Grissom & Sara; #33 Time to Re-combine!

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JorjaFoxFan I think the air next Feb. it doesn't say on the "news" files, I'm sure it'll be posted when the have an air date, and I'm also thrilled that Anthony LaPaglia was in the mix, I loved the Crossover ep. and that's when you could see Sara losing it, and finding the dead bodies in that house, her running off, and Grissom running after her:(

I will be keeping my fingers crossed for the both of them. They deserve it! They should get acknowledgement for their wonderful work. Afterall, it makes US happy!!
I second that, ilovegsr!:thumbsup:Yeah!!!! WOOHOOO!!!!
I wish there was something we could do!
i'm ill but still very happy about this news :) JF was just fabulous in GB&GL - and Dead Doll too for that matter - and WP of course is fab :lol: fingers crossed for the nominations!

now i'm off to hide under my duvet with some much needed CSI re-runs :D
awwe. get better Orange_Cat!! being ill sucks. and i agree CSI re-runs are much needed for me too. i remember this camping park i went to once they had an old little hut by the beach and it was set up like a movie theater it was so amazing, anywho the owners were real CSI fans and every night at dusk they played like 40 episodes it was greeeat. however i didnt really know CSI too well back then so i dont think i appreciated it as much as i would have now. :(
awwe. get better Orange_Cat!! being ill sucks. and i agree CSI re-runs are much needed for me too. i remember this camping park i went to once they had an old little hut by the beach and it was set up like a movie theater it was so amazing, anywho the owners were real CSI fans and every night at dusk they played like 40 episodes it was greeeat. however i didnt really know CSI too well back then so i dont think i appreciated it as much as i would have now. :(

Thanks JorjaFoxFan! That hut sounds like my ideal hang out just about now :) Maybe that's what we need to get us through the long summer months - our own drive-in CSI movie theatre!

Ok then folks here's a question - what would your top 'I'm ill and want nice GSR CSI re-runs to make me feel better' episodes be? My DVD player is waiting to try out your responses :lol:
awwe. get better Orange_Cat!! being ill sucks. and i agree CSI re-runs are much needed for me too. i remember this camping park i went to once they had an old little hut by the beach and it was set up like a movie theater it was so amazing, anywho the owners were real CSI fans and every night at dusk they played like 40 episodes it was greeeat. however i didnt really know CSI too well back then so i dont think i appreciated it as much as i would have now. :(

Thanks JorjaFoxFan! That hut sounds like my ideal hang out just about now :) Maybe that's what we need to get us through the long summer months - our own drive-in CSI movie theatre!

Ok then folks here's a question - what would your top 'I'm ill and want nice GSR CSI re-runs to make me feel better' episodes be? My DVD player is waiting to try out your responses :lol:

Get better!!! I love Ending Happy, Butterflied, Rashomoma, Invisible Evidence (the "pin me down" scene:drool:), and the entire season one DVD set. Lots of GSR flirting going on.
Get better!!! I love Ending Happy, Butterflied, Rashomoma, Invisible Evidence (the "pin me down" scene:drool:), and the entire season one DVD set. Lots of GSR flirting going on.

Ooh good call Piper - I haven't been back to Season 1 in a while and there are some excellent epis there! Hmmm... "Tie me up"? "Sleep with me"? Pig and a blanket! :lol:
Ending Happy is great too - as my sig shows, I love the banter between Griss and Sara in that episode :p It's the way they somewhat shyly skirt around what they're really trying to say.... geek love is so darned cute!!!
Ok then folks here's a question - what would your top 'I'm ill and want nice GSR CSI re-runs to make me feel better' episodes be? My DVD player is waiting to try out your responses :lol:

Scuba Doobie Doo.
Chalk. From plaster.:D
Grissom doesn't get cuter than that.
Hey everyone!

I also love the season 7 episodes before Grissom's exit. The veggie burger scene, the toe tags scenes, and the "dear" scene are some of my favs.
I love all the ones you all love, we've got the same taste:thumbsup: it's hard to pick one that they're in, the awesomeness of them is always something to behold here's one from "Crate & Burial" S/1 way back then 'Sara, Grissom, will tape me up"? Grissom to Cath "I love my job"

