GSR - The only thing I need is you

Sara's side to Chapter Nine

"So, do you like the surprise?" Grissom asked, looking over at Sara.

"I like it, you took me to the finest italien restaurant in town!" Sara said happily.

"How do you know it is the finest?"

"I've seen the kitchen during a case." Sara said, that had been the only time she had been there. Sara smiled at Gil, and he smiled back. A waiter walked up to them and spoiled the moment.

"The menus." The waiter said as he gave them each a menu. "Do you know what you want to drink?"

"Please, just bring us a bottle of wa-" Gil started, but Sara cut him off.

"White wine." Sara said. They ordered their food and then started to talk. Of all things in the world they could talk about, they were talking about the cases they were on.

"Look at me, I’m here on a date, finally, with the woman of my dreams and we end up talking business!" Grissom said. Sara smiled, he had a point. Sara extended her hand on the table, and Grissom held it in his. She turned her hand so the back of it was on the table, and she saw that Grissom noticed the scars on her wrist. Sara tried to pull her hand away, but Grissom didn't let her.

"Grissom..." Sara started.

"Don’t be ashamed, I like you as you are, you don’t have to act even more perfect than you already are." Grissom said, Sara reluctantly relaxed. She didn't have much of a choice at this point. "After all, I did nearly the same thing."

Sara decided to put him at ease. "I’ll never do it again, even how depressed I am, I am going to face the problem. I promise."

"So do I, I’ll never do this again." Gil agreed. The conversation brought an awkward silence between the two.

After the dinner, they went to a cinema. Grissom had held her hand for the entire show, it felt like it belonged there. As if Sara's hand in his was fitted perfectly.

"That truly was fascinating movie Gil! These people stole forty million dollars worth of gold without even holding a gun, they just used their intelligence to plan every detail." Sara said as they left the theatre. They were walking towards the car, and Sara pulled Gil into an alleyway. Sara started to kiss him. Grissom grabbed Sara's hands and stopped kissing her.

"Sara, let’s leave this moment for a time when we are both sober, I’d hate not to remember every detail of it."

Sara smiled. "You’re probably right, it is just so hard to resist…" They kissed once more and walked out of the alleyway. Grissom entered the car but Sara stopped him. "There is no way I’m going to let you drive, we are both drunk!"

"Let's call a cab for you then."

"You aren't going to drive, you hear me!" Sara said.

"Relax, I'm going to walk home." Grissom said, the cab pulled up and honked the horn. "Good night Sara, I'll see you tomarrow."

"See you." Sara said, she kissed him on the cheek quickly and then got in the cab. Sara got a weird feeling when she got into the taxi, it wasn't the alcohol either.

