Grissom & Sara; #33 Time to Re-combine!

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I think the premeire has changed to the 25th, but everything this far in advance is subject to change, here's a *spoiler* site that has the presumed dates:thumbsup:

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I think the premeire has changed to the 25th, but everything this far in advance is subject to change, here'a *spoiler* site that has the presumed dates:thumbsup:

Thanks, desert!:thumbsup:
I am hoping it's still the 18th, mainly cause I FREAKIN' HATE WAITING!!!!!:guffaw:
I love that manip. As you well know, I snagged it a while ago and use it often!:devil:
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Okay, I have officially been thwarted TWICE by those evil, internet, web browser Gods! This is heresy! Maybe it's trying to tell me something... Anyways.

Okay, my original post consisted of lots of quotes, and all of the following:

-Thank you's for all the good luck for my exams (only one left!)
-Thank you's for all the advice and food (No South African Starbucks unfortunately, so normal coffee will have to do!)
-Comments on all the cute GSR moments and the GSR poker (such a good idea :) )
-'Squue'-ing at GSR moments (when shouldn't we)
-And several comments on the suckiness of writer's block... (good luck to whoever said they had writer's block, I can't remember....)
-An apology for disappearing for a couple of days..... (I was sorting out my social life!)

And then the internet God's thwarted me when I tried to post it... So then I re-wrote it in short, short form (such as above) and.. *coughs*, the internet God's thwarted me again!!!!! Now I'm going to copy the entire thing before I try to press that button...

Here is the surviving remnants:

:) His heart was signed away 9 years ago when they met in San Fran, and though he tried to deny it or be interested in other people it just could never work. And she was there waiting when he finally clicked!;) :lol:

Yes! Sara was definitely there waiting for him, patiently. Even she looked at other people (like that loser, Hank, hss!) Sorry.. :)

I was watching part of The Good, The Bad and The Dominatrix, I was watching the GSR scenes (guilty as charged!). You know that scene where Catherine talks to Sara right at the beginning?

Catherine says that Lady H was the only woman she had ever seen rattle Grissom. Then she mentions Terri Miller and how she wasn't enough of a challenge for him. Then she talks about how Lady H and how she can beat him at mental chess. (I was half asleep, I don't remember!)

All the while Sara just processes, listening, but you can tell what she is saying is hurting... :( :( Then I had a realization....

Terri Miller and Lady H, even put together, wouldn't be enough of a challenge for Grissom because Sara was the biggest challenge he ever faced love-wise. He had to admit to himself that he loved her and be strong enough to open himself to a relationship with her.

Sigh, GSR bubble!

Keep up the GSR faith, people...

PS: Those spoiler boxes! ATTACK!
Sa_Kate I so agree with you on your analysis of LH and Terri Miller. first one who rattles one's cage, means they are disturbing, upsetting or confusing them, that's not a happy conotation, it's negative, she never made him happy. and she was way to bizzare for his liking, to troubled and in my opinion sleazy:wtf:he was really more in tune with Terri, although she bailed on him, didn't stick it out, and Sara always did and with Hank the skank, a mistake, we all make them:( Sara was the challenge, for him to try and figure out his true, deep seated feelings, he LOVED HER:thumbsup:he's a complicated man, and now that he's made this commitment, it's a long term deal, he's not a man who does things in the spur of the moment, he's not impulsive:vulcan: he's methodical, and takes his time to realize what's important.. and that's a wrap:thumbsup:

Hey, Orange_Cat! Check out my signature....Underground got second place in last month's video Challenge. Thanks for letting me use your great song, hon. Woo hoo!!! I'm so excited.

As for the premier date...I'm going to be on vacation for both of those dates...drat! I'm kinda hoping that it's the later date so I only miss the one episode. Plus, if everything goes according to plan I'll be lobbing in at a fellow GSR shipper's the next day and we can watch it on DVR.
Hey, Orange_Cat! Check out my signature....Underground got second place in last month's video Challenge. Thanks for letting me use your great song, hon. Woo hoo!!! I'm so excited.

