Grissom & Sara #32: With Every Beat of My Heart

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I think they got together after "Grave Danger."

Seahawk As for "Gumdrops," (I can't get the quote function to work Seahawk ). I watched it on DVD. In the commentary it says the episode was originally Grissom-centric but that WP had to back out at the last minute due to a family member's death. The whole episode was rewritten (basically in 24 hours) to remove Grissom and make Nick the lead.

This was before I was part of the online fan community. I guess the Grissom centric scenes were spoiled and some fans read them about Grissom and Sara at the hotel in the same room b/c Greg snored or something? I'm not sure, but the episode was totally changed. But, we know they were together during Season 6. Someone who was here then probably can tell the facts better than me???
You got it right idahomom! Gum Drops was going to have Grissom, Sara, and Greg have to go out of town to a crime scene. Grissom and Greg were supposed to share a room at this hotel and Sara was supposed to have her own. At night, Greg snored and Grissom couldn't stand it, so before a commercial break, it was supposed to show Grissom knocking on Sara's door, smiling, her letting him in without any questions, and then flashing forward to a black screen with some "interesting" sounds in the background. After the commercials, it was supposed to be Grissom sitting at the desk in the room reading a newspaper and Sara coming out of the bathroom towel drying her hair. They were supposed to talk about the case and then it would flash forward to them working with Greg again.

I'm not sure how Greg was supposed to work in with this because wouldn't he notice Grissom missing or at least get suspicious? Anyway, I think the big GSR reveal in Way to Go was inspired by these scenes.

It's interesting to think about how these past few seasons would have changed if they had gotten to do Gum Drops the GSR way. :)

As for the rest of season 8, I could see them mentioning Sara being back in the first few new episodes, then having her shown with Grissom at the end of the fifth episode to add excitement for the finale, and then having her be a main character in the last episode.
"Grave Danger" was S/5/s finale, so that would take us into S/6. if they got together then so what ep. do you all think that was?, and the "Gum Drops" ep. was supposed to be them,in a motel room..but, like stated he was called out of town for a family's death :( maybe someday they'll reveal when it was, but till then, I'm sticking with 'Nesting Dolls"

I'm not sure how Greg was supposed to work in with this because wouldn't he notice Grissom missing or at least get suspicious?

Maybe Greg's lines at the beginning of A La Cart were a leftover from that storyline :lol:
Because he'd definitely have known, but they wouldn't have said it in so many words...

I think the shortened S8 DVD should contain more extras as a compensation for the fans, and one feature should be "GSR - the missing scenes"
seahawk said:
I'm not sure how Greg was supposed to work in with this because wouldn't he notice Grissom missing or at least get suspicious?

Maybe Greg's lines at the beginning of A La Cart were a leftover from that storyline :lol:
Because he'd definitely have known, but they wouldn't have said it in so many words...

I think the shortened S8 DVD should contain more extras as a compensation for the fans, and one feature should be "GSR - the missing scenes"

Amen to that!!!!
Ooo, I was just reading a thing about MH talking to the New Zealand TV Guide about her future on CSI. She said she'd probably be back for one more year because of the writers strike. There isn't enough time to finish Catherine's story arc. Lets hope the rest of the cast feels the same.
Why she was talking to the Kiwi TV Guide I do not know.
seahawk said:
I'm not sure how Greg was supposed to work in with this because wouldn't he notice Grissom missing or at least get suspicious?

Maybe Greg's lines at the beginning of A La Cart were a leftover from that storyline :lol:
Because he'd definitely have known, but they wouldn't have said it in so many words...

I think the shortened S8 DVD should contain more extras as a compensation for the fans, and one feature should be "GSR - the missing scenes"

I totally agree with you seahawk! :lol:

And, extra special features would be awesome! I'd love to see outtakes from all the kissing scenes Billy and Jorja did! :)
I will said, after Graves Danger. Nick put Sara and Grissom together after they rescue him. On the episode of Gum Drops (My favorite.) Sara did mention Grissom in the episode, like she just drop him off at the airport. Don't forget Nick and Warrick was there, they were roommate in the hotel. Nick was on the chair watching tv, while Warrick was talking to his wife and Nick can't sleep when he was talking to Tina.

Someone said, same thing what deserwind said, they think between Nesting Dolls or Graves Danger.

Greg doesn't know that Grissom and Sara are together. He is either lied to Nick or teasing him. He doesn't know anything he think he does. Greg just heard Grissom at the table where the teams are, when he told the teams that Natalie want to hurt Grissom by go through Sara, someone he loves so much.
"Gum Drops" with Nick was one of his shinning moments, at the end with the lttle girl, tear jerker, and I have to think that they all knew, but were just discreet and kept it out of the workplace. Brass always knew, he's no dummie, and Cath must have known, she encouraged Gris to call her, and sat and smiled when he ordered her plant ;)[what ep. was that?] I would love to be a fly on the wall, in the writers room, and know what they have planned for her return, and how they'll handle it, and how the team will too!


I totally thought of Nick, just like I think of Sara when I see a butterfly and think of GSR when I read the word cannon. It's odd being so obsessed, isn't it?LOL! :lol:
Well at least we don't paint are bodies and go to sporting events half undressed. I wonder what GSR's colors would be?
Jeeze, is that being obsessed?...Stupid question, I spent almost all day yesterday making a fanvid. I'm obsessed.
How the heck do you make the fanvids? Do you have to be computer brilliant to do it? Also, how do you make icons?
I have an idea for one, but not one clue how to do it.
Back on topic, I am toooooo nuts about GSR. I really am. I think I need therapy. :lol:
NicknGrissom said:
I will said, after Graves Danger. Nick put Sara and Grissom together after they rescue him. On the episode of Gum Drops (My favorite.) Sara did mention Grissom in the episode, like she just drop him off at the airport. Don't forget Nick and Warrick was there, they were roommate in the hotel. Nick was on the chair watching tv, while Warrick was talking to his wife and Nick can't sleep when he was talking to Tina.

Someone said, same thing what deserwind said, they think between Nesting Dolls or Graves Danger.

I have alway's thought they really got together after Committed.

Sara is attacted

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