"Scubba Doobie Doo" S/2
Hope you feel better soon, O_Cat.
Try Scuba Doobie-Doo, or Sex, Lies & larvae, Grissom gets to snuggle under a little blanket, too. Or Anatomy of a Lye, they work so well together in that one. Or Turn of the Screws.
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thanks folks, you all rock beyond belief :bolian: i feel better already! i've cheered my way through Dead Doll; giggled at the dodgy puns in Turn of the Screw; got mad at Grissom for turning down that dinner invitation and then cheered him on for backing up our girl with the pig + blanket experiment. but at the moment i think that helicopter scene, when she opens her eyes and he smiles that lovely, shattered smile... that's winning me over right now.

goodnight everyone - have lovely dreams ;)
For sure orange_cat get well, so you can give us that "cheeky" smile:thumbsup: I was talking to a lady from England the other day in Wal-Mart and I aked her what "cheeky" meant she goes "sassy" is that correct? and bengali I love your stories! here's some more from days gone by!



THE LIPS "Gentle Gentle"

THE PICKLE "Overload"
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For sure orange_cat get well, so you can give us that "cheeky" smile:thumbsup: I was talking to a lady from England the other day in Wal-Mart and I aked her what "cheeky" meant she goes "sassy" is that correct?

Cheeky: :p That smiley is a good example! One of the online dictionaries says this - "Impertinently bold; impudent and saucy" which sounds about right. I would say "naughty, impertinent, and cute".
JF does it soooo well that I might as well show a quick ABC from the expert herself:




cheeky cheeky cheeky :guffaw:

p.s. thanks to pkgem and geekluvinskater for the icons!!
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cheeky cheeky cheeky :guffaw:

p.s. thanks to pkgem and geekluvinskater for the icons!!

Hey everyone! No idea if anyone missed me, but my internet decided it would be fun to die on me for about two weeks! Those were the two most depressing weeks of my life....

Can I just say, that you guys (and GSR) are my HAPPY DRUG! :guffaw::guffaw: Seriously!

Btw, where are the pics from that last avvie from O_Cat? I smell season 1 but my nose can't tell which episode! Btw, hope you are better!

Thank you everyone for all the positive GSR news! And also I have decided to go spoiler free from now on whoever else declared spoiler-free ness. Gosh, it's going to be a hard, long ride...

One thing... Two things I just have to add:
I think that the reason they might have the whole controversy about Sara's job is that she wants to be there helping them work the case. Unless they have already figured out it was the Sheriff... Which I guess they haven't. But for anything Sara does to be admissible, she would ahve to be working the case, and being a lab tech would help her do that. Also, maybe they wouldn't want to let her back in because of how she left? But it does sound very fan fic-ish. I can still imagine Grissom meeting Sara and leading her into Ecklie's office to duke it out. AND them seeing eachother across the DNA lab as Sara signals to Grissom that they won't let her in... *sigh* Happy thoughts...

Sorry, staying away from spoilers....

Also, a song by one of my favourite South African bands (at least I think they are South African... Anyways) Relient K.

The Best Thing

It's been a year
Filled with problems
But now you're here
Almost as if to solve them
And I can't live in a world without you now

All my life
I've been searching for you
How did I survive
In this world before you
Cuz I don't wanna live another day without you now

This is the best thing
The best thing that could be happening
And I think you would agree
The best thing is that it's
Happening to you and me

All I'm gonna have
Is all that you can give me
And I'll give right back
Everything I have in me
Cuz nothing ever felt as right
As this does right now

I'll go back to before we met
Can I erase the past
Try harder to forget cuz
Nothing will ever be as good as here and now

Cuz when I looked into your eyes
And you dared to stare right back
You should've said "Nice to meet you, I'm your other half"

And this is the best thing
The best thing that could be happening
And I think you would agree
The best thing is that it's happening
This is the best thing (the best thing)
The best thing that could be happening (the best thing)
And I think you would agree (whoooaaa whooaa)
The best thing is that it's
Happening to you and me

Always knew
I'd find someone
I never dreamt
It'd be like this
You've surpassed
All that I've hoped for (and ever wished)
And I'm tryin'
So hard
WIth all my heart and mind
To make your life
As good as you've made mine

This is the best thing (the best thing)
The best thing that could be happening (the best thing)
And I think you would agree (whooaaa)
The best thing is that it's happening to you and me

The best thing is that it's happening to you and me
The best thing is that it's happening to you and me

(The best thing) The best thing that could be happening
(The best thing) I think you would agree
The best thing is that it's happening to you and me

Sigh, I've heard that song so many times and only now have I matched it to GSR! MY word... Now I need to get back to learning for exams... Grr... At least I have something to day dream about when I finish... :lol::lol:
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