GSR - The only thing I need is you

Sara's Side to Chapter Seven

Sara stayed quiet, she didn't know why she said those words. Why on earth did she say 'I don't know'. The moment froze in itself, the moment where Grissom's heart was torn into pieces. Sara knew why she said 'I don't know', it was because saying yes, would be letting someone into her life. Her helpless, depressing life that she had tried to get rid of.

“Sara, I understand you need time, I’ll just leave you to think now.” Grissom said the words quickly. Then, he got up and left, tipping his chair over as he ran out. Sara was in tears by the time he closed the door. She rolled over onto her side, and sobbed. A nurse walked into the room half an hour later, she noticed that Sara was crying. Don't ask me what's wrong. Don't ask me what's wrong, Sara pleaded.

"I'm required to ask if you're alright, since you almost committed suicide." The nurse said. Sara laughed at her comment.

"Yeah, I'm fine." Sara replied. The nurse left the room a few minutes later. No, I'm not, Sara said to herself. She let her thoughts surround her as she drifted to sleep.


"Miss Sidle. Miss Sidle." Sara woke at the sound of her name. She turned and saw that a doctor was speaking to her. "You can go now." Sara nodded and got up from the bed, she changed back into her clothes. She called a taxi and was driven back to her apartment building. Great, now I get to clean up blood. Sara paid the taxi driver and walked into her apartment. She was surprised at what she saw, or rather, didn't see. Grissom... She figured that Gil had come to her apartment and cleaned up. He cleaned my whole fricken apartment!!

Sara's eye caught a note, sitting on her couch. She picked it up and read it.

Once I fell in love, now, I fell apart, a total eclipse of the heart.
Don’t think about me anymore, how could somebody who is so cowardly to take his own life be worth grieving over? I hope you will be happy, please give Greg a chance, he tries so hard. I’ll always love you,

Gilbert Grissom.

Sara looked at the gun, which was on the couch. He attempted to use my gun. She laughed. Sara put the note in her room, then had a shower and changed her clothes. Suddenly, someone knocked at her door.

"Who is it?" Sara called.

"Grissom, Sara I need to talk to you.” Sara smirked. She opened the door for him.

"Come in, Have a seat!" Sara said happily as she pointed to the couch. She figured he came to see if she had read his note.

“Guess you found it then…”

"Yeah, I did… Seems that I’m not the only one who can’t stand rejection…” Sara said coldly.

"When I got here, I cleaned everything and took a seat on the couch to collect my thoughts." Grissom explained. Sara stared at him, she wanted to hear what the pitiful man had to say. “Then, I saw the gun and the razor. I picked up the gun, I wrote the note and pulled the trigger.”

"But, why are you still here then?” Sara asked, she wondered how embarassing the question would be for him to answer.

"I was so focused on the fact that after I pulled the trigger I would be dead I passed out after I pulled it. I woke up a few hours later to find the gun being empty.”

"I’m glad you are still here… So the note was real and you were sincere?" Sara asked, the questio had been poking at her mind for the past five minutes now.

"Yeah, but you better just burn it and forget about it.” Grissom said as he sighed.

"No, I won't forget."

"Then I’ll ask one last time, I beg you, my beautiful Sara Sidle, I love you, would you please go and have dinner with me?” Grissom asked, looking in Sara's eyes. Sara stared at the ground. Just say yes! Her heart was yelling. Think about the pain he's put you through! Her mind was screaming.

Seconds passsed, and Grissom got up and walked out of the apartment.

"Grissom! Wait!" Sara called, but Grissom was deaf to her voice. Sara didn't bother to call him again, her heart yelled louder and won. She ran after him, and caught up to him. Sara pushed Grissom against the wall. Sara stared into Grissom's eyes, and Gil stared back into hers. Sara passionately pressed her lips against his. Grissom kissed her back. They broke contact and Sara spoke. "I'd love to have dinner with you..."

New chapter! hope you like it!

<Two weeks later>
Grissom and Sara didn’t find the time to have their date due to some urgent cases, infact, they didn’t even have time to speak about anything non-case related. They however did look at each other when they walked past in the hallways or through the many glass walls in the complex. Now, they did have time, they both took a day off. Grissom knew that Sara was preparing for their date this very moment, so was he. ‘What should I wear?’ He already knew where he was going to take her, he knew a great restaurant near the cinema where their movie played, “The Italian Job.” The movie wasn’t really Grissom’s favorite, but he didn’t know what kind of movies Sara liked…
Five hours till she comes over to pick me up, I’m so nervous…
This shirt looks nice, but that one probably looks better…

<one hour later>

Grissom had finally decided on what to wear, a nice black shirt with black jeans and, guess what, black shoes. He folded the stack of clothes neatly and put it next to his bed, he took a short cold shower hoping that it would cure some of this stress. It didn’t. Gil looked at his watch ‘three and a half hours left.’ He decided that a short sleep wouldn’t hurt him so he laid down on the bed, after half an hour of thinking he finally fell asleep.