“Owh!” Grissom woke up with a hangover, this was a weird experience for him since it had been ages since he had been drunk. He woke up on his bed. “How did I get here?” ‘Watch it Grissom! You don’t want to be like crazy Sofia!’ Grissom was glad Sara didn’t speak to herself. He suddenly remembered he walked back home, Gil wondered what Sara was doing this moment. After Grissom finally got up, he walked to the bathroom and washed his face. ‘ohkay, what’s up today? Work.’ For the first time in years, Grissom didn’t feel like going to the Lab, maybe because of his hangover but probably because of the mountain of paperwork that waited for him. He changed into more appropriate work clothes, grabbed a bottle of water from the fridge and walked outside to his truck. As he got in, he remembered that Sara left her Tahoe at the restaurant, he should give her lift to work. He reached for his cell in his pocket, it wasn’t there. “Forgot it at home” ‘Bad bugman! Bad bugman! Don’t talk to yourself!’ He turned the vehicle around and went back to the townhouse, retrieved the phone and pushed the buttons required for the connection he wanted. He let the phone ring 4,5,6, 8 times, no one picked up. “Strange, Sara always answers immediately” he tried again, no response. Thinking it was probably nothing, he called Catherine.
“Hey Cath!”
“It is that you make Sara so happy or I’d lynch you for calling me that!”
“oops, sorry, Talking about Sara, have you seen her? I can’t reach her on her cell.”
“Did you try her landline?”
“She doesn’t have one” Grissom knew this was strange, but Sara rarely did anything other than sleeping in her apartment.
“Weird, I think you should probably visit her apartment and see if she is still there.”
“I should, I was going to go there anyway. Her car is still at the restaurant, I wanted to give her a lift.”
“You do that, call me if you find her.”
“I will, see you”
Five minutes later, Grissom pulled over in the parking lot next to Sara’s apartment building. It was hot that day, warmer than usual, Grissom didn’t mind the weather, he grew used to it by now. He knew his bugs liked this climate. Grissom climbed out of the vehicle and walked up the stairs to the feared apartment. When he walked over the balcony, the memories of those two nights came back to him. He almost got sick again when the image of Sara laying on the couch popped up in his head.
He knocked on the door, no one answered. He knocked again, after three more minutes, he got out the key Sara had given him for use in emergencies. Gil didn’t know if this qualified as an emergency but he used the key anyway. When he opened the door, he almost got a heart attack. “It’s empty! Gone!” Sara’s apartment was empty, not a single piece of furniture was left, nothing that indicated Sara lived there. He walked in, everything was gone! Wait, there is one thing left. Grissom spotted a few objects on the kitchen counter. As he approached them, he saw what they were, a medication bottle, a glass of red wine and a tape recorder.
Before he touched anything, he ran back outside, to his Tahoe, to fetch his kit. When he reentered, he took out his gloves and turned the bottle around so he could read the label. “Rohypnol” Grissom broke out in a cold sweat, ‘The rapist drug, or forget-me-pill.’ Rohypnol causes victims of rape to have impaired judgment, loss of motor skills, unconsciousness and the victims don’t even know they have been assaulted afterwards. The drug is untraceable in blood which makes it the favorite choice for rapists and kidnappers…
Gill quickly pressed the play button on the recorder, the following message was played:

Listen very carefully Mr. Grissom, or you might find the following message on a tape recorder in the hands of this beautiful girl.
My name is Sara Sidle I reside at 7642 Lab Lane, Las Vegas I am 32 years of age and I’m going to kill myself. I like to say I love you to Gill Grissom I’m so sorry, I never wanted to put you through this I just can’t do it anymore. I love you Gill.

That’s a shock isn’t it? I’m back Mr. Grissom, just wanted to let you know…

Sara's side to Chapter Ten

"Don't move." The taxi driver said in a dark voice. "Or your life will end." Sara sat quietly, scared half to death. Maybe it's just the alcohol. "Don't make any attempt to get out of the car, or you and Mr Grissom will both be killed." The driver said. It isn't the alcohol.

The driver stopped at her apartment building. What is he going to do? Sara asked herself. He opened her car door and grabbed her arm. Then he pulled her out of the car violently. The guy took her up to her apartment and made her open the door. Sara was thrown inside. The guy followed her in and handed her a piece of paper that read:

My name is Sara Sidle, I reside at 7642 Lab Lane, Las Vegas. I am 32 years of age and I’m going to kill myself. I'd like to say I love you to Gil Grissom I’m so sorry, I never wanted to put you through this, I just can't do it anymore. I love you Gil.

Sara stared down at the piece of paper. Paul Millander, isn't he dead? The guy set a glass of water down on Sara's counter. He put something in it, Sara couldn't see what though. The guy walked back over to her with the glass and a tape recorder.

"Are you Paul Millander?" Sara asked.

"Yes." They guy answered.

"Aren't you dead?" Sara asked.

"No. That was my twin brother. Your team never figured it out though." Paul answered. "Read that piece of paper when I tell you to or I will kill you right now. Then you will drink this, you won't be able to drink anything for a long time, do you'd better consume all of it. If you haven't figured it out yet, I'm going to give it to Mr Grissom." Paul explained.

"Why?" Sara asked him.