As for the premier date...I'm going to be on vacation for both of those dates...drat! I'm kinda hoping that it's the later date so I only miss the one episode. Plus, if everything goes according to plan I'll be lobbing in at a fellow GSR shipper's the next day and we can watch it on DVR.

That'sfantastic news about the Challenge seattle and I'm so honoured to have been associated with this fabulous video - you totally rock!! :thumbsup:

Shame about maybe missing the start of S9 - will you be able to keep spoiler-free until you can watch the first episode?? You're gonna have to stay away from here from the time it airs until you do if that's the case :scream: I always have to avoid the forum until I've managed to get my sneaky copy the next day (UK time) and it is soooo hard. Waaaaaaah! Still, you know it's going to be so much more exciting for us not knowing anything in advance.... get ready for screaming is all I reckon :lol: Go TSF!
Okay, I have officially been thwarted TWICE by those evil, internet, web browser Gods! This is heresy! Maybe it's trying to tell me something... Anyways.

Okay, my original post consisted of lots of quotes, and all of the following:

-Thank you's for all the good luck for my exams (only one left!)
-Thank you's for all the advice and food (No South African Starbucks unfortunately, so normal coffee will have to do!)
-Comments on all the cute GSR moments and the GSR poker (such a good idea :) )
-'Squue'-ing at GSR moments (when shouldn't we)
-And several comments on the suckiness of writer's block... (good luck to whoever said they had writer's block, I can't remember....)
-An apology for disappearing for a couple of days..... (I was sorting out my social life!)

And then the internet God's thwarted me when I tried to post it... So then I re-wrote it in short, short form (such as above) and.. *coughs*, the internet God's thwarted me again!!!!! Now I'm going to copy the entire thing before I try to press that button...

Here is the surviving remnants:

:) His heart was signed away 9 years ago when they met in San Fran, and though he tried to deny it or be interested in other people it just could never work. And she was there waiting when he finally clicked!;) :lol:

Yes! Sara was definitely there waiting for him, patiently. Even she looked at other people (like that loser, Hank, hss!) Sorry.. :)

I was watching part of The Good, The Bad and The Dominatrix, I was watching the GSR scenes (guilty as charged!). You know that scene where Catherine talks to Sara right at the beginning?

Catherine says that Lady H was the only woman she had ever seen rattle Grissom. Then she mentions Terri Miller and how she wasn't enough of a challenge for him. Then she talks about how Lady H and how she can beat him at mental chess. (I was half asleep, I don't remember!)

All the while Sara just processes, listening, but you can tell what she is saying is hurting... :( :( Then I had a realization....

Terri Miller and Lady H, even put together, wouldn't be enough of a challenge for Grissom because Sara was the biggest challenge he ever faced love-wise. He had to admit to himself that he loved her and be strong enough to open himself to a relationship with her.

Sigh, GSR bubble!

Keep up the GSR faith, people...

PS: Those spoiler boxes! ATTACK!

Fantastic analogy!!! I love it!!
Sa_Kate I so agree with you on your analysis of LH and Terri Miller. first one who rattles one's cage, means they are disturbing, upsetting or confusing them, that's not a happy conotation, it's negative, she never made him happy. and she was way to bizzare for his liking, to troubled and in my opinion sleazy:wtf:

Let's not slag off other characters, it's not nice to call anyone 'sleezy'.

Thank you.

Congrats on your vid win seattlegsrfan :) Well done.

Sara was the biggest challenge he ever faced love-wise. He had to admit to himself that he loved her and be strong enough to open himself to a relationship with her.

Beautifully said. I love things like that (I'm such a romantic) and you said it so well! Aww, I love the idea of him having to fight himself to realize how he felt :p
to you seattle that's so fabulous, good job:thumbsup: can't get much better than that! some caps from "Empty Eyes"