“WHOA!” Grissom didn’t know what had happened for the first second, then he knew, Sara had come to the townhouse to pick him up. He was late! Grissom quickly dressed and combed his hair as he ran down the stairs to open the door, made it! That was close…
“Hi! You ready?” Sara smiled as he opened the door, she wore a nice black blouse and much to his surprise, a skirt, he couldn’t recall any occasion on which he saw Sara wearing a skirt…
“I’m ready, you truly look stunning!”
“Thanks, Catherine helped me a little…” He could imagine that, this was something Catherine could wear on a day off.
“Shall we go?”
“Huh? Oh yes of course, let’s go.” She caught him staring at her pretty face with the cute gap between her teeth there…
They walked to Sara’s Tahoe, “You drive, I don’t even know where we are going.”
Grissom smirked, “It’s a surprise, I bet you like it…”
“Knowing your taste, or I’ll be positively amazed, or disgusted…”
Grissom laughed “This surprise does not involve any kind of bugs or in your case meat…”

During the way over, they didn’t speak a word. Grissom was so nervous that he drove though a number of red lights, Sara didn’t say anything about it so he thought she was probably in the same condition as he was, stressed.

When they reached the restaurant, Gil put the car in the nearby parking lot, when they walked to the door of the restaurant, he nearly tripped over a piece of rock laying about. He was watching Sara and found it difficult to concentrate on even the simplest things like walking.
“Be careful, I don’t want this date to end in the hospital…”
“It’s your own fault! You distracted me!”
“I did not” Sara was teasing him now, and he liked this little game…
“Yes you did! You are so good to look at it is only natural for me to get distracted.”
They both laughed.
“Good evening, do you have reservations?”
“Yes, Grissom”
“I’ll show you your table.”
This date promised to be interesting.
Sara Side to Chapter Eight

Two Weeks Later

Sara looked up at the clock, she would be going to Grissom's in five hours. She had five hours to get ready. Five hours to pull herself together. Sara looked in her closet, she put together about twenty outfits, but she felt that none of them were perfect enough for Grissom. She groaned angrily. What should I do? Then, Sara knew who she had to call. She picked up the phone and dialed the number.

"Hello?" Catherine answered.

"Cath! I need help! I'm going on a date with...-"

"Gil?" Catherine answered for her.

"Well, yeah. How did you know?" Sara asked, slightly surprised.

"Women's intuition." Catherine said happily. "So you can't figure out what to wear?"

"I'm not even going to ask how you knew that, but yes, I can't decide on what to wear!" Sara replied.

"I'll be over soon." Catherine said and sighed. Sara hung up the phone and went back into her bedroom. She didn't realize one little date would be this complicated.

Twenty minutes later, Catherine was at Sara's apartment. They walked into Sara's bedroom and Catherine looked through Sara's clothes. Sara sat down on her bed while Catherine went through her closet and drawers. Catherine looked at a few pairs of pants and some cute shirts. She was surprised when she found a skirt in Sara's closet.

"Have you EVER worn this?" Catherine asked holding up the skirt.

"A few times." Sara answered, she could only remember wearing the skirt once.

"I like it, you're wearing it." Catherine decided. "Put it on while I find you a pretty shirt!" Catherine seemed more excited about it then Sara was. Sure Sara was excited, but she was more stressed out than anything. Sara went into the bathroom and changed into the skirt. As Sara came out of the bathroom, Catherine laughed. The shirt that Sara was wearing looked funny with the skirt on.

"You see why I don't wear skirts?" Sara said.

"No, I'm laughing at the shirt WITH the skirt." Catherine said, then she handed Sara a white blouse. Sara went into the bathroom and changed into it. She came out of the bathroom and Catherine shook her head. "Looks too formal, I'll find something else." Catherine went through Sara's closet again, then handed Sara a black blouse. It wasn't that fancy, but it was pretty. Sara put it on and came out of the bathroom. "Perfect!"

"Don't you think the skirt is too much?" Sara asked.

"No, it's fine. Is that all you need me for?" Catherine asked.

Sara nodded, then she looked in a mirror. "Wait! What about my make-up?"

"We'll do that." Catherine answered.

Forty minutes later, Sara's make-up was perfect. It was a lot more make-up than she usually wore, but it looked nice. Catherine smiled at her work. "I've always thought I'd be a good cosmotologist." Sara laughed.

