GSR - The only thing I need is you

Sara's Side to Chapter Fifteen

Sara was woken up by a sharp pain on her lips.

"AAHHRRG!" She screamed, realizing that tape was just ripped from her mouth. "You pig! You, you shameless killer!" Sara yelled.

"Miss Sidle, calling me stuff like that can wait till later, now, I wanted to show you our visitor, if you talk to him, remember the thing I told you earlier, before you drank too much," answered Paul Millander.

"I didn’t drink too much! You drugged me," Sara yelled back.

"Later," Paul said. Sara looked back at him, full of rage. "Now, I want to show you something." He walked away and came back with a cart. The box read 00:30:00:00. "If I press this button, you will have thirty minutes left to live."

Sara looked at Gil, she could tell that Gil was scared. She was looking for some sign of comfort, something to tell her that everything was alright. When she looked at Grissom, she didn't see comfort, she saw fear, which made her feel worse.

"Unless, you kill the other, by pressing the button on the side of the chair you are on. If one of you presses this button, the other person will receive a lethal amount of poison in his blood through the needle in the wrist. This is Sodium fluoroacetate, a poison that will eat you inside out and is very painful to die of," Paul explained. Sara stared at Gil, he had to have some way of getting out of this.

"You can’t do this to us! You insane man! Get this over with and shoot me in the head, let Grissom go!" Sara yelled out.

"No, take me and let Sara go, it is me you want Paul! Take me and let this innocent girl go." Grissom yelled back.

"She isn’t innocent and good! She is an alcoholic, she drove under the influence of alcohol! And, you don’t get away with this that easy, if you decide you want to live, you have to see the only person you ever loved die a horrible death caused by you," Paul argued back.

"You're insane," Gil said back.

"I guess so, now, if you want to excuse me, I have to go somewhere," Paul answered. He turned on the metal box, which made the timer start to tick. Paul then took out a pistol and shot himself in the head.

"NOO!!" Gil screamed out. Sara barely heard it, the gun shot had left pinging in her ears and she couldn't hear much now. She stared back at Gil, waiting for him to speak. Sara could feel the tears burning at the back of her eyes. She couldn't deny the fact that she would die now, Paul Millander had said it now, plain and simple.
I'm sorry this one is a little late, I was too happy to write about this...

“Grissom, I want you to know one thing, I will never press that button.”
“If you don’t press the button you die!”
“If I had to live without you I’d kill myself!”
Having said that, they kept silent for a few minutes. Trying to figure out how to get the other person to kill them…

“Is there no way I can convince you?”
“No, is there a way I can convince you?”

“Since we just signed our own death verdict, are there any things you still want to know?” I asked.
“A few…”
“Do you really love me as much as you say you do?”
“No, I love you even more. I can’t describe it, your intellect, your beauty, I can’t say it in words.”
A small smile appeared on her face.
“Did you ever have feelings for Sofia?”
“Never, I thought I could forget about my feelings for you by going out with her. She is a nice girl, but she doesn’t mean anything to me. Sara, I love you more than anything.”
It was the truth, Sofia never, never meant anything to me. I just went out with her because Catherine told me to do so.

“Are there any things you want to ask me?” She startled me with the question, there were so many things I wanted to know.
“Well, maybe one.
Did you tell me the whole story?”
“The whole story of what?”
“The things that made you like you are.” I always suspected that there were more things she hid inside.
“No, I told you everything…”
Although I didn’t really believe her, I still was relieved.

<Ten minutes left>

“Grissom, what is going to happen when, well…”
“You press the button?” She finally saw that killing me was the only right way to go.
“No! I meant when the bomb, goes off.” Guess I was wrong there.
“Well, do you want the scientific or the emotional version?”
“You should know me well enough by now that I’d always, always pick the scientific approach.”
“I should know, but that one isn’t pleasant. When the bomb explodes, and it isn’t very powerful, it will throw us off the seats and crush our organs which will result in a reasonably painful death. If it is powerful, it will over so fast we will not even notice it goes off.”
“Let’s hope the latter one is true…”
“But, if I know Paul Millander, this isn’t a bomb”
“Then what is it?”
This was hard to explain. How do you tell someone that her death is going to be slow and extremely painful and she is going to be able to count down till it starts?
“Sara, I think the device will administer the poison Millander talked about earlier.”
“I don’t think I can go through that…”
“Then press the button!” This was my chance, maybe I could convince her to save herself.
Sara's Side to Chapter Sixteen

Sara had already made up her mind in less then a fraction of a second, "Grissom, I want you to know one thing, I will never press that button."

"If you don’t press the button you die!" Grissom said back to her.

"If I had to live without you I’d kill myself!" Sara almost yelled back, tears came to her eyes. Sara kept quiet for a while, and so did Grissom.

After Sara managed to fight back the tears, she spoke, "Is there no way I can convince you?"

"No, is there a way I can convince you?" was Grissom's response.

"No," Sara answered.

"Since we just signed our own death verdict, are there any things you still want to know?" Gil asked. Sara glanced around the room. Tons of things.. Sara thought to herself. She wanted to know everything about Gil Grissom before she died, and now she wouldn't be given the chance. There wasn't enough time.

"A few..." Sara answered.

