H/Cal #2: "Hot flashes. But that's just them" - DuCaine

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Oh welcome ilovegrissom1 make yourslf at home!!

*offers cookies*

Love it when new shippers arrive cause we get some of the old classic pictures and reignite the DuCaine flame :D

Here's my contribution, my fav DuCaine pic


And Casp I love the cuddle pic, your pictures are really good :)
Thank you! I love the pics! I'll have some later, I am having a hard time finding some good ones lol.
Oye! All the pictures! I'm in DuCaine heaven! Here is something to go along with that exchange-of-vows-getting-married-tying-the-knot part :lol::

'Will You Still Love Me?' Lyrics

Take me as I am
Put your hand in mine now and forever
Darling here I stand, stand before you now
Deep inside I always knew
It was you, you and me
Two hearts drawn together bound by destiny
It was you and you for me
Every road leads to your door
Every step I take forever more

Just say you'll love me for the rest of your life
I gotta lot of love and I don't want to let go
Will you still love me for the rest of my life?
'Cause I can't go on
No, I can't go on
I can't go on
If I'm on my own

Take me as I am
Put your heart in mine, stay with me forever
'Cause I am just a man who never understood
I never had a thing to prove
Till there was you
You and me
Then it all came clear so suddenly
How close to you that I wanna be


Do you believe a love could run so stong?
Do you believe a love could pass you by?
There was no special one for me
I was the lonely one, you see
But then my heart lost all control
Now you're all that I know


Ahaha! I think it's so fitting. I'll try and make some manip pictures later. :D
XDDD you guys don't know that I still lurk her? Hahaha.
I still... ack. I still have nothing intresting to say. It's because the damn writers are denying me my love of DuCaine.
I should just write my own spinoff show and steal those two....
Ah Palm we were missing your posts, great to see you...oh do write your own series steal them, we would back you, but we have to be first to see the results ;)

We just had 'After the Fall' so my DuCaine muse is smiling

H: "Rule Number One NEVER mess with Calleigh DuCaine, Rick" :lol:

Cal: "Have you got a minute...How're you doing?"

Would post pics if it wasn't so late!! I'll leave those as a treat for tomorrow I think ;)

Night folks
Heeey! Palm-ster!! Where have you been!? Man, was beginning to miss you actually. If it's your own spin-off, I want to be Calleigh's hairstylist!! Ahahaah! :lol:.

Man, I haven't been so perky lately. I've got so many things on my mind and it's distracting me really. Can't concentrate on making a manip pic for you lot! :(
Palmy!!! You're gonna write a spinoff??? It's gonna be a hit! Ratings will shoot up into space! Even the aliens will watch it! :lol:

I just checked the transcripts for Wet Foot/Dry Foot and wowww did you guys noticed there're many hints of *ahem ahem* between the DuCaine? I'll show ya...I've added my own lines in bold.

CALLEIGH: I got a question.


CALLEIGH: How old are you?

HORATIO: (smiles) Hmm. 45. Caliber round, right?

Calleigh: *thinks* NO! I'm asking coz I wanna get personal!

HORATIO: Now I've got a question for you.


HORATIO: Do you think that's a Colt?


HORATIO: (nods) So do I. See? We think alike, we're soulmates.

CALLEIGH: Bullet from the torso on the left. Bullet from the boat on the right.

HORATIO: Two hearts beat as one. Just like us!

ALEXX: Just finished the post on the girl.

(Alexx looks at the clipboard in her arms.)

HORATIO: I want to hear about it. Hang on one second.

(Calleigh is walking toward them.)

HORATIO: Calleigh, the bullet? I just wanna have an excuse to look into your eyes.

CALLEIGH: I'm working on it.*eye contact* *wink* *wink*

(She walks past them and down the hallway.)

CALLEIGH: Horatio ...

HORATIO: I like that tone. I always do...
XDDD Even Aliens will watch it... Oh... the possibilities.
I'm thinking of some sort of a "Mr. & Mrs. Smith" direction where their GONNA be married, dammit. And a lot more explosions and idiotic criminals.
Plus a puppy. But no kids.
Ehehe! Speaking of Marriage..here is a little something for all of us! From me! Ahaha! :lol: Cracks me up even before I could poot it.

I do

Ohahaha! :lol: I hope you people like it! Nyahaha! *laughs*
Ehehe! Speaking of Marriage..here is a little something for all of us! From me! Ahaha! :lol: Cracks me up even before I could poot it.

I do

Ohahaha! :lol: I hope you people like it! Nyahaha! *laughs*

I want to be their maid of honour! :lol: Great job, indeed!

Edit: thanks everyone for your support! I love writing, but I was afraid I wouldn't be that good in English... I really appreciate your positive reviews! ;)
Oh CD you write good. :)

:lol: Casp good one! Now if only they'll stand closer, exchanging vows.... :lol: I like Calleigh's dress.

Palm, puppy's good. No kiddies. They can even have cats, rats, dragons, gorillas, ants even...but no kids please!
OMG I love it lol

They would be such a cute couple, I can't wait until they get married! lol
Psh. Never would they have kids. Tha'd just be... creepy.
And no Aerosal either. Just H-man and the Bullet Girl and a lot of crimes.
No kids.
So mcuh catching up to do...

casp, i loved the fic, it was great! and all your pics... when did you go crazy? or have you always been? JK :lol: they keep me laughing! about your "had to post this" one, what is going on!?!?! :lol:

i think we need to plan another trip to steal the scripts and change them, or go with palm's show idea, i would watch it thats for sure! any ideas on if we will see anything coming up soon?
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