Sorry about the LH comment, she's a lovely up-standing woman, just not the right person for him, & BTW has been on 4 times in 8 years, & is no longer on CSI, and was never a threat to Sara! he's chosen who he wants to be with and it's not her!
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Sa_Kate I so agree with you on your analysis of LH and Terri Miller. first one who rattles one's cage, means they are disturbing, upsetting or confusing them, that's not a happy conotation, it's negative, she never made him happy. and she was way to bizzare for his liking, to troubled and in my opinion sleazy:wtf:he was really more in tune with Terri, although she bailed on him, didn't stick it out, and Sara always did and with Hank the skank, a mistake, we all make them:( Sara was the challenge, for him to try and figure out his true, deep seated feelings, he LOVED HER:thumbsup:he's a complicated man, and now that he's made this commitment, it's a long term deal, he's not a man who does things in the spur of the moment, he's not impulsive:vulcan: he's methodical, and takes his time to realize what's important.. and that's a wrap:thumbsup:

the best analysis:bolian: complety agree with you desert.

orange_cat, TPTB play with us, i don´t think that we see something good in the promo for something good is something GSR :lol: always is the same any GSR the write do it subtle in therms "hot".
Thank's Sidlreiana that's how I feel about this issue, and actually Sara was the one who in "TGTBATD" that was kind and compassionate to LH, in the hospital, over the rest of the team knowing full on well, that they had a brief history, how strong and cool is that?

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Thank's Sidlreiana that's how I feel about this issue, and actually Sara was the one who int "TGTBATD" that was kind and compassionate to LH, in the hospital, over the rest of the team knowing full on well, that they had a brief history, how strong and cool is that?


Sara knows where Grissom's heart is, but I still don't like Lady Heather and I won't like her. Can't help it. I don't bash the fans that love her, but ICK.
Sara IS strong, and she was very kind to Lady Heather. Sara rocks!:thumbsup:
Sara totally rocked in TGTBTD - she has to deal with Catherine inadvertently putting her foot in it at the crime scene, then meeting LH without any backing from Griss, then Griss staying away the night and acting all odd (because he's uncomfortable and, as we all know, not the best at expressing himself). But Sara just sucks it all up and gives him his space - even when most anyone else would have given him a slap - she doesn't judge him or jump to conclusions.

Which is why they are so perfect:
Grissom needs someone who can accept the moments where his social skills get completely lost, and not judge him for it. Someone who can appreciate and share his passions in life (e.g. we know Sara hates bees from way back in season 1 (Sex, Lies & Larvae I think) - how fab is she then, to go into the bee enclosure and take off her glove?! No wonder he proposed there and then). Also someone who isn't going to betray him, especially once he has let them into his secret heart. We all know he is really just a hopeless romantic!
Sara needs someone strong and safe, but gentle, who can accept her difficult past and not judge her for it either. Someone who can teach her what a family really means; that not everyone lets you down; that there is romance in life. Someone who deserves her fierce loyalty and passion.

They are both very strong, independent people - together they are able to relax, quietly, and share intimacy without fear. Really, I could so imagine them pottering about a nice little garden as an old couple :) *Sigh*
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Sara totally rocked in TGTBTD - she has to deal with Catherine inadvertently putting her foot in it at the crime scene, then meeting LH without any backing from Griss, then Griss staying away the night and acting all odd (because he's uncomfortable and, as we all know, not the best at expressing himself). But Sara just sucks it all up and gives him his space - even when most anyone else would have given him a slap - she doesn't judge him or jump to conclusions.

Which is why they are so perfect:
Grissom needs someone who can accept the moments where his social skills get completely lost, and not judge him for it. Someone who can appreciate and share his passions in life (e.g. we know Sara hates bees from way back in season 1 (Sex, Lies & Larvae I think) - how fab is she then, to go into the bee enclosure and take off her glove?! No wonder he proposed there and then). Also someone who isn't going to betray him, especially once he has let them into his secret heart. We all know he is really just a hopeless romantic!
Sara needs someone strong and safe, but gentle, who can accept her difficult past and not judge her for it either. Someone who can teach her what a family really means; that not everyone lets you down; that there is romance in life. Someone who deserves her fierce loyalty and passion.

They are both very strong, independent people - together they are able to relax, quietly, and share intimacy without fear. Really, I could so imagine them pottering about a nice little garden as an old couple :) *Sigh*
Excellent take on it. :thumbsup: I am sure our fave couple will live happily ever after, I mean, Jorja DID say it is a fairy tale!
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