Good to know where one of the greatest DuCaine quotes came from! Love the title! 'Mine, mine, mine!!' It's the seagulls again!! :lol:

Oh, and another quote to do with 'my' and possessiveness on our Lieutenant's part, I recall that Horatio just happened to say to a suspect, "You ran my CSI off the road..." You know for a long moment, I thought he as going to say, "You ran my Calleigh off the road..." !! :lol: Wouldn't that have been awesome!!
And the way he pointed his gun so intently at that guy on the motorbike when he tried to get away. He did it all for Calleigh!! In the back of his mind, he was thinking, 'Don't make it look like you're hell bent on revenge for what they did to my sweetheart... just do your job... I'll blow his head off for hurting her...' He can be so hell-bent on doing what's right, can't he? And he didn't want to arouse suspicion to the fact that she and him were secretly sneaking around, and he nearly died when he heard her scream on the phone that awful day... and then it's Super H to the rescue, Calleigh's knight in shining 'Hummer'!! :D :)

BG, that manip will look great, I'm sure!

We're nearly there, nearly 850 now!! So exciting!!

So who wants to start the poll for the next thread title? So many great titles! Number 4... I can hardly believe it!! :D We're gonna have a party!! :D
Re: H/Cal #3: Everything was compromised. Everything but You

I like I don't look good in all black! :D

Cool! :lol:

I am glad you like the manips. I am catching on how this Corel works. :devil: :devil: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
Re: H/Cal #3: Everything was compromised. Everything but You

Guys, just a reminder that Fan Art should be posted in the Fan Art Forum. The posting of an occasional Manip is fine, but otherwise, this thread isn't the place for them.

This is what the Shipper Central rules say:
~ Posts within Shipper Central must now contain a MINIMUM of 3 lines of Good posting.

~ Good posting is ON TOPIC, Discursive, and NOT CHATTY.

~ Good posting is NOT: complementing someone on their artwork, fanfiction, avatar/banner, discussing thread names, conversations about real life, countdowns to new episodes, etc.

~ Remarks regarding artwork, fanfiction, discussing thread names, countdowns to new episodes, and
BRIEF allusions to real life MAY be included in posts but ONLY in ADDITION to the 3 line MINIMUM of good posting.

Thanks for bearing this in mind. :)
Re: H/Cal #3: Everything was compromised. Everything but You

I'll make the poll if it hasn't been made by the time I get back this afternoon! :D I like making polls! :lol:
Until then though...here are a few more title options I thought of! ;)
H/Cal #4: Miami's L.T. and His Sweetheart!
H/Cal #4: Her L.T., His Sweetheart!
H/Cal #4: She's her L.T.'s Sweetheart!
H/Cal #4: DuCaine, Hotter than July in Miami!


hey everybody, i've kind of been lurking and just reading what everybody has said so far and i've decided it's time i talk some! lol anyway, i was wondering if anybody knew the exact words calleigh said to horatio (in spanish) in cross jurisdictions??
Re: anybody?

IDK, LovexHurtsxBad, sorry :(. And yes, love does hurt.

How about these for potential titles:

H/Cal #4: The Green-Eyed Goddess and Her Sapphire Sweetheart
H/Cal #4: The Green-Eyed Goddess and Her Sapphire L.T.
Re: name

Okay y'all as promised here is our new thread title poll and I can just say it's a good thing we're starting this early, cuz we've got a ton of titles to choose from! :D This ship is so rich with potential titles...it rocks! :lol:
So choose away! ;)
H/Cal #3: Everything was compromised. Everything but You

Looking Good in All-Black!
Leather Chaps and All Black!
Handsome and his Bullet Girl
The 6ft. L.T. and his 3ft rifle!
Burning Red + Blazing Blonde = DuCaine
She's Got His Leather Chaps

Those are the ones I voted for :devil: I couldn't resist voting for "Handsome and his Bullet Girl" :lol:
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