GSR - So, they're spending the tax-dollars on our love?

*Is bored, so writes another chap* I'm not that inspired, though, but here it is:


Chapter Seven

Sara felt his lips on her lips. But she wanted to tell Gil something before they kissed more. She pushed him gently away and looked at him.

"Gil, before we go any further, I want to tell you my story too."

"Okay Sara, I'll listen", he said.

"I was born in Tamales Bay, where my parents had a bed&breakfast. We seemed very happy, but my parents had fights every night, and when my mom was away, my father a.. abused me. He..", Sara was silent.

"Go on, tell me. I'll listen."

But Sara cried. She couldn't take it anymore. She opened the door and she ran away. She ran away, to the suburbs of Las Vegas. It was still hot, as it was the day before, but Sara was wearing her jacket. So Sara got out of her jacket and she threw it into the bushes. Now she only wore her underwear, shorts and a tanktop. Grissom ran after her, but he wasn't fast enough.

He grabbed his phone and called all the units.

"Dispatch, Grissom here. Sara Sidle of CLV ran away, we need back-up"

"Where did she go?"

"South, from Boulder Highway."

"We'll come as soon as possible. What happened?"

"She wanted to tell me about her history, how she grew up, but she couldn't take it anymore. Now please hurry, I'll go after her by car."

"Got it"

Grissom jumped in his car and he tried to find Sara. He drove to the right, but she was nowhere to be found. Maybe she went to the left? Grissom turned his car to the left.. but there wasn't a trace of Sara either.

He saw Brass' car coming from behind. His phone rang and Grissom answered the phone. It was Brass.

"Griss, I heard everything. Are you allright?"

"I am. I hope Sara is, though. Where is she?"

"Relax, Gil, you go to the right, take these 4 streets, I'll take the 4 streets on the left. The others are further away in the neighbourhood."

-To Be Continued-
Thanks everyone! :) I can write something now, but I think it'll be a mini-story, because I'll have to leave in 20 mins.. so I'll write something tonight, or maybe wednesday. :)
Here's the next chapter.. :)

(chapter with lots of violence)

Chapter Eight (Sara's POV)

I ran away. I don't know why I did it. I was running through the streets of Vegas, it was getting dark, the houses were dark too, and the sun was setting. It was a beautiful view, though. It was hot. I wish I could get out of another piece of clothes, but my bulletproof vest was in the way, and I would walk in my bra. Not a good idea.

I probably left the whole Police Department in panic. They tried to call me, but I didn't pick up the phone, my battery was low. I was somewhere, I don't know where, I was so confused, when this man came to me.

"Do you know where Boulder Highway is?", he asked me.

I didn't know. I just ran, and ran, and ran.. so I told the man I didn't know.

"Of course you know, Sidle. I see you work at the crime lab? You criminalists must know where everything is, right? So you can catch criminals, like me!", he said, while watching at my bulletproof vest.

This man really was creepy. His clothes were old, maybe he was a tramp. Luckily I was having my gun, when he attacked me. I was right on time to grab it. I pointed the gun at him, and I was the luckiest girl on the planet at that moment, because Brass stood behind me, suddenly. He probably saw everything and decided to give me back up.

"Don't move!", Brass said.

"Why not? I'm a human, I can move whenever I want..", he started dancing.

Brass came closer to the man and said once again: "Don't move, hands up"

Now the man did what Brass said.

I looked at him. He had brown hair, and his eyes were blue. He looked like my dad, in some kind of way. Suddenly I felt sadness. Actually, although he abused me, I missed him. When he wasn't drunk, he was kind of nice to me. But when he had drunk a couple of beers, his mood changed. He used to slap me in the face, then kick me in my tummy.. and then, when I was laying on the ground he.. he.. just..

While thinking that, I was falling to the ground. Brass arrested the man, dumped him in another officers car, and ran my way.

"Sara, are you allright?"
Lalala, okay I'll update :lol:


Chapter Nine (Brass' POV)

As Sara was lying on the ground, I wondered what was wrong with her. She just fell on the ground.



I called her name, twice, but she wasn't responding. I called her name again, but no. No respond. I tried to figure out if I could hear her breathing. And no, no result either. I performed CPR on her, until the ambulance came. Normally it took like 9 minutes for an ambulance to come, but now it didn't.

After 12 minutes there still wasn't an ambulance. So we decided to drive Sara to the hospital, in the Buick.

On our way to Desert Palm, there were some obstacles. One woman, who probably was listening to some music, didn't go out of the way. We had to use the claxon several times, but she didn't hear it. After 3 times, she finally did.

30 seconds delay, 30 seconds, which could be lethal. We drove, and drove. Normally, driving to the hospital took 10 minutes, but now, as I felt it, it took 3 hours.

Next obstacle. A guy's car stood transversely on the way. The driver, officer Leo, decided to push the car out of the way. It worked. Again, 1 minute delay. Those damn ambulances! Why didn't they come on time?

And finally, we arrived at the hospital. The people at the ER already knew we were coming.

Grissom called from the lab, no idea what had happened.

"Hey, Jim. The guy confessed. He's a conspirator. He and the girl's mother, who we found searching the neighbourhood, confessed the murder on the girl's father. I heard you find Sara there?"

"Yes we did. Nice you've solved the case, but we've got a problem", I said.

"What's wrong?", Grissom asked, very concerned. He was the one who had let her go. Well, not let her go, it wasn't his fault.. but he probably thought it was, knowing Gil.

"Sara's in the hospital. She fainted at the scene."

"That's horrible, I'll come, immediately. Is she at Desert Palm?", he asked.

"Yes, she is."

I hung up the phone. I didn't know this case would cause so much drama. Sara walking away, Sara in the hospital.. geez.

Suddenly I heard a voice behind me. Sara was being treated, she probably had a heart attack or something. It was a doctors.

"Mister Brass.. I'm afraid I have bad news for you."