"That's for me to know, and for you to never find out." Paul said. He turned on the tape recorder and spoke into it, "Listen very carefully Mr. Grissom, or you might find the following message on a tape recorder in the hands of this beautiful girl." Paul pointed to the page and held the tape recorder so Sara could read what he wrote into it.

"My name is Sara Sidle, I reside at 7642 Lab Lane, Las Vegas. I am 32 years of age and I’m going to kill myself. I'd like to say I love you to Gil Grissom I’m so sorry, I never wanted to put you through this, I just can't do it anymore. I love you Gil." Sara said into the tape recorder. Paul held the tape recorder so he could speak into it now.

"That’s a shock isn’t it? I’m back Mr Grissom, just wanted to let you know…" He said. Paul turned off the tape recorder and made Sara drink the glass of water. A few minutes later, everything went black.


Sara woke up in a dark room. She didn't know where she was. Sara looked around anxiously and realized that she was tied to a chair. She struggled, but she wouldn't be able to get loose. Damn. Sara thought. She was trapped, and Grissom, probably, would be trapped too.

-<*> sara <*>-
Well, here is Grissom's side, now, we are all waiting for the really interesting piece, what is going to happen to Sara?

Gil’s world shattered, again. He played the tape again, and again and again. He tried to let it all go away, it didn’t. After he came to his senses, he picked up his phone.

“Willows, Gil, what is wrong, you call much too soon…”
He was so upset he didn’t even notice that this was not Catherine’s usual way of picking up the phone.
“Sara, gone, apartment, millander”
Grissom used the last of this energy and walked out of the apartment and collapsed next to the door.
His brain short circuited, he couldn’t move, he couldn’t think, he only saw a picture of her in a bathtub with a bullet wound to the chest.

“Gil, what happened?” The disturbing voice belonged to Greg Sanders, former labrat.
“Euhhf” Grissom lost the ability to speak English, he just raised his and and pointed at the door next to him.
“What is wrong with you?”
Grissom raised his hand and pointed at the door to the empty apartment again, letting him know that the answer to his questions was inside there.

Catherine arrived five minutes later, as she approached the apartment, she saw Greg running out of it and being sick on the edge of the balcony.
“Is it that bad inside?”

Both men nodded, having lost the ability to speak…
When Catherine came out, she knew what to do. She grabbed Grissom’s hands and helped him get back on his feet. She called Nick and Warrick and ordered them to process the scene, then, she walked with Grissom and Greg to one of the Tahoes…
They both belonged to the ‘Sara Sidle Fan Club.’ Everybody knew from day one that Greg fancied Sara, she liked him as a friend and Greg accepted that, but he still cared for her. She was one of the only friends he had and he was the same to her. This resulted in the fact that she couldn’t leave the two men alone, if they heard that Sara was dead, it might be too much for them. After all, Grissom had tried to kill himself earlier…
“Where are we going” Greg found his voice.
“The lab, I can’t leave you alone right now…” He was on to her, he knew she was afraid he might try to end it again.
“I will not try again…” Grissom had regained the ability to speak too.
“Try what? What did you try Griss? Catherine? What did he try?”
“Shut up Greg” He would never have let that info slip under normal circumstances.
“No, he has a right to know, Sara trusted him, I trust him.”
“You sure?”
“Yes Catherine!” He sighed, it wasn’t necessary to fall out that way.
“You remember a couple of weeks ago, Sara had her, eeuh, breakdown?”
“Yes, how could I forget?”
“Well, after that, I asked her out, to go to dinner with me sometime.”
“She said no. I was devastated, heartbroken. I went to her apartment, cleaned up the blood from earlier and sat down on the couch. That moment, I felt what she had been feeling for much longer. I took the gun that still laid on the coffee table, put the nozzle in my mouth and pulled the trigger.”
“Oh my god! But ehh, why are you still here?”
“It was empty, I didn’t realize at that time.”
“I’m glad it was…”
When they reached the lab, Catherine ordered Grissom and Greg to go and sit in Gil’s office to think and talk about stuff, while she tried to find out if Millander had left any trace of him or Sara behind.
Sara's side to Chapter Eleven

Sara blinked a few times, trying to adjust to the darkness of the room. When her eyes finally adjusted to the lack of light, she noticed that there was a counter, fridge, a table and a couch in the room. Then, there was Sara, tied up in a chair.

