GSR - The only thing I need is you

Sara's Side to Chapter Twelve

Sara sighed as she heard Grissom hang up his phone. She had heard Greg yelling. What is going on there? Sara thought. She desperately hoped that Grissom would figure out that she had called and trace the call. Sara turned off her cell phone, she knew that Grissom would try to call her, but she couldn't risk letting Paul Millander know that she had it with her. If she ever excaped from, wherever she was, she could use it to call for help.

Sara sniffled as she thought of Paul Millander killing her. The sight of herself lying in a bathtub, bullet in her stomach, tape recorder beside her. She knew that Grissom would be the first one to find her. He would fall to his knees, sobbing at the sight of her dead body. Sara knew that Grissom wouldn't be able to live knowing that he let Paul Millander get away with another murder. A murder that killed someone close to him.

Sara shook her head, trying to push away the thoughts. Stop thinking about death. Sara told herself. Tears were in her eyes now, it was amazing how, even just thinking about something, could make her cry. She fought back the tears, if Millander came downstairs again, he would think that Sara was scared. She didn't want him to think that. Sara was strong, full of bad memories, but strong.

Sara managed to fight back the tears, none had fallen down her face. She took a deep breath, then the thought crossed her mind, where did Millander go when he went out of the basement? She could be in Millander's old house, the one where he killed his twin brother. Surprisingly, it felt weird to be in the same house that someone was killed in. It was weird because she always was in places where people had been killed. Maybe it just felt weird because... she might be killed there too...

You're not going to die here! Sara said to herself. She couldn't seem to convince herself that she wasn't going to die. Paul Millander came down the stairs and sat down on the couch that was across from Sara.

"Scared?" Millander asked.

"Should I be?" Sara asked him, she squinted and tried to see Millander's expression, but it was too dark.

"Well, maybe." Millander answered.

Sara talked slowly. "Why?"

"Because you might die here." Millander answered as he got up and went back upstairs.
Breaking their silent thinking, the intercom spoke: “Mr. Grissom, we received a package at the front desk for you, you need to sign for it yourself.”
“In that case, excuse me, I have to take this one, it might be from Millander.” I slowly got up and walked out of the room. This lab was worthless without the beautiful Sara Sidle in it.
“Mr. Grissom, If you’d sign here please.” One of those hyper UPS deliverers pushed a small device with a pen in his hands.
“This box is your’s now.” Only now I noticed the huge box behind the man. I took another look a it, then got a small knife out of my pocket, I usually use it to open evidence bags, cut the tape and opened the box. It was filled with foamplastic. I let my hands go through the box, I felt nothing. Wait, there is something! I carefully pulled a small PDA out of the huge box.
“Jenny, stop that deliverer, I need to talk to him at all cost!”
“Ok Mr. Grissom.”
It was no use, he ran out of the building in an unmarked van and sped off.
When I pushed the ON button on the PDA, the screen flickered and a message appeared.

If you want to stop the following Mr. Grissom, come to the following coordinates N 89,977 W 12,888

I know you are smart enough to come alone…

Suddenly, a picture appeared, it showed Sara, she was being tortured in a horrible way. The picture nearly made me faint, I could resist by thinking that I couldn’t do anything for her when I passed out, so I had to stay awake.

I ran back to the A/V lab, I never crossed a distance in the lab that fast.
“Archie, check these coordinates, were are they!”
He took the PDA out of my hands, took one look at the screen, then looked back at the cell phone trace and spoke.
“These are the coordinates of the phone trace.”
“Let’s go”
“What about a plan?” Greg asked

“Our plan is to have no plan. As long as he has Sara, he makes the plan.”
“Ok, let me call Brass to get a perimeter around that building.”
“No, this is just going to be the three of us against him.” I spoke in a way he knew I wasn’t going to change my mind.

“That’s a kamikaze mission!” Archie spoke in a frightful manner.
You aren’t going to go in Archie, you stay outside, if there is an emergency, we need someone to direct everything.

“What should I do?” Greg spoke again.
“You go in when I ask you to go in, if you fail, I’m a dead man.”
Greg swallowed, he just realized the fact that maybe, one or more of the people in the room, wouldn’t be alive this time tomorrow…
Sara's Side to Chapter Thirteen

Sara struggled, trying to break free out of her chair. Unfortunately, she was tied to it too tightly. Sara gave up, it was no use. She hoped that Grissom was on his way here, although he'd have to go through Millander before he could save her. That would be hard. What if Grissom got caught too? Then no one would be able to save her.

Then, Sara realized it. It wasn't Sara that Millander wanted, it was Grissom. Millander was waiting patiently for Grissom to come and find her, then Millander would capture Gil. Then both Sara and Grissom would be captured, and most likely killed.

Sara leaned back in her chair as tears came to her eyes. She tried puching them back, but they just kept coming. She thought that if she escaped the chair that she'd be able to fight Millander, she couldn't even fight back tears. Yet, Grissom continued to always tell her that she was strong. How could he think that a girl like Sara could be strong? Sara continued to doubt herself as time went by.

