H/Cal #3: Everything was compromised. Everything but you.

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Re: H/Cal #3: Everything was compromised. Everything but You

Moriel21 said:
What's the link for again? Is that David looking yummy in jeans on the Early Show? ;) Cuz if so, I gotta see that! :D

Okay those of you lucky ones who live where the eppy has aired already...did we get anything? Any DuCaine? Is it worth staying up to watch? :lol:

The link is not working for me. No clue why, little help guys? :confused:

No, no Ducaine action tonight. *holds out hope for shippy scenes next week*

CSIWisconsin48 Thanks for the lovely comments. :D

So to echo my earlier question, what's this age difference thing I've constantly heard being batted around about Cal and H eh? *is curious* :p

Bullet_Girl Oh great, bad enough I have to worry about an Excedrin keeping me awake, now I won't sleep for sure since you just made my mind take a beeline into gutterville!! :lol: :devil:
Re: H/Cal #3: Everything was compromised. Everything but You

OMG...BG... :eek: Gah chica...that was HOT! :devil: Umm... **Mo gulps and runs off to take a cold shower!** Heehee, yeah you should turn it into a fanfic, uh yeah totally! ;) And as much as I would LOVE to be the smut queen...I'm more like the smut princess, or gutter princess! ;) I think Palm is the ruler of all things smut...at least in here! But you can still be my minion! ;) :lol:

Any DuCaine tonight? Anybody? :D

ETA: Thanks Cova...
Bummer no DuCaine! :p That sucks...we need some dang it! Rar!
Okay the age thing Cova ummm I'm not sure the actual difference, but I think it's about 10-15 years at least I'd guess. Which really isn't that bad! ;) Especially when the man is as HOT as H...and you know Cal doesn't mind! ;)
Re: H/Cal #3: Everything was compromised. Everything but You

Moriel21 said:Okay the age thing Cova ummm I'm not sure the actual difference, but I think it's about 10-15 years at least I'd guess. Which really isn't that bad! ;) Especially when the man is as HOT as H...and you know Cal doesn't mind! ;)

Well according to Wiki, H is 47 and Cal there's no DOB given but going by Emily Procter's she's 39, so it's not even 10 years, its 8! :p Besides age difference wouldn't bother me, I ship GSR. ;) That and this coming from a gal who had a crush on David Duchovny when she was a teenager. :lol:

I'm going to try and go sleep now, though with the guttery goodness given to us that might be difficult. :devil: :lol: *Dumps cooler of Gatorade on Mo to help cool her off.* :lol:
Re: H/Cal #3: Everything was compromised. Everything but You

Emily is 39?? :eek: Seriously? Holy cow...she looks amazing for her age! Wow! Then yeah, there's not even that much age difference between the two of them...then that's definitely not bad! ;) Not bad at all! :D

Lol, yeah age difference never bugged me either! Most of my crushes are way older than me! :D There's something about older guys...they're just HOT! :devil:

Lol, thanks for the gatorade Cova! :lol: Might help! ;)
Re: H/Cal #3: Everything was compromised. Everything but You

Especially Horatio!!! :D

Uhh! He looked great tonight in that blue shirt! Ahh, sighing. :lol: :lol:

Then when he said Eic's name so softly. Ohhhhhhhhhhhhh :eek: :D

Maybe He will give Cal a hug next week! Oh I hope so! :devil:

I LOVE HIM! :D :D :D :lol: :lol: :lol
Re: H/Cal #3: Everything was compromised. Everything but You

OMG...BG... Gah chica...that was HOT! Umm... **Mo gulps and runs off to take a cold shower!** Heehee, yeah you should turn it into a fanfic, uh yeah totally! And as much as I would LOVE to be the smut queen...I'm more like the smut princess, or gutter princess! I think Palm is the ruler of all things smut...at least in here! But you can still be my minion!
Mwah! hehe....thankyou! :D *goes off to swoon at teh total hottness! and write smut fic! :p*

Bullet_Girl Oh great, bad enough I have to worry about an Excedrin keeping me awake, now I won't sleep for sure since you just made my mind take a beeline into gutterville!!
I'm glad I could be of service.... :devil: :p hehe......try to get some sleep at least :D

