H/Cal #2: "Hot flashes. But that's just them" - DuCaine

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:lol: :lol: I so love that first picture Zippy! I don't see this!? Too funny!

Oho, you included the FF in this? Bad move, now I feel guilty for not writing the FF :rolleyes:!
I'm writing a little xover between Miami and LV (inspired by a challenge I read here in the FF section), involving H/Cal (established) and GSR (WIP)... I hope I'll be able to finish it sooner or later! :D
Oh yeah CalleighDuCaine read the first chapter and absolutley love it so far!!
I don't have a fan fic account as I don't write, I just read, so I will do your reviews here if you don't mind :)

Great start to the fic, already loving the H/Cal banter, it's great I could hear them saying it and see the smiles on their faces, very discriptive, more soon please :D
OMG, thanks Footyliz, I'm so glad you liked it! I hope my English is not that bad... I can write very well in Italian, but unfortunately it's not equally easy in English. :(
Hey you're English is just fine, there were very few errors, and they were understandable anyway :)
I have to say you're written english is better than mine, and I AM English, and it is much better than my written Italian :rolleyes:
Oh wait for me! I want to read too! I've been so busy with my own FF that I don't take note of other DuCaine FF! *slaps forehead*
Off to read it now :D.

Editted to add:
CDC, that was awesome! Sara is one of my faves on LV and well, of course H and Cal too :D :D. Haa! Will be anticipating your next chapter :).
Dear me, someone teach me some self-discipline and time management coz I wanna read all your fanfics. Gimme time gimme time, I'll get to all of them!
Hey CallieghDuCaine, I have read your story and I love it very much. H/C is my fave on Miami and Griss/Sara or my fave on Las Vegas. I can't wait to read what happens next. Please post more soon.
Hey Zippy LOVE the new avy (or in fact the returned one)
Oh I have never wanted the H/Cal ship to work more than I do today after last night eppy (what I've heard anyway). C'mon Cal please save our H, you need to knock some sense into the man, tell him you love him, that will change his mind :eek:

H/Aerosol - no chem H/Cal - bucketloads, c'mon TPTB get with the program :rolleyes: It's so obvious :eek:
recorded it but I haven't decided if I want to watch it yet. What have you heard about it Footyliz? This will detemine if I want to watch it or not.
Aw! Liz, so sad. No more H/Cal? Nono! I'm determined to make this ship live on forever! :mad:

Remember this: Feast your eyes
Yeah, those who didn't get the chance to see it! :lol:.
I'm on my way to finish the last of Chapter 5!!! *runs off!*

Editted to add:
Alrighty! Chapter 5 done. Gosh.. I might be running out of ideas :lol:. I hope you lot like this one :D.
Yeah I agree! M and H have no chemistry at all! Boohoo where's our DuCaine?
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