H/Cal #3: Everything was compromised. Everything but you.

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Re: H/Cal #3: Everything was compromised. Everything but You


You said, "You can't deny or ignore the evidence..."

That's because the evidence never lies.. hehehe ;)
Re: H/Cal #3: Everything was compromised. Everything but You

wow its been awhile since i've been here!

it defenetly seems like Mo is in a good mood :p

anyhoo, this morning school was canceled, and ironically, i turned to the today show. so i'll put this in a spoiler tagcuz i'm not sure :p

well David Caruso and Adam Rodriquz (sp?) appear and the person interveiwing them (not sure of her name) asked what was their favorite 1 liner of Horatio Caine? MAN! i was soooooo hoping David would say the "i beg to differ" like was his fav. and then they would show the clip of our famous scene. but i knew in his brain that he was thinking about saying it :devil: hehe

Coincidence? i think not. cuz i woudn't of seen it if there was school...did i mention i LOVE Wisconsin? oh and David was in jeans *thud* :devil: :D new eppy on tonight! i'm thinking we might just get somthing this time, hopefully at LEAST them talking...

well i'm out to enjoy my day off! lata gatas
Re: H/Cal #3: Everything was compromised. Everything but You

Lynny! Yay! It's about time you came hanging around in here again! You're too cute by the way! And hey while you're here, help me find Palm! I have no idea where our Palmy is...do you?!!

Oh I'm sorry. *yells* Hey Palmy Palmy where are you?.. Oh sorry I forgot Palm's hiding behind that bridge thing spyin' on DuCaine.

Okay that's what I thought too, but I wasn't sure and wanted to double check I hadn't missed an important "touching" moment! And I agree with you, the banter and blatant flirting and come on baby's are what make me totally love DuCaine too! They really are hot for eachother! It's so obvious!

Want some baby oil? :devil:
Re: H/Cal #3: Everything was compromised. Everything but You

Oh wow everyone! Great caps, Emerald I loved the song/caps you put together, it was beautiful! I missed the early show, anyone know if they have it online somewhere?
Re: H/Cal #3: Everything was compromised. Everything but You

Hey DuCainers!! :D

Can't stay long, just posting an update for CSI: DuCaine:


I'll talk more soon, but I'll just say it's nice to see so many people here. :) Hey to Lynn, welcome back, and welcome back to Kelsey too!! Great discussion about "Under Suspicion", and I'm glad you enjoyed "Cry", CSIMiamiLover/ I feel so inspired!! :)

Bye, for now!!
Re: H/Cal #3: Everything was compromised. Everything but You

CSIWisconsin48 said:
oh and David was in jeans *thud* :devil: :D new eppy on tonight! i'm thinking we might just get somthing this time, hopefully at LEAST them talking...

OMG the jeans were really hot, and the white jacket was just as HOT!!!
I really hope tonight's episode rekindles the spark between the two. It's high time they notice each other again.
Re: H/Cal #3: Everything was compromised. Everything but You

Moriel21 said:
Awwww, Cova I like it hon! :D It's very good hon...I like how Cal is kissing H's hand...awww!! I like it! :lol:

Now if only that'd happen on the show, such a sweet and touching image. *happy sigh* Thanks for your comments!! :D

EyeHeartH said:
OMFG Cova that's amazing!!! I'm cheering for this pic now. If only they would do it already!!! You have done great for both DuCaine and the movie!!!

You and me both. I'm really glad you like what I've done with the picture. :) Now I guess I better see that movie huh? :lol: :D

EmeraldEyes06 said:
Oh wow!! Cova that pic is amazing!! Well done!! :D My new desktop background!! *does the DuCaine rain dance* Come on and join me, Mo!!

Awww!! You're so sweet, thanks!! Happy to hear you liked it so much to make it into a new wallpaper. :D

CathStokes said:
@ Cova -- That's really awesome I like that, great job! :D

I know I've said this quite a bit but thanks!!

