H/Cal #2: "Hot flashes. But that's just them" - DuCaine

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I am loving the fic casp! it is so good, i have to say because of your writing, i felt a little bad for the "guy" at the end, i wont say the name for anyone who hasnt read it yet, i must be going crazy! :lol:

thanks for all the recomendations, i will watch those as soon as possible, i am dying for some H/cal since S4 has been lacking!

i love the pics CD! and i loved your caps from "after the fall" are great, i want you to tell me what happens, but i want to watch it and see what happens too! i dont know what to do!! :lol: i guess ill watch it eventually so i guess ill have to content myself with the fact that you guys say it is great!
Oh :lol: Thanks you for all the reviews if I may call it. I'm enjoying myself simply by writing it. :D :lol: No, that 'guy', gotta go! Can't see his face no more! But who knows....... :devil:

I'm going to write a better story for you people!!!! *runs off!*
Wow yes Chapter 6 has to be one of the best, the other being the one in Ferris wheel :D thanks Casp.
H told Yelina how much he loves Calleigh and that the DuCaine went to meet Yelina together. And especially the part where H was afraid and Cal hugged him. So sweet and tender!

CD wrote a new chapter? I'll go check it out. I'm also surviving on DuCaine fanfics now. ;)
Yes, so am I. But don't lose hope entirely. There is still some light on whether DuCaine will come to be! Yeah, maybe I'm being a little wistful but I don't care! :p
I'm posting here so that Casper can post, so that you Casp don't need to edit.

Gotta love me for my honesty.......but mods will bash me.

Totally off topic....so umm...I love DuCaine!!!!
Alright, I'm here to report in my daily episode recap! Hehe. Today, we have 'Complications'. There weren't much DuCaine moments as I've expected. Here is what I've got and I found totally awesome:

Keith the surgeon: You*points at Calleigh* You have a good bone structure...perfect symmetry.
Calleigh: And it didn't cost me a penny
H: *smiles*

I wasn't able to find a cap where Horatio smiles. He was clearly impressed as to what Cal had to say. It blew the doctor away. Heh. Made me laugh. It's not much but it is very sweet. I hope you people like it. ;)
Oh yeah I love it when Cal comments and H smiles, I remember thinking that was very cool :cool:

I'm with you guys, there is so much good H/C fanfic out there, it keeps me smiling, we should substitute some of these great writers with season 4 efforts, maybe we should try another script steal ;)

On that point I haven't seen Palm in a while, anyone know where she is :confused:
Palm have been at the Canadian thread at the Misc forum very often. I believe she lurks here once in a while. You know something Liz, I was just wondering why she haven't came in here for so long. It was just a big coincedence that you posted that before me. Heh. Yeah, she steals scripts. :lol: Those good ol' days. :rolleyes:
Ah Zippy a little while ago, us Ducainer's decided that there was not enough H/C screentime recently so we were going to LA to steal the scripts and rewrite them :eek:
We all had specific jobs, I was distracting H ;) oh how I enjoyed it :devil: We had get away drivers and Palm was changing the scripts.
For a time all our post locations reflected it too :lol: It was fun at the time.
Ah yes. It was fun to steal the scripts. Hehe. :rolleyes:

Liz, your avatar is just so 'awww'!! It's awesome! :D :D

Oh, almost forgotten. I think I'll be ending my FF very soon. Heh, I thought I might end it with a happily-ever after like Zippy said. Chapter 7 might be the last I'm afraid. Gosh, it was fun writing that FF :p.
I see...I see.. thanks for the explanation Liz I love your av. by the way. :)

We need Palm back here. PAAAALLLLMMMMM!
Alrighty, some pictures to reminisce on those golden days:

Kill Zone:

Note: The sunnies on his neck. Double bonus for the ladies!


Hard Time:

Pretty random but such sweet memories are worth posting twice! :D :D
They used to be so close *sobs* :(. They used to work in a pair...*double sobs* :( :(. Casp the pic from Hard Time isn't there.
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