Grissom & Sara; #33 Time to Re-combine!

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Hi SA_Kate!! Yes we certainly did miss you! Sorry to hear about the loss of internet - that is just paaaainful :eek:

That last icon is from pkgem on livejournal - not sure which epi it is though... if no-one else can figure it i'll send a message, but i'm sure someone here must know :confused:

Ooooh and welcome to spoiler-free-ness, Team Spoiler Free, Team Stupendously Obtuse (and other names) yay :thumbsup: You are joining myself and seattle on the road to stress, increased heartrates, mad moments of panic and then (hopefully) spectacular joy with lots of screaming :guffaw:

*cough sniffle* - back to season 1 repeats for me... I just passed the "Mile High Club" scene heh heh
I love that scene. And Season 1 Grissom and Sara... They were so cute back then... *sigh* And GSR is such a great distraction from studying for exams.

And thanks, nice to know I've been missed! Yes! Viva! Glad to join the group, I know it will be a fun ride! TSO! Viva!

Now back to Science... Hey, you know, I could technically say that watching CSI is studying for Science since it is Science.... Hmm... Mwahaha.

I love your avatar O_Cat! Oh, everyone, don't forget to vote for Jorja as the World's Sexiest Vegetarian!

We all know there is none other, now just who to vote for in the male section.... (If only Billy was a vegetarian)

(half an hour later after she has read the list for men) OH MY WORD! You guys know that guy from TV Guide whose name is Ausiello and who loves to put GSR fans down or just let a whole bunch or rubbish come out of his mouth? Yes, that guy, who gets on everyones nerves! HE IS A VEGETARIAN! But sexy? No ways... Okay, sorry, rant over. I want to paintball him, anti-GSR-er.. Grr!
Okay, back to studying...
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SA Kate!
I missed you. Last week I applied at a catering outfit owned by South Africaner and I said to myself, 'Where the bloody hell has SA Kate been? I hope she hasn't jumped ship.'

And welcome to the spoiler-free fold. It's hard enough for me to manage being spoiler-free here on the west coast where the eps only air a couple of hours late. I can't imagine you poor girls trying to stay spoiler-free after an ep airs. Will you watch them on the internet as soon as possible?

And you're right, that's a very interesting avatar. I don't recognize the scene, or even the wardrobe. Sara's hair and Grissom's shirt both look to be season one, or maybe two. She looks like she's giving him some cheeky remark before walking away, leaving him dumbfounded. What episode is it, GSR experts?
SA Kate!
I missed you. Last week I applied at a catering outfit owned by South Africaner and I said to myself, 'Where the bloody hell has SA Kate been? I hope she hasn't jumped ship.'

And welcome to the spoiler-free fold. It's hard enough for me to manage being spoiler-free here on the west coast where the eps only air a couple of hours late. I can't imagine you poor girls trying to stay spoiler-free after an ep airs. Will you watch them on the internet as soon as possible?

And you're right, that's a very interesting avatar. I don't recognize the scene, or even the wardrobe. Sara's hair and Grissom's shirt both look to be season one, or maybe two. She looks like she's giving him some cheeky remark before walking away, leaving him dumbfounded. What episode is it, GSR experts?

Yay! It's nice to know I haven't been missed. I've missed all of you guys though. And jump ship? Ever? I hope not... *is shocked at the idea*

Hey, hope you get a job soon seattle! You are too interesting to be jobless!

I want to know that epsiode.. Grr.. I have an urge to do a Season 1 all night re-watch instead of studying.. Hmm, wish I could!

Yeah, it's hard to stay spoiler free after the ep airs! But yeah, I do try watch it as soon as I can on the internet. But not on the CBS site, it won't let me. :( But on other more scandalous dodgy sites... Which means I haven't actually the last two episodes of Season 8. I know what happened though, I'm not that good at being spoiler free! :) Hey, O_Cat, let us join together in our ship of not being able to watch CSI episodes properly.. But long live CSI! (and GSR of course!)

Sorry, the real reason I posted again is these Burma videos made by CSI and co. (JORJA BEING ONE OF THEM!) They are recent, and Jorja has short hair! (remember she cut it after she left.. remember?) And it looks like it is shot outside some sort of studio with her and Eric Szmanda. I absolutely love it. There is also one with Wallace Langham.

Also, the Burma tragedy and all of that is a great thing to support, viva to Jorja!

