H/Cal #3: Everything was compromised. Everything but you.

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Re: H/Cal #3: Everything was compromised. Everything but You

yeah, first catnip, and then Ducaine, wth is wrong with me?? Its my OTP's they get to me, Plus I'm tired of DuCaine having so much angst, I get they can handle some angst, but sheesh, let the pairing run into each other once and awhile, say hi or something. I want my DuCaine to at least have ONE freaking good scene, and I want it NOW!
Re: H/Cal #3: Everything was compromised. Everything but You

Moriel21 said:
now hopefully the reports that they get angry at eachother won't be true! Talking is good...remember things together while talking is better...yay! Heehee, here's hoping DuCaine is good! I sure hope so!!
:D :D

Maybe being angry at each other won't be so bad if it's true...their making up could turn into a making out!!! I can see it now: Cal fuming because she's mad at H, but when she sees him sitting all alone, she thinks he looks so cute sitting there pondering something, then goes over and lays a big smooch on his cheek, followed by a heartfelt 'I'm sorry.' And of course, H, needing someone to comfort him, is glad that it's Cal and takes her into his arms and reverts to the Alpha-Romantic-Hero-That-Gets-The-Girl.
Re: H/Cal #3: Everything was compromised. Everything but You

Lol, EyeH sounds wonderful to me! And very promising! ;) Hmmmm, I wouldn't mind seeing that happen at all! Lol, who am I kidding, I'd LOVE to see that happen! Anything that involves DuCaine and kissing...yeah I'm ALL for that! :D Heehee! :lol:
Re: H/Cal #3: Everything was compromised. Everything but You

hmmmmm....I love smooshes! haha.......I'd love to do an icon with a manip *cough cough* of Calleigh giving him one on the cheek haha...

My shippy bubble is so huge at the moment it isn't funny. I am on LJ and I'm readngthrough Icon tutorials ot make a bunch for my next post on my Lj haha
Re: H/Cal #3: Everything was compromised. Everything but You

Awww BG yay for fluffy bubbles! They rock! :lol: And double yay for your new banner hon, that is great! I LOVE that scene, introduction of the pet name! Happy day in DuCaine land, happy day indeed! Wohoo! Gah they were so great back then...bring that back PTB, that wonderful flirty sexy hot stuff from the early seasons...we know they love eachother, so show it to us again already! Come on!!!
Re: H/Cal #3: Everything was compromised. Everything but You

Awww BG yay for fluffy bubbles! They rock!
Yeah! I know they do! :D I have made a new DuCaine WP and I have posted it over in the WP thread, I dont want to post it here, because I have already gotten in trouble for posting other WP's on another shipper thread AND on the WP thead :p I also made my new icon :D
Re: H/Cal #3: Everything was compromised. Everything but You

Love the new avatar. I'm shocked that H hasn't completely fallen under the spell that her eyes cast...that's how beautiful they are. But then again, so are his...

OMG eyes
Re: H/Cal #3: Everything was compromised. Everything but You

Yes, EyeHeartH, his eyes are beautiful.....in that cap and in the icon I just made out of it! :D


I hope you like it, you can use it any time you want :p

Gah they were so great back then...bring that back PTB, that wonderful flirty sexy hot stuff from the early seasons...we know they love eachother, so show it to us again already! Come on!!!
Yes! something like the leeches scene in....I think it was..... damn! I can't remember the name of the epi haha that bit was so cute :D
Re: H/Cal #3: Everything was compromised. Everything but You

Oh best season 2 eppy for Ducaine...has to be 'The Best Defence'

H: "How concerned should I be about you?"
C: "I'm fine"
H: "You sure?"

Ah too cute ;)

As for Valentines day...I am for H being a romantic too, classy restaurant with soft jazz and dancing! Walk along the beach at sunset, total calm and piece and closeness...
Re: H/Cal #3: Everything was compromised. Everything but You

OMG I love the icon. Can I really use it? Let me know if you don't want me to ^_^
I agree...whoever wrote in the flirt scenes of seasons past needs to be put in charge of the whole writing shebang, then maybe we'll get an epic two-hour ep where it's just H courting Cal and she decides to play hard-to-get to tease him but not break his heart, and then towards the end, as H is about to concede to defeat, Cal comes in and plants a subtle but effective kiss on his cheek, then he takes her in his arms and cries into her shoulder because he knows that she will cry with him if need be and would dry his tears. And then in the end, they'll kiss against the background of waves crashing against the rock (I'm picturing something to the effect of the coasts of Maine like in the movie 'The Good Son' and Ireland where there are cliffs overlooking the ocean, not flat Miami), he'll look into her eyes as his head is resting against hers and whisper 'I love you' as her hands gently grace his face. She'll then close her eyes as his lips find hers just as it fades out to the 'Executive Producer Jerry Bruckheimer' tag.
Whew...let me catch my breath for a second :D
Aww...that scene was too cute. *Sigh* Come on writers, we want more of that!!!
I would like to see an updated version, especially after the season 4 finale with the whole Marisol thing, only the roles are reversed:

C: How concerned should I be about you, Horatio?
H (hesitating because he doesn't want Cal to worry): I'm...fine.
C (not buying it because she knows he's hurting): You sure? I'm not buying it.
*H gives in and cries into Cal's shoulder because he really isn't okay. Cal rubs his back and is dying inside because he's finally cracked*
C: I'm here, Horatio.

I want a scene like THAT!!!
Re: H/Cal #3: Everything was compromised. Everything but You

just as it fades out to the 'Executive Producer Jerry Bruckheimer' tag
He always has to be in there somewhere doesn't he?! :lol:

and yeah, you can use it haha :p

C: How concerned should I be about you, Horatio?
H (hesitating because he doesn't want Cal to worry): I'm...fine.
C (not buying it because she knows he's hurting): You sure? I'm not buying it.
*H gives in and cries into Cal's shoulder because he really isn't okay. Cal rubs his back and is dying inside because he's finally cracked*
C: I'm here, Horatio.
we need to tell PTB that haha
Re: H/Cal #3: Everything was compromised. Everything but You

BG, EyeH lol, yeah their eyes are so gorgeous! I love the icon you made BG hon, H's eyes are so amazing! And you're Call icon hon, OMG you can tell how amazingly gorgeous she is even from just her eye! :lol: I love DuCaine...I'm off to watch more Seas. 1, yay for me! :D
Re: H/Cal #3: Everything was compromised. Everything but You

hehe.....it was just a quickie I swear! :lol: (I'm talking about the D/H one and my mind just got sent to the gutter by one of my own comments haha....)

I spent about 30 minutes on my Emily one.......it was supposed to be brighter, just shows how I can't follow tuts properly haha.....
Re: H/Cal #3: Everything was compromised. Everything but You

Well I love them both! ;) And I'm totally with you on the "quickie" comment! :lol: Read that, and thought "There I go!" :devil: The things DuCaine makes you think! :lol:

Just wanted to pop in and comment on how much I LOVE Calleigh...so far the eps I've watched today...1.12, 1.13 & 1.14 haven't had a whole lot of DuCaine (Sad Day!) but they've had great moments for Call and H seperately. My favorite so far is at the end of 1.14 (Forced Entry) Calleigh is talking to the suspect and he goes, "I'm a lawyer and a damn good one!" And Calleigh drops the last bit of evidence to seal his fate and then goes, "You may be a lawyer, but I'm a CSI, a damn good one!" And I just wanted to cheer! As it is I giggled a little, she so totally rocks! :lol:
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