Paul Millander came through the arched doorway to the room. From what Sara could hear, he came down stairs, so she assumed that she was in the basement of the house. Paul Millander turned on a small lamp that was on the table and sat down on the couch. Sara stared at him, I'm in the same room as a serial killer, and I'm trapped. Don't freak out. Don't freak out. Don't freak out, Sara. You'll be fine.

"Scared?" Millander asked in a calm voice.

"No." Sara said quietly.

"Really? You seem scared." Paul said in the same dark, calm voice.

"Well, I'm not." Sara said, then she realized that her voice was shaky. "Why am I here?"

"Why do you persist in asking why you are here?" Paul asked.

"I want to know why I'm here." Sara answered.

"Unfortunately, you are no different than the next person walking down the street to me." Paul said, then he turned off the lamp. Sara listened as he walked back upstairs. Sara tried to squirm out of the chair, but it didn't work. A while later, Paul came back downstairs and punched Sara in the face, knocking her out.


Sara woke up a few hours later, She was tied slightly tighter to the chair now. Paul went back upstairs after seeing that Sara was awake. Sara fished her cell phone out of her pocket and opened it. She'd have to call without looking at the phone. Sara dialed Grissom's number from behind her back and let the phone ring. She put the phone back in her pocket and waited. C'mon Griss. Pick up the phone, use cell phone tracking to find out where I am...
Another chapter...

Suddenly, breaking the minutes lasting silence, a cellphone rang. It was Grissom’s phone that laid on the desk..
Before Grissom could do anything, Greg grabbed the phone and turned it off.
“No time for phonecalls, we need to find a way to get Sara back.”
“You’re right, but cutting us off the rest of the world isn’t the solution…”
“He took the phone from Greg’s hands and turned the little device back on.”
The display read:
“One missed call,
Sara Sidle’s Cell”
He stared at the diplay for about half a minute, just to make sure his eyes weren’t playing games with him. When he was, he got up, not bothering about poor Greg, and walked out of his office. When he was in the hallway, he started running. Greg soon caught up with him, where are we going?
“Archie, I know he has certain hobbies on the side”

When ran into the A/V lab, Archie, who was oblivious to the whole situation, was busy with an audiocassette.
“Arch, how long do you need to trace a mobile phonecall”
“But, eeuh, Grissom, you know that that is illegal, and I’d never do such a thing!”
“Save the bullshit for Ecklie! I have a call on this phone and I want to know where the phone is asap!”
“On your authority, but you take the fall for it…”
Greg had never seen Grissom like this, he was going to risk everything for Sara.
Archie moved around as a maniac, he grabbed a PowerBook from the wall and a bunch of cables, he placed the thing on the main desk and plugged one of the cables in.
“Can I have it?” he asked Grissom.
“Have what?”
“The phone?”
“O ofcourse, here it is”
After Grissom handed him the phone, he plugged it in.
“Last call came from Sara Sidle.” First he didn’t notice that Sara Sidle was Sara Sidle his college and friend
“Whoa! Sara!”
“Yes, she is in an awful lot of danger and I want to find her.”
“I do this highly illegal think/ on one condition.”
“And that one is?” Grissom sounded more than a little annoyed.
“I want to go with you” Gil wanted to say no, but he realized Archie just wanted to help and he cared for Sara too.
“If you find her quickly” The three man smiled and Archie started the tracer.
Three minutes later, he found the contact point Sara’s mobile phone was closest to. He found three other points that were in reach and let the software calculate the distance of every point. After the computer put the figures over a map, he pinpointed a warehouse twenty minutes out of town.
“Let’s call SWAT.” Archie said as he picked up the phone.
“No.” Grissom slammed the thing out of his hands.
“You don’t take down Paul Millander with big guns, you do it with being smarter than him. You need to have a great plan.”