GSR - So, they're spending the tax-dollars on our love?

Re: GSR - So, they're spending.. part 2

Aargh, pitchfork scares me! I'll continue. :) Sorry for the lateness, lol.. I was in Rotterdam yesterday the whole day.


Chapter 2.2

"There's nothing wrong", Sara tried to convince Grissom.

"Yes, there's something wrong. Tell me, please. I'll be there for you."

"Well, it's the thing I just told you about. My childhood. I just can't deal with it. Sorry."

"What are you apologizing for? Sara, if you want to deal with it, go see a shrink."

"I just can't!", Sara shouted. "I've been to a shrink for god knows how many times!"

"Calm down", Grissom said as he walked to Sara and sat next to her. He placed his hand on her back. "I know a good shrink for you who has a lot of experience with cases like this. He helped a friend of mine."

Sara smiled. "Do you have friends?"

"Yes, I have, Sara", Gil said, a little annoyed. But his voice turned sensual. "I have you."

Sara hugged him. Their eyes met. The blue eyes stared into the brown eyes, and the brown eyes stared into the blue eyes. She kissed him, gently on the lips. Grissom his heart stood still. She did this for the, what he felt, 1000th time this day!

"Grissom, I want this shrink to help me. Can you please make an appointment for me, tomorrow?"

"Yes Sara, I'll do anything for you."

"Can you please bring me home now?", Sara asked. "I want to watch my television. I haven't watched TV in a thousand years."

"I had never thought of you watching TV, Sara."

Sara smiled. "Well, I usually never watch TV, but damn, I really want to watch that thing now."

"I'll bring you home."

Sara and Grissom got into the elevator of the hospital, they were the only ones in the elevator.


"Yeah, Sara?"

"I love you."

"I love you too." Grissom had never really said this words to a woman, but now he was serious.

When they walked out of the elevator, through the waiting room of the hospital, to the door, they saw Greg, Catherine, Nick and Warrick sitting in the waiting room. When they noticed Grissom and Sara, they looked to the other side. But they were too late.

"Hey, Cath, Nick, Warrick and Greg", Sara said. "What are you still doing here?"

"Uhm...", Catherine replied. "Nothing."

But in reality, they wanted to check out if Sara and Grissom were going to kiss again. On the parking lot.

"Okay", Sara said.

"Well, see you at work then, tomorrow", Grissom said.

Sara and Grissom got into Gil's car, and they drove to Sara's house. They sat quietly in the car.

Sara wanted the silence to end. "To the right."


"Ehrm, Griss? I want to know one thing for sure."

"Tell me, Sara."

"Are we dating?"

"Uhm, if you want to call it dating, yes."

Sara was happy. She gave him a kiss on the cheek.

Grissom gave her a kiss on the cheek back, and they looked in each others eyes, again.

"Grissom, you can stay at my house, tonight."

To Be Continued.
Re: GSR - So, they're spending.. part 2

Hmm, smut. I want to write smut! But geez, it isn't allowed. :(


Chapter 2.3 Sara's POV

"Are you sure?", he asked, looking awkwardly at me.

"Yes, I am", I replied. I mean, I was serious! I've been in love with him for such a long time, and after a million years, I finally got the guts to ask him to sleep over at my place.

"Okay, but I don't have any pyjamas."

"Oh, doesn't matter", I giggled.

He stopped the car in front of the appartment building, and I got out of the car. But Grissom remained seated.

"What's wrong?"

"I just needed some mental power to go inside your house."

"Do you really think it's that worse?", I giggled. Why did I giggle so much today?

He said "no" and he immediately got out of the car.

Weird. Grissom seemed angry, but who knows, maybe he did need some mental power, right?

When we were standing in front of my door, I couldn't find the keys. I got annoyed and I just wanted to throw my bag through the floor.

"Maybe they're in the pocket of your jeans", he smiled.

I wanted to feel myself, but he already had his hands in my pocket.

"Here they are."


When we were outside, I asked him if he wanted something to drink. He wanted a beer. I thought it was weird, Grissom drinking alcohol, but I didn't say anything about it and I got him a beer, and I got myself one too, of course. I drank from my beer and within 5 minutes I needed another one.

"Get me another one, would you?", he asked.

But I just grabbed the last bottle. "Sorry, no beer left. Do you want some whisky, maybe?"

"Oh, that's fine."

I got him a glass of malt whisky and I sat down. Suddenly, Grissom stood up from the sofa and he kissed me. "Do you want to go to bed?", he asked, winking.

The Next Morning

I woke up because something on my cheek. It was wet.. I haven't had a dog in ten years, so.. what was it?

I suddenly realized it was Grissom. My wish had come true. I woke up next to him. Sh*t, I realized. We didn't use any birth control! Today was the day that I should have my period. We would see. I was always perfect on time..

To Be Continued
Re: GSR - So, they're spending.. part 2

ohhh this is getting good... okay about to get attacked by a kitten. Silly Horatio lol thats his name..l..csi on the brain lol
Re: GSR - So, they're spending.. part 2

aww do you have pics? I need pics lol. PM them to me if you have them.
Re: GSR - So, they're spending.. part 2

Here's the next chapter, hmm, it's getting similar to another GSR-fic I'm writing atm, but ehm.. please say you didn't notice it, please, lol. :) It's going to be a short chapter, I have a writer's block. :(


Chapter 2.4

Grissom thought about last night. It had been the best night of his life. He finally got involved with Sara. She was so cute, and suddenly he realized they didn't use any birth control, what anyone should use, of course.


"Yeah, I know."

"I'll get you a test."

Grissom's shift started in 4 hours, so there was plenty of time to find out. He went out of the door and Sara suddenly felt alone. She was left by the man she'd probably get a child from.

But within 10 minutes, he was back. He gave her the test and he sat down on the sofa. Sara looked at him, as if she wanted to say, and now?

Grissom noticed her look. "Sara, I want you to test yourself." He didn't say it to obey her, his voice sounded sweet.

"Okay", Sara said, and she went to the bathroom.

Ten minutes later, Sara and Gil sat on the sofa, waiting for the results. And suddenly it came.

-To Be Continued, and once again, sorry for the small chappie-
Re: GSR - So, they're spending.. part 2

That was a great update adn don't worry I have a wrtiers block too lmfao! And of course I can PM some pics lol