After a while, Sara got bored of thinking of everything that was wrong with her. It wasn't that she couldn't stop thinking about things that were wrong with her, it's that the thought could go on forever. Sara put the thought in the back of her mind, and tried to figure out a way to get out of, wherever she was.

She looked around, there wasn't much she could use. Sara could think of one thing that was good about her, she was smart. She should be able to think up a way to get away from this place. Well, when you're tied to a chair, there isn't much you can do. Sara looked down at the ground, what was she thinking? She couldn't escape, the man that was upstairs was smarter than Grissom, how could the pitiful Sara Sidle be able to outsmart him? She could barely outsmart Grissom. Sure, there were the times when she got out of telling Grissom what was bothering her, but that was because she had life practice at doing that. Sara would never be able to sneak out of a house, away from a man that had killed too many people to count.

Sara sniffled, the tears had stopped. She realized that her only hope was Grissom. Grey-haired Grissom... Sara thought to herself. She was lucky to have someone like Grissom looking for her, she figured that even if the FBI was looking for her, they wouldn't find her. She knew that Grissom would.

Sara would just have to wait, and hope that Gil, doesn't get caught, and killed.
Finally, Finally, I'm back from london, I'm so glad to be home and be able to internet in a normal fashion outside of terribly expensive internet cafe's and Starbuckses... (London was great, but I forgot the power supply of my notebook....)
Well, here's the next chapter, hope you like it.

The ride out was quiet, when the Tahoe stopped, Greg was driving, Archie passed out headsets.
“Check if they work.”

They did.

“Archie, alert the sheriff and tell him to get the circus here.”
“But you said you didn’t want…”
“I do not, but we have plenty of time before they arrive.”

I climbed out of the truck, the warehouse in front of me.
“Wish me luck!”
I walked up to the door, and carefully applied a little amount of pressure, it flew open. Grissom entered.
It was dark inside, he couldn’t see anything. Suddenly, the PDA produced sound, it rang like a phone. The display showed a button


With trembling hands, Grissom pushed the button, a wound was played.
“Welcome Mr. Grissom. I can see you found the place allright.”
“Where are you! Give me Sara! Paul, stop doing this!” I freaked out! I know you should play it cool with these kind of people, but it was too much, I went too far to let!
“Mr. Grissom, please don’t let your emotions get the better part of you! It will not help you to get Sara back.”
“Where is she.”
“Near, if you follow the instructions, you’ll see her very soon.”
“If you hurt her!”
“She is fine, now, it is time for you to get on with your job. I just wanted to wish you good luck.”
“Look, I just want her back, tell me what to do.”
“Follow the instructions Mr. Grissom! The first one is to your right.”

Suddenly, a beam of light appeared and lit a sign, next to the sign there were metal stairs, leading to the top of something that looked like a huge water tank.

Climb the stairs and take a dive to the bottom to retrieve the case.
Don’t take anything off.

I knew what he was doing, he wanted the water to destroy any communication equipment I carried.
“Archie, Greg, get the hell out of here and leave me alone. After this message there will be no more radio transmissions. He isn’t forcing me to say this, and if he was you still should do what I say.”
The response followed shortly:
“Eeuhh Grissom, we don’t think it is wise to do this, but if you say so, we will leave immediately.” After the response, I climbed up the stairs to the basin and jumped in. The water was cold, very cold. On the bottom, I felt a big box, I wrapped my hands around it and took it up to the surface. Still catching my breath, I climbed down.

Suddenly, there was a large explosion, the door of the warehouse had left its original position and flew through the air, behind it someone fell to the floor. I fell down the stairs and the case landed on my head. After I realized what happened, I walked to the door with the case still in my hand. It was Archie! Archie had opened the apparently booby-trapped door and got killed in the explosion. “Get the hell out of here Greg! Take Archie with you, he needs medical care!”
“Ok Gil” he didn’t even realize that was not the version of my name he normally used. I saw him pulling Archie to the van, while I returned to the light when I opened the case. In it was a wineglass, a small bottle of red wine, a bottle of pills and a picture. A picture of Sara, strapped to a chair, covered in blood and wearing ragged clothes. As I carefully touched the picture, I could not longer fight my tears. I had to turn it over and look away, on the back of the picture, there was something written:
“Help yourself…” I sighed as I saw that the contents of the bottle of pills was the same as I expected, Rohypnol. I took the glass out, poured the wine in and opened the bottle of pills. Carefully, I emptied the whole bottle in the glass. It didn’t matter if it was too much, the will to live was taken from me a wile ago, it was only because of Sara that I hadn’t ended it a long time ago.
I swallowed the near blood red contents of the glass in one go. Only seconds later, I felt the Rohypnol kick in and my body became weak.
sorry if this chapter is short, im leaving my house soon so i can't write much ...