And Mo.......... I'm like the Smut Bodyguard or something :p not that I'm fat, I'm just really tall.......taller than David Caruso! haha
Re: H/Cal #3: Everything was compromised. Everything but You

BG I adore you hon! You can be my Smut Bodyguard any day hon! :lol: Lol, works for me definitely! ;)

Lol, yeah trying to sleep with smut in your brain is hard, unless you manage to turn it into dreams and then...well then it's just fabulous! ;) DuCaine dreams...gah that'd be lovely! :devil: Haven't had them myself...but from what I hear, they're pretty hot! :devil: ;)
Re: H/Cal #3: Everything was compromised. Everything but You

But, I have one question......Do I get to wear leather clothes and ride a Ducati? :lol: :devil:

I had to ask :p

You know, if you had MSN..........we could amke it a co-written fiction, Mo! :D It only takes a little bit to sign up and besides......we could RP DuCaine anytime we wanted :D
Re: H/Cal #3: Everything was compromised. Everything but You

:lol: :lol: :lol: Yup you can totally wear leather clothes and ride a Ducati! ;) For sure! :D By the way would that be leather clothes like Trinity in the Matrix? ;) (Had to ask! :lol: )
Speaking of leather clothes...can y'all see DuCaine both in all leather? Gah...talk about HOT...I'm off to the gutter! :devil: Again! :lol:

I do have MSN hon...I'm just hardly ever on! ;)
Re: H/Cal #3: Everything was compromised. Everything but You

I want either that or Selenes clothes and the long....long leather jacket from underworld :p

Yes! Calleigh the sexy dominatrix girl and H the pet? or would it be the other way around? :lol:

haha.......my mind is in the gutter after having just watched LH's box :D
Re: H/Cal #3: Everything was compromised. Everything but You

You're an Underworld fan? I LOVE that movie! I want to be Selene! :D Rock on...mmmm, I'd go with Selene's outfit! ;) Trinity's hot, but Selene's hotter... :devil:

And um yeah, Cal as a dominatrix...uh heck yeah! Hello baby! :devil: :D H would LOVE that! ;)
Re: H/Cal #3: Everything was compromised. Everything but You

I also have the Underworld PS2 game... :p I ALWAYS play as selene...... :devil:

okay, before I turn this inot a calleigh-is-sexy-as-hell-and-H-is-cute-as-a-pet chatroom, has anyone had anyDuCaine dreams lately? lol
Re: H/Cal #3: Everything was compromised. Everything but You

Hcrazy said:
Especially Horatio!!! :D

Uhh! He looked great tonight in that blue shirt! Ahh, sighing. :lol: :lol:

Then when he said Eic's name so softly. Ohhhhhhhhhhhhh :eek: :D

Maybe He will give Cal a hug next week! Oh I hope so! :devil:

I LOVE HIM! :D :D :D :lol: :lol: :lol

Yup that blue shirt was HOT tonight...although I hated what she was wearing. Perhaps that's why H didn't make a move if he were planning to...I couldn't stand her wardrobe this ep!!!
Not going to give anything away about the ep tonight or the preview for next week's ep, but I still have my hopes up. You'll have to PM me :D
Re: H/Cal #3: Everything was compromised. Everything but You

Emily..39? your kidding right? and David, 48? I KNEW he didn't look 50! My friends grandpa looks like a 70 year old Horatio Caine/David Caruso...that lucky dawg, i wish my grandpa looked like David Carso *mumbles angrily*

Anyone see the promo for next monday?

I THINK WE"LL GET SOMETHING! WOOO!! i saw the promo and Calleigh and H are talking...and we see 2 hands on top of eachother but i'm not sure if their Calleigh and Horatios or not. i HOPE they are :p and Cal says really quietly "so what do you wanna do now?" *sigh* TBTP has been good to me.. :p who knew? but i''ve never quite figured out what TBTP means...*ponders thought*
Re: H/Cal #3: Everything was compromised. Everything but You

According to Internet Movie Database, David's 51. I think H's character is 48.
But yeah, I think I saw what you saw :)
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