All of you are so sweet!! *group hug* I'm glad you liked my offering to the Ducaine shrine. :cool: Maybe I'll put another together...hmm *looks at her collection of unused piccies that she could manip into another sweet scene* :devil:

PS: If there's anyone else I didn't thank, then thank you, thank you, thank you. *gives hugs for good measure* :D

Btw what is this age difference I see that keeps popping up about Calleigh and Horatio? :confused:
Re: H/Cal #3: Everything was compromised. Everything but You

anyone know if they have it online somewhere?

found it :D i watched it like...15 times already :p
Click Here!

oh and I put "The Today Show" but it was really the "early Show" my bad, the early show, the today show, the daily show, the late show, I can never tell anymore :p

PS: If there's anyone else I didn't thank, then thank you, thank you, thank you. *gives hugs for good measure*

i forgot to compliment that! it was really good Cova :p

Now I guess I better see that movie huh?

i've never seen the movie either, but after you posted that pic i kinda want to now :p

hmm...i'll add my opinon on tongihts show
ahh..i think and HOPE that since Horatio is in danger, and Eric gets shot, that they'll at least talk! and I'm definetly hoping that H will confort Calleigh after she hears about Eric. maybe a hug again? 1 hour and 15 min. left! *bites nails* the suspense is killing me! *chants* DuCaine! DuCaine! DuCaine! hehe
Re: H/Cal #3: Everything was compromised. Everything but You

8 minutes here. I agree with CSIWisconsin48 on the spoiler part :D Let's hope this is the ep, people!!!
Re: H/Cal #3: Everything was compromised. Everything but You

Hello, hello, hello all! New eppy tonight, and I might actually get to watch it! Shocker! :lol: Hopefully anyway, we'll see if my tv gets taken over again...but I'm hopeful at the moment! :D
You said, "You can't deny or ignore the evidence..." That's because the evidence never lies.. hehehe
WVCrime that should totally be our new thread title when we need one...
H/Cal #4: "The Evidence Never Lies!"
Ohhhh, or: DuCaine #4: "You Can't Ignore the Evidence!"
Heehee, I like that! You can't ignore the overwhelming amount of evidence pointing to the fact that DuCaine wants eachother! Yay! :lol:
it defenetly seems like Mo is in a good mood
Always Kelsey! Heehee, well almost always! ;)
Want some baby oil?
:lol: :lol: :lol: Okay Lynny I swear my mind is BAD, cuz that simply comment totally sent me to the gutter! :devil: Nice one hon! ;)

Okay y'all...here's hoping I get to watch our eppy tonight, and here's definitely hoping we get some kind of DuCaine interaction tonight! It's about dang time we get something! :D
Re: H/Cal #3: Everything was compromised. Everything but You

I have to wait for at least 6 months :( haha

Okay Lynny I swear my mind is BAD, cuz that simply comment totally sent me to the gutter!
Yeah, it sent my mind to the gutter too....mmmmm.....magic fingers (horatios) haha
Re: H/Cal #3: Everything was compromised. Everything but You

Ohhhhh, okay if I wasn't already in the gutter...lol! "Magic Fingers" BG that totally sent me down...down I go! Seriously y'all...I need help! Palm come back and rescue me with some DuCaine smut...oh wait that might not help me get out of the gutter! :lol: Ahhh, who cares...I love the DuCaine gutter, it rocks! :D
Re: H/Cal #3: Everything was compromised. Everything but You

Wisconson (my keyboard hates me) THANK YOU SO MUCH for the link! I saw it now! *does happy dance*
Re: H/Cal #3: Everything was compromised. Everything but You

What's the link for again? Is that David looking yummy in jeans on the Early Show? ;) Cuz if so, I gotta see that! :D

Okay those of you lucky ones who live where the eppy has aired already...did we get anything? Any DuCaine? Is it worth staying up to watch? :lol:
Re: H/Cal #3: Everything was compromised. Everything but You

Ohhhhh, okay if I wasn't already in the gutter...lol! "Magic Fingers" BG that totally sent me down...down I go!
haha.......I am da SMUT QUEEN (S) minion........haha :p

We sooo need palm back haha....... PETITION TIME! :p

Calleigh going to a massage parlour (okay, stay with me haha) And getting one of those massages where the chick or whatever basically stands on your back and does freaky (but wonderful) things with her toes. Horatio is also there, for a case maybe, or to get some thing done :)devil:) and he hears a certain southern womans loud moans of pleasure from behind closed doors.....


Horatio is getting a massage, one like I mentioned Calleigh getting ^^ before, and it's Calleigh giving it, dancing (or walking or whatever! :p) up and down his back releiving his sore tense muscles....:devil: But he doesn't know that its Calleigh causing him so much....pleasure....yet :D

"Mr.....Caine, would you like me to keep on going?" She asks sweetly.

"Yes...C--Cal....Calleigh?" He stutters as his mouth drops open. He cranes his neck to see a half naked Calleigh standing above him and his eyes nearly pop out of his head.

"Yes, Horatio?"

"This is so....good" He smirks.

She gets off the table and returns the smirk...... now, TIME FOR SMUT!! haha.....I might turn it into a fan-fiction if you want to? :p
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