Grissom & Sara; #33 Time to Re-combine!

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So, did everyone go on vacation this weekend and not tell us? Are Desert and I (and silde until tom.) it? Ok, well then, I guess we are the ones who love GSR the most. We can claim anything since there isn't anyone here to dispute, right?

108 days and counting

:pI'm here!!!!! I just don't know anything new to report. What shall we discuss??? I am ready to talk GSR!!!:thumbsup:
Your right, it's like beating a real dead horse" to try and have a discussion on "other thread" so exhausting:wtf:so I'm done and will stay off the other ships no real conclusion ever, and on our ship the only ship:thumbsup: all I can do is post caps of them so I hope you enjoy those, and the videos and fan-fiction you girls do is exhilrating keep it up!

That's right, Desert. Stay in here with us where it's safe.
Bengali, I'm here, just busy reading (JD Robb) and beta-ing (Chapter 9 of CSIGeekFan's & a real interesting one shot, The Boxer..mostly an original character on this.) Plus I got a new job...and I heard the sh!t's hitting the fan at my old job for the boss who canned me.....mwahaha.

And GSR timeline....Boom, Sara and Grissom blowing up bombs was kinda sweet, she touched him on the shoulder and they grinned at each other. And wasn't there an earlier scene where she ruined all his fun by finding out about the clock used as a timer from an internet search?
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Thank's seattle I got brutalized, scary, and I think I get where they're coming from, they swing both ways, and I don't:vulcan: the "I ship" meaning fake fantasy, coulda, woulda, shoulda, hope it will, but never will type senerios:scream: and a couple of caps from "BOOM"


I am still here. i don't leave for another 12 hours. However, i still have to go to bed tonight. I love GSR. I think I am going to read some uplifting fanfiction about our couple. Does anyone have any suggestions?

i couldn't view the clip either. i don't know why, but it wasn't working?
That's right, Desert. Stay in here with us where it's safe.
Bengali, I'm here, just busy reading (JD Robb) and beta-ing (Chapter 9 of CSIGeekFan's & a real interesting one shot, The Boxer..mostly an original character on this.) Plus I got a new job...and I heard the sh!t's hitting the fan at my old job for the boss who canned me.....mwahaha.

And GSR timeline....Boom, Sara and Grissom blowing up bombs was kinda sweet, she touched him on the shoulder and they grinned at each other. And wasn't there an earlier scene where she ruined all his fun by finding out about the clock used as a timer from an internet search?

Please keep in mind that it is against board rules to post links to any fanfics rated above PG13/FRT. Link was removed on the above post.

Guys, please keep in mind that posts in shipper central must contain at least three lines of on-topic posting. The off-topic posting should never outweigh the on-topic discussions. Also, if you are going to post pictures, you still must include at least three lines of on topic discussion.

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Yeah, desert, stay with us. There is plenty of love here for you. I don't understand why other ships have to bash ours. Or Jorja/Sara and Billy/Grissom. I don't go there and bash them or their characters.

Just forget about them, put them in a little box and close the lid. Now take that box and put it on a shelf in Gil's office. (Picture him feeding it to his pet Tarantula or something). Feel better? Good.

Let's get back to the timeline, what episode has the next really great GSR scene? I know some of you know better than I do. The next one I can think of is Strip Strangler, but that's like five episodes later. I'm sure I'm missing some in between.
The Jorja thread is horrible, they bash us all the time. They always assume that Jorja/Sara is gay.

Did we already go over Too Tough to Die yet or did I skip some?
Yeah, desert, stay with us. There is plenty of love here for you. I don't understand why other ships have to bash ours. Or Jorja/Sara and Billy/Grissom. I don't go there and bash them or their characters.

Just forget about them, put them in a little box and close the lid. Now take that box and put it on a shelf in Gil's office. (Picture him feeding it to his pet Tarantula or something). Feel better? Good.

Let's get back to the timeline, what episode has the next really great GSR scene? I know some of you know better than I do. The next one I can think of is Strip Strangler, but that's like five episodes later. I'm sure I'm missing some in between.

Thank's all I was doing is expressing my views and well, I'll never go on there again:(, I like the Grissom idea funny:lol: I'll look for some photos later, you girls are the best fans on this whole site, and I love you all:thumbsup:
We love you too desert. We all need to stick together and back each other up. Have you guys noticed how we are the only ship that really gets bashed. it is totally not fair. Even ships that have nothing to do with Grissom or Sara bash us. They are just jealous because their ships aren't real.
Now I'm afraid to say anything about anything, I feel like I've been shoved into a dark hole, and can't seem to climb out:( "harsh" comes to mind, but carrying on here, and this is where I want to be:thumbsup: here's cute photo of our couple and the other one ,that now is probably not going to happen, because of the circumstances of the finale:( but one never knows with CSI, this could also change~

Aww desert, you can say practically anything you want over here because no other ship comes on here, without starting a fight. I love that photo by the way. All right you guys, i am turning in for the night. i will see you all in 2 weeks.

Long Live GSR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
The Jorja thread is horrible, they bash us all the time. They always assume that Jorja/Sara is gay.

Did we already go over Too Tough to Die yet or did I skip some?

No, why don't you do it?

And desert, you'll climb out of it soon enough. Just picture Billy over you like Nick in the coffin and you'll come out just to see him smile. :D :drools over image of laying under Grissom, even through plastic:

Have fun sidle, be good or have fun, whichever you choose!! :guffaw:
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