Sara's Side to Chapter Fourteen

Sara's mind pondered what was going on above her. Paul hadn't come down to check on her in a while, maybe he left the building she was in. No, he wouldn't leave... Sara found it harder and harder to understand this guy the longer she was there. She looked at the stairs, then she realized how creepy this place felt.

It had a weird smell, slightly like decomposing flesh, but not exactly. Sara looked around the room and looked at all the blood spatter on the walls. She wondered what had gone on in that room. The place also smelled of iron, the blood had probably been there for a while. Suddenly, Sara heard a big bang.

Now the thoughts of what was going on above her were pawing away at her brain. She heard voices, they echoed from the walls and she could hear who was speaking perfectly.

"Welcome Mr Grissom. I can see you found the place alright." Paul's voice echoed through the building.

"Where are you! Give me Sara! Paul, stop doing this!" Grissom yelled back. Sara smiled at the sound of his voice, she wondered what Gil would have to go through before she'd see him. If she ever got the chance to see him.

Mr. Grissom, please don’t let your emotions get the better part of you! It will not help you to get Sara back." Paul's voice echoed through the walls again. Sara tried screaming, but nothing came out. She couldn't talk.

"Where is she?" Grissom asked.

"Near, if you follow the instructions, you’ll see her very soon." Paul's voice said. Sara wondered what that meant. What instructions?

"If you hurt her!" Gil's voice yelled.

"She is fine, now, it is time for you to get on with your job. I just wanted to wish you good luck." Paul's voice said. Sara was confused. Wishing him luck? She wondered what Millander was planning, whatever it was, it couldn't be good.

"Look, I just want her back, tell me what to do." Gil said.

"Follow the instructions Mr. Grissom! The first one is to your right." Paul's voice said. Sara hoped that Millander wasn't going to make Gil do anything that would hurt himself. This was all just a game for Paul, Gil and her were just pieces in Millander's real life chess game.


A few minutes went by, and Sara kept thinking about what Grissom might be having to go through that very minute. None of it would have been good, she hated the fact that Grissom didn't think he was able to outsmart Millander. She remembered him saying that years ago.

There was a big bang that sounded like explosives. No... Sara thought to herself.

"Get the hell out of here Greg! Take Archie with you, he needs medical care!" Gil's voice echoed. Greg and Archie? Sara wondered what was going on, but she would never know.
(Since in my last fic someone argued about me not warning for the mentioning of rape, I thought I just prepare for those comments.)

When I opened my eyes, I saw Sara sitting in a chair opposite to me, asleep. It was dark, except from a spotlight on the spot where we sat.
“Mr. Grissom, Miss Sidle, welcome back!” Paul Millander was here, standing just beside me.
He removed a piece of tape from Sara’s mouth.
“AAHHRRHG!” She was awake…
“You pig! You, you shameless killer!”
“Miss Sidle, calling me stuff like that can wait till later, now, I wanted to show you our visitor, if you talk to him, remember the thing I told you earlier, before you drank too much.”
“I didn’t drink too much! You drugged me!”
I could see the anger in Sara’s eyes, this was the first time I saw her like that.

Now, I want to show you something. He walked into the darkness, and only a second later, he returned with a cart with a big brushed metal box on it. The box had a display which had the following numbers on it.
“If I press this button, you will have thirty minutes left to live.”
Sara looked me in the eyes, I saw just fear, I didn’t know what she saw in mine, but it would probably be the same, I didn’t want to get killed. It was weird thinking that, since I tried to kill myself, but now, I was in the same room as Sara, everything made sense.
“Unless, you kill the other, by pressing the button on the side of the chair you are on. If one of you presses this button, the other person will receive a lethal amount of poison in his blood through the needle in the wrist. This is Sodium fluoroacetate, a poison that will eat you inside out and is very painful to die of.” We were silent, we looked at each other in horror.
“You can’t do this to us! You insane man! Get this over with and shoot me in the head, let Grissom go!” Sara shouted, she panicked.
“No, take me and let Sara go, it is me you want Paul! Take me and let this innocent girl go.” He looked amused, it was as if he expected this conversation.
“She isn’t innocent and good! She is an alcoholic, she drove under the influence of alcohol! And, you don’t get away with this that easy, if you decide you want to live, you have to see the only person you ever loved die a horrible death caused by you.”
“You’re insane!”
“I guess so, now, if you want to excuse me, I have to go somewhere.”
He pushed a button on the box and the timer started ticking.
Paul took a small pistol out of the pocket of his shit, lifted it to his head and pulled the trigger.
“NOO!” I screamed, he was the only one who could dismantle the bomb and save my beautiful Sara. Wait! There was another way! If that involved me dying, it would need to be that way. Without Sara, there was no point to live anyway. It was going to be a difficult job to convince her to push that button, but she needed to do it. I didn’t have a future without her, she did have one without me...