H/Cal #2: "Hot flashes. But that's just them" - DuCaine

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No posts yesterday? Oh well, here is a manip pic I did. I think this one would be my all time favourite one. It really goes well with my FF. :D


And you people[you know who you are]. Don't try to run away! :lol:
Bwaahahaha funny costume for a day at the sea! :lol: Calleigh's beautiful!

I also wanna see H cry. Maybe baby and mom will die at the same time and H will be so heartbroken and Cal will step in and help H heal. I heard she's bouncing up again it seems.

I love that song Liz, it's one of my fav. but the one I heard was Josh Groban's.
Hehe, yeah. That was what I thought too. The dress and the suit is not my fault. They wanted to be formal wherever they go so there. :lol:
Oh I've been away, but I'm back!!

Great pic Casp but H really ought to watch where he is looking ;)

Yeah I'm up for Cal picking up the pieces, c'mon TPTB you know you want to :rolleyes:
Hey guys just thought I would let you all know in case there is anyone that wants to RP with me. I have started another one in the fanfiction area. It is called "Settle For a Slow Down" and it is a crossover with NY.

CSI_G, I think I'm being hypnotized by...your...banner....must...kill...writers...noww.. :lol:

well, that was my intention... i must do what i can! :lol:

you are the only one it has worked on though, hmm... maybe i should try something just a tad bit more subtle... :lol:

and i need your fic casp, its what is keeping me going with the hope of H/cal! ;)

i only started watching miami last season, so i had a question: what is the best ep with the most romantic like moments between H/cal?

by the way, is DuCaine our name for them? like GSR?
Hmm, DuCaine is like the short term for them. It would take much of an effort to type out all of our title just to refer to them. Yeah, in a way, DuCaine is our name for them love birds. Glad you all like the pic :D.

Hehe, as for the most romantic moment, I would have to say 'After the Fall' when Calleigh called H in for some 'Private Time'. Ahahah! Heaven for me that one :D. For the sake of fun and because it involves DuCaine, here are the caps for that particular scene:

When you call my name..
I want to be close to you..
Now that we're together..
I hope we'll stay this way forever..
I'm sorry if I hurt you..
Didn't mean to make you cry..
My love for you is boundless..
You're the one I'll need...
For the rest of my life.

And then...

Rule No 1: Do NOT mess with Calleigh Duquesne

:lol: I HAD to!

Editted to add:
Here it is so very finally.
Chapter 6

Editted again to add:
I wanted to post this song again as it struck a chord with the DuCaine
shippers in the old thread. I believe it will have the same effect :D.

'Hands To Heaven' Lyrics

As I watch you move, across the moonlit room
There's so much tenderness in your loving
Tomorrow I must leave, the dawn knows no reprieve
God give me strength when I am leaving...

So raise your hands to heaven and pray
That we'll be back together someday

Tonight, I need your sweet caress
Hold me in the darkness
Tonight, you calm my restlessness
You relieve my sadness

As we move to embrace, tears run down your face
I whisper words of love, so softly
I can't believe this pain, it's driving me insane
Without your touch, life will be lonely

So raise your hands to heaven and pray
That we'll be back together someday

Tonight, I need your sweet caress
Hold me in the darkness
Tonight, you calm my restlessness
You relieve my sadness

Morning has come, another day
I must pack my bags and say goodbye...

:) ;)
CSIsMANIAC: I love your story so much. I can't wait to see the wedding. Please post more soon.

I have to say how proud I am of myself becasue I have manage to only ship DuCaine on Miami where as I have two I ship on CSI and two I ship on NY. lol.
CSI_Grissom said:

i only started watching miami last season, so i had a question: what is the best ep with the most romantic like moments between H/cal?

Like Casp said 'After the fall' is great!!

Some more you may want to check out would be:
Season 1: Kill Zone, Camp Fear, Broken, Just one Kiss, Double Cap, Simple man
also the final scene in 'Under the influence' season 3, and there is the hug in Lost Son ;)
Ahah! Thank you HCFanforLife. I will try my best :D.
Oh and call me Casper yeah ;).

Oh yes Liz, all those crikey awesome episodes. Sadly, Season One hardly repeats here and that just downright sucks. I want to see my DuCaine again! :lol:
Wowww thanks for the caps Casper!!! Especially love the 4th one. I'll read your fanfic tomorrow. I love After the Fall and Just One Kiss. My memory's failing. I'll need to rewatch S1 and S2 to check those DuCaine moments again. :D
Casp you have done it again :) In fact I think this is the best chapter yet, I really enjoyed it, especially when H was telling Yelina how much he loved Cal, very sweet ;) Can't wait for more, really cheered me up :D

Hey CD great new part to your fic too, especially love the way H and C interact, you write this really well I can hear them saying it, looking forward to more from you too :D
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