"Ask," Gil encouraged. Sara could think of one thing she needed to know that wouldn't take forever to answer.

"Do you really love me as much as you say you do?" Sara asked quietly.

"No, I love you even more. I can’t describe it, your intellect, your beauty, I can’t say it in words." Gil answered. A small smile creeped onto Sara's face, then it disappeared.

"Did you ever have feelings for Sofia?" Sara asked.

"Never, I thought I could forget about my feelings for you by going out with her. She is a nice girl, but she doesn’t mean anything to me. Sara, I love you more than anything," answered Gil. That was good to know. There was a short pause, then Sara wondered about something.

"Are there any things you want to ask me?" Sara asked.

"Well, maybe one." Gil paused. "Did you tell me the whole story?"

"The whole story of what?" Sara asked quietly. Ah.. so he wants to talk about ..that.. She knew exactly what Gil was takling about.

"The things that made you like you are." Gil answered. Yes, there's tons more.. but there isn't enough time to explain..

"No, I told you everything…" Sara answered.

Ten minutes went by of silence.

"Grissom, what is going to happen when, well…" Sara started.

"You press the button?" Gil asked, cutting her off.

"No! I meant when the bomb, goes off!" Sara almost yelled back.

"Well, do you want the scientific or the emotional version?" Gil asked.

"You should know me well enough by now that I’d always, always pick the scientific approach." Sara answered.

She closed her eyes as Gil explained it, "I should know, but that one isn’t pleasant. When the bomb explodes, and it isn’t very powerful, it will throw us off the seats and crush our organs which will result in a reasonably painful death. If it is powerful, it will over so fast we will not even notice it goes off."

Sara opened her eyes and looked back at Grissom, "Let’s hope the latter one is true…"

"But, if I know Paul Millander, this isn’t a bomb." Gil added. What?!

"Then what is it?” Sara asked, slightly scared of what the answer might be.

"Sara, I think the device will administer the poison Millander talked about earlier." Gil answered. Oh.. great...

"I don’t think I can go through that…” Sara said to him, tears were coming back to her eyes now.

"Then press the button!" Gil said to her.
Well, what can I say about this one...
Here's the next chapter:

“NO! It’s not that part! It’s the part of knowing that I have to watch you die!”
“Sara, I…”
“Don’t say anything!”

<Five minutes left>
“Sara, I want you to know this. I love you, I’ve loved you ever since you first spoke to me and my love for you never disappeared. No one could change the way I feel about you, not Terri, not Sophia, not even Heather. Sara, you are the one I want to share the rest of my life with, may it be only five more minutes…”
Sara laughed, she must’ve found my last remark funny, while it wasn’t even intended to be that way…
“Grissom, ever since I first spoke to you I’ve loved you. I’ve tried to get you to go out with me for years, and recently I tried one last time. When you turned me down that time, my world collapsed. I tried to kill myself, and you saved me. It might seem weird to say this, considering that we’ll die a terrible death in about five minutes, and I could’ve died without experiencing pain, but I’m so glad you saved me. Even if we had been together for only a day, or an hour, it would have been worth it.”

I looked at Sara again, she was so beautiful. Her perfect face, her hair, although she knew what was going to happen to her in just a few minutes, she saw a psychopath kill himself, she had been kidnapped, although all those things, Sara still was beautiful. My life flashed past me, well, my moments with her, the first time I saw her, the first time she asked me out, the “pin me down” and “tape me up” moments, I saw all those moments again.

<Two minutes left>

“What are you thinking about?”
“oh, nothing” I answered, lying..
“Grissom, don’t lie to me now that we only have two more minutes left to live.”
“I’m sorry, I thought about how beautiful you are and I saw all the perfect moments we spent together…”
“Are you afraid of death?”
“Yes, this isn’t the way I wanted to die…”
“I was scared before, but now I can live with the fact that my life is going to be over extremely soon. Shit! That wasn’t the right way to say that…”
I laughed, this was one of the reasons I loved her so much, she could be so fed up with herself if she did one tiny thing wrong while in fact she did a great job.
“Sara, it doesn’t matter”
“Do you believe in heaven?” She asked me. This was difficult. Before all this, I was sure there wasn’t something like heaven. If a human died, we died, period. Now, on the other hand, I wasn’t sure anymore. All the experiences I went through the last weeks, they changed me.
“This is probably the stupidest answer I can give you, but I don’t know… I don’t know if there is something like heaven.”
Sara smiled, I want to know what she thought about.
“Well, if heaven exists, I hope they accept couples…”
We both laughed, I think we did it to make the idea of dying easier to accept.
<30 seconds left>
“Sara, I love you more than anything that exists on this world, are you sure you don’t want to press that button? I totally understand it if you decide to do it…”
I swallowed, that was my last chance to save the woman I loved.
“Sara, I’ll always love you, goodbye and I’ll see you in heaven…”
“Grissom, I’ve always loved you. Goodbye and I hope to see you in heaven.”
When she said that, we looked each other in the eyes, I saw it was right. This was the way it was going to end and I decided that it was the way I wanted it to end.
I looked at her for one more second, it felt like ten minutes, and after that…
After that I was blinded by a white light while screaming Sara’s name.