The vid:

The actual site:

This is why I love Jorja, and I also think part of the proof that she is back on CSI! Who knows if they have started filming yet or not? They usually start round about now....

Woo! GSR love!
Me too SA_Kate glad you among the living:bolian: and back with us, & thank's for the video, it was already posted on her 'thread' but nice to have it here as well! and it's such amazing news that our girl is back too;) some more caps. with them!


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Btw, where are the pics from that last avvie from O_Cat? I smell season 1 but my nose can't tell which episode! Btw, hope you are better!

Hey guys! I went on a hunt to find out what episode that avvie is from. It is from season 1 "Boom."

I believe it's the scene where's Grissom and Sara decide to make bombs and Warrick comes in and is jealous. :lol:

It's also in that scene where Grissom has all of the alarm clocks and asks Sara to find the ringing one! :lol:
Desert the are way too many :rolleyes: but i would have to say that my favorite scenes of all time are in Time of Your Death. and Way To Go. (i like when they're in his office talking about corsets =P) i dont know why but S/6 was my favorite even considering everything that happened in S/7 :bolian:
Yep, there are a lot of special moments Desert.
I think my favorites are: Eye!sex (6X22), Arm!sex (7X24), When Sara reads Grissom's letter (7X22), You make me happy, the whole scene (7X21), The proposal (8X04), and then, even though it's painful, The kiss and Grissom reading Sara's letter (8X07).
all these are excellent scenes definitely.
for me today (and it does change all the time!!) i'd say it's gotta be between "When did you tell Ecklie we got together?" - that whole car scene is just brilliant, and one of the most intimate between them - and "Maybe we should get married" - geek heaven :lol:
Wow! Thanks to whoever said 'Boom'! GSRLUVER, you rock! I remember that scene. It was pretty cute. Don't you hate it when a cute scene is never appreciated and then you remember it and think, wow, what a cute scene!

, it is good to be back! Hey, let's hope Sara is actually back for good now! Well, Jorja, Sara... You know what I mean! :) (both of them actually) Love that manip of our couple! I'm stealing it! *snags* Hope you don't mind. :)

Favourite moment? I agree with jorjafoxfan, there are waay too many! Corsets... Num, num. I love it in that episode when Sara walks in and puts her hand on his shoulder, everytime I see it, I think, hmm, something is up!

Favourite moment... Right now, I cannot remember whether it is Nesting Dolls or not, but when Grissom tells Ecklie, 'I need her.' So cute! Because we know he needs her in more way than one...:scream:

Hehe. Oh gosh, there was another one... Oh yeah! In A Bullet Runs Through It, I think it is the second part, when Grissom says 'Come on, it'll be fun.' to Sara while she is sitting on the back of the car. Sara then just follows him... And how Sara knows exactly what Grissom wants later when he asks her to throw the gun.. Sigh, I just love how they interact in that episode... *sigh*

Who agrees with me that all the people who believe in true love believe in GSR and the rest of them are just creepy when it comes to who they pair up *gets the shivers*

Oh, and, I think that I actually would have been happier with Sara leaving had her storyline come to a close. She leaves with this dark,depressing cloud over her head, Grissom is depressed for one episode and then we get the occasional hint of her but no actual thing telling us that they are happy. If Sara becomes one of the CSI: Invisible, I think it would better than what we have now, which is not knowing what is going on at all!

Wow, that took forever to come to me again, basically, I think people would have accepted Sara's leaving if it had been sad, but still, you know, happy, like we know GSR will be ok, and Sara will be ok....

Sigh, just a thought! :rolleyes::rolleyes:

Now let us party the night away!
Hey everyone! I love all of the scenes your mentioning! :)

One of my favs is during the season 6 finale, Way to Go, when Grissom and Sara have their camera duel! :lol: It's so cute the way she wins and then their expressions after. It's such a short scene, but it totally let me know that we'd get a big GSR pay off before that episode ended. :)
SA-Kate Who agrees with me that all the people who believe in true love believe in GSR and the rest of them are just creepy when it comes to who they pair up *gets the shivers*

Now let us party the night away![/QUOTE]
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SA_Kate very creepy, & in denial, and hoping that they get together with someone else ain't goin' happen fans:klingon:they're the ones, the only ones and I like the next thread as TOGETHER, FOREVER

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