Grissom & Sara; #33 Time to Re-combine!

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ooo fun quiz , thanks :bolian: 10 for me too, it says the average of this quiz is 6/10?
how is it even possible to be taking that quiz but not knowing it? lol
you girls are soooo, smart:bolian:, and some are even bitching on the "quiz" thread about this one:rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes: but we're in our little GSR cocoon thank your very much!

this is right after she shaved him:evil:
I got a ten too!!! SQUEE for me and all of us "10"s. As for the bitches, oops, I mean the bitchers, they can make their own quiz of their own favorite scenes.

PS... I wanna see the coco, too. Maybe he can remember back to it hatching?
yay i got 10/10 even though i've had too many drinks and can hardly focus on the keyboard!! it's taken me like 5 minutes to write this much :D
our couple are the best and the butterflies are totally grissom/sara and nothing to do with Cath - she is just there as a good friend but still an outsider.... like in TGTBTD with Cath's chatting to Sara about Grissom's old relationships (soooo funny!) - she knows but she doesn't know, you know? :lol:

time for me to sleep - happy dreams everyone :thumbsup:
orange_cat you do really well, after throwing back a few
on your spelling, I couldn't do that:wtf:

that feels so good:p
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Hey! I got a 10/10 on the test and I linked it to my wiki. How fun was that? I hope there are some other quizes about our GSR!

Desert, I snagged that pic of "after she shaved him" woohoooo!:drool::drool:

Why in the world would Grillows shippers think that the butterfly has a thing to do with them? (I REFUSE to rag on another ship, but REALLY!) It's TOTALLY ALL GSR and GSR ONLY!

Gotta go to bed, ya'll have good GSR dreams tonight!
Hip-Hip-Hooray, exactly, "BUTTERFLIED" and his realization of his love for Sara!, sad:( their now doing fake fan-fiction dialogue, and floundering, & sinking sadly, because nothing is going on with their supposed 'ship', because they don't have one:( oh well, I won't go any furthur either, but I wonder what others will do when our couple go to the alter?

orange_cat you do really well, after throwing back a few
on your spelling, I couldn't do that:wtf:

that feels so good:p

Great pic desert and thanks!! I think I retyped every word in that message at least 3 times - the delete key is my friend :lol:

You guys we are just so lucky to have a canon ship here, it's brilliant! Let's enjoy every minute :thumbsup:

Ooh, speaking of which, I know there are sites listing the key GSR moments throughout the seasons, but does anyone know of a proper timeline ever being put together? I'd be interested to see all of it laid out, including their other attempts at relationships and the big personal events that happen to them, so you can see the whole picture. Might be one for the wetpaint wiki if it's not been done before? I'm sure given all those 10/10 scores we could put the whole story together between us :D And it might help people think of some new 'when it started, how it started' fanfics :)
Hey you guys i got a 10 out of 10 too of course. How could anyone get a 6/10 on that it was super easy. You just had to watch the episodes to figure it out. I love that picture desertwind it cracked me up. That is a great idea orange_cat. might have a timeline. If not, i'm sure we could put one together.
You know, I wonder, if we all got 10 out of 10, then who is taking it and bringing the average down to 6? They would have to be getting a 2 to even it out!!!

As for the timeline, has one that says it's "under construction", but I also think it's a great idea and something we could have a lot of fun with. each person that posts, can add a bit on the next episode. I'll start with the pilot...No Sara :(

And I have altered my countdown to the ninth of October as per David Rambo's intel. So until 9pm on Oct 9th, we have 110 days, 8hours and 34 minutes :D
You know, I wonder, if we all got 10 out of 10, then who is taking it and bringing the average down to 6? They would have to be getting a 2 to even it out!!!

As for the timeline, has one that says it's "under construction", but I also think it's a great idea and something we could have a lot of fun with. each person that posts, can add a bit on the next episode. I'll start with the pilot...No Sara :(

And I have altered my countdown to the ninth of October as per David Rambo's intel. So until 9pm on Oct 9th, we have 110 days, 8hours and 34 minutes :D

I am working on a HISTORY of GSR on my wiki, so check it out. I am really trying to update it this weekend, we'll see if I can!:p
Hey desertwind, do you make all of your own pictures because if you do they are really good.

The next thing on our timeline is the episode where we meet Sara, Cool Change. Grissom and Sara obviously had chemistry in the past and they get along so well.
Thank's sidlewannabee some are mine from days gone by, when I had photoshop, [which has since bit the dust, very expensive] and some I've nailed from the internet, and downloaded to my photobucket account:thumbsup:this is very cool, from 2002 on 'Access Hollywood" them being interviewd, and look how awestruck she is with him, can't take her eyes off him:drool: and does he love to talk! this is from his site WPAP!

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