A few hours later, Catherine left and Sara looked perfect for her date. Now, it was only her nerves that bothered her. Sara got in her Tahoe and drove to Grissom's house. She walked to the door and rang the doorbell. Sara could hear rustling inside the house, but Grissom didn't come to the door for a couple of minutes. He finally opened the door and looked at Sara.

"Hi! You ready?" Sara asked and smiled.

"I'm ready, you truly look stunning!"

"Thanks, Catherine helped me a little..." Sara said, chuckling a little. She still wasn't comfortable wearing a skirt. "Shall we go?"

"Huh? Oh yes of course, let's go." Grissom said. Sara caught him staring at her face, He probably thinks the make-up is too much. They walked to Sara's Tahoe. "You drive, I don't even know where we're going."

"It's a surprise, I bet you'll like it."

"Knowing your taste, or I'll be postively amazed or disgusted..." Grissom laughed and Sara smiled.

"This surprise does not involve any kind of bugs, or in your case meat."

The ride to the resaurant was quiet. Every time Sara tried to speak, her tongue got caught in her throat, and no words came out. She was so nervous that she could barely breathe at her normal pace. They arrived at the restaurant and Gil parked the Tahoe. They got out of the car and walked to the door of the restaurant. Sara laughed as Gil tripped over a rock.

"Be careful, I don't want this date to end in the hospital!" Sara joked.

"It's your own fault! You distracted me!"

"I did not." Sara teased and smiled.

"Yes you did! You are so good to look at that it is only natural for me to get distracted." Sara laughed, flattered by the comment. Okay, so Catherine was right, the outfit and make-up wasn't too much... They reached the door and were greeted by a waiter.

"Good evening, do you have reservations?" The waiter asked.

"Yes, Grissom."

"I'll show you to your table."

Sara felt weird, they had never interacted like that before, the way they talked. It was different. They usually talked professionally, but now, they teased and joked. And Sara loved it.

Oops! I thought I posted this one already!

“So, do you like the surprise?” Grissom asked carefully.
“I like it, you took me to the finest Italian restaurant in town!”
“How do you know it is the finest?” Catherine had suggested this place to him, it was expensive, but the food should be great.
“I’ve seen the kitchen during a case…”
They both smiled, due to their jobs, they went to the strangest places. Their little moment was disturbed when a waiter walked to their table
“The menus, do you know what you want to drink?”
“Please just bring us a bottle of wa” but before Gil could finish this sentence he was interrupted by Sara.
“White wine”
He doubted if Sara should drink, she had had a drinking problem, he thought it was probably best not to argue. While they waited for the food, the conversation changed to the current cases they were on.
“Look at me, I’m here on a date, finally, with the woman of my dreams and we end up talking business!”
Sara smiled at him ‘gosh she does look cute with that make-up, it really shows that cute little gap between her teeth.’ She extended her on the table, he took it and gently held it in his. When she turned the hand around, so the back of it faced the table, her wrist became visible. There were some scars on it. She saw Grissom noticed them and quickly tried to pull her hand away, he didn’t let her. “Grissom” “Don’t be ashamed, I like you as you are, you don’t have to act even more perfect than you already are.” She relaxed again, he let go of her hand. “After all, I did nearly the same thing.” “I’ll never do it again, even how depressed I am, I am going to face the problem. I promise.” “So do I, I’ll never do this again.”
After the dinner, Grissom and Sara were both mildly drunk. When they reached the cinema, Gil handed the tickets over to be checked and the man showed them their seats. As the movie started, and the theatre went dark, their hands found each other. Grissom held on to Sara’s hand thought the entire show.

“That truly was fascinating movie Gil! These people stole forty million dollars worth of gold without even holding a gun, they just used their intelligence to plan every detail.”
As they walked out of the theatre towards the carpark, Sara pulled Grissom into an alley and pushed him up to the wall. They started kissing vigorously, this must my first true kiss in well, ages, Grissom thought. When Sara put her hands all over Grissom’s body, he took them and said to her, “Sara, let’s leave this moment for a time when we are both sober, I’d hate not to remember every detail of it.” Sara smiled at him, “You’re probably right, it is just so hard to resist…” Before they walked out of the alley, they kissed once more. When Grissom entered the car, Sara told him “There is no way I’m going to let you drive, we are both drunk!” She is smart, even when she is drunk, she knows she is. “Let’s call a cab for you then.” “You aren’t going to drive you hear me!” “Relax, I’m going to walk home.”

“Good night Sara, I’ll see you tomorrow.”
“See you!” She kissed him quickly on the cheek and then got in.
When Sara left in the cab, Grissom missed her already.