Grissom & Sara #32: With Every Beat of My Heart

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lol, I saw the pictures earlier today browsing through old GSR threads

you think they did it as "early" as 5x13?
I don't know...I just can't imagine Sara turning to sex as a means of distraction from her emotional stress, especially if it's not just any old one night stand, but THE first time with THE man of her life. And much more, I don't see how Grissom, the man who isn't exactly comfortable with emotions/emotional people, let alone Sara, would go from comforting Friend-Handholder-Tearwiper to Kissing-Nibbling-Groaning Grissom in 10 minutes. I think he's not *that* flexible - emotions-wise
I do see Nesting Dolls as a major turning point in their history, but rather in a "They open up to each other emotionally" way.

I also can't see them doing it for the first time right after Nick's abduction. I can totally see them talking things through (since Nesting Dolls), slowly rebuilding trust, but not this "Hey now that Nick is in safety I just realized how short life is." - "Yeah, me too. Bedroom?" stuff.

Maybe it's just my personal opinion but I don't see sex as a means of distraction for hardcore emotional stress. I mean, once you're in a committed relationship, ok maybe, but not as a starting point (first time/getting-to-know-each-other-sex), when both people are insecure, anxious to make mistakes or embarrass themselves in front of the other.

Don't get me wrong, that doesn't keep me from reading fanfics with these premises, but I can only judge from my perspective on life :)
They may not have done the deed, but I think he made a move of some sort. I really, really do.
Their whole dynamic changed after that.
Or is it just me?
NO, it isn't just you. Ecklie did say "what are you going to do about it" and Grissom replied "I've taken care of it", and I don't think he took advantage of the emotional state she was in, I think the timing was just right, for him to let her know that he did, in fact love her, and what better way to prove it, then. She needed that, she'd just told him "men that are emotionally un-available" so he showed her he wasn't, and let her know in the bedroom..
we've all got our theories as to when and how, but for me, that's the night it happened!
desertwind, I think you have it. It seems like that would have been a perfect time to tell her how he felt AND then show her. It wasn't that he took advantage, he loves her. She loves him. Simple as that.
Personally, I think that after thr near DUI that Grissom tried to start treating Sara better; after Snakes and then Nesting Dolls they started to rebuild their relationship; after Committed they started to get a little more serious; and a day or two after Grave Danger they took it to the next level.

seahawk, you just watched Grave Danger for the first time. Did you think that Sara was treating Grissom more intimately at the beginning, during the 'Trigger Scene'? Not necissarily as a lover, but as someone she had become very close to.
PiperGrissom said:
desertwind, I think you have it. It seems like that would have been a perfect time to tell her how he felt AND then show her. It wasn't that he took advantage, he loves her. She loves him. Simple as that.

EXACTLY, we're on the same page, on this one, I just feel them so much through the TV screen, the love, so real, his concern for her, and both their great acting in "ND" intense, his expressions, so kind so caring :p and to jump way ahead, the "Ala Cart" scene in the car' 'You had a pony tail" they've been smitten with one another from the first time they laid eyes on on another. he's done some strange things and his behavior hasn't always been stellar, he's a man :mad:, but when push comes to shove, she's the one, and the only one ;)all of you try and catch "ND" again, and then see what you think!

More ND
I've always believed that Grissom and Sara have been on and off since they first met.

I believe they might have had an affair when he was her professor at conferences. I'm guessing he felt it was wrong due to the age difference and teacher/student relationship, but still kept in touch with her because he found her so intriguing, which is why he asked her to Vegas where eventually, years later, they finally let nature take it's course. :)
I think your correct, does it ever bother any of you, that he had drink's with Terri Miller [where was Sara?] and tea with Lady Goth? and her with Hank the skank [where was Gil?] what was going on with them at those times? and BTW HAPPY VALENTINES DAY to all of you and GSR too, what do you think they'd give each other for this special day?

I've often wondered about their little endeavors with members of the opposite sex. Personally, I think Grissom may have had a slight flirting addiction before the relationship consummated, and then in TGTBATD was still slightly in that area where he sees it as a completely innocent act, though others *ahem, LOVERS* may not. And Hank the Skank? He may have simply been an attempt to make Bugman jealous, though I doubt it. She wouldn't do that. Perhaps she felt that maybe her love was unrequited, and went looking in another are, but still someone she would see on a regular basis both on and off the clock. *shrug* I dunno.

As for this romantic holiday that I absolutely cannot stand: Do they really need anything aside from candles and silk sheets to express their love for one another? :]] If they were to get eachother something, I think it would probably be books. Something smart, maybe poetry or deep literature. Or little butterflies. Butterflies would be nice.

I have a butterfly shrine in my room, it's pretty fantastic...Today I went and got my hair cut like Jorja Fox...I can pretty much relate anything to GSR, no matter how distantly...ZOMGIMSOEXCITEDFORALLTHEGOODSHOWSTOCOMEBACK, meaning CSI, CSI, and...CSI.
I think Grissom tried his little flings with Teri & the evil LH because he needed sexual release, was somewhat attracted to them intelectually and physically and knew that when they threw him over it wouldn't be that big a loss. No risk of being emotionally crushed.

Sara and Hank, on the other hand, was, IMO, because Grissom told her to go out and get a life. Basically telling her she wasn't going to have a life with him.

As for V-day, I would think they'd do something simple. A card, maybe a single flower, and dinner out somewhere nice. Or maybe chocolate fondue in bed.::winkwink::
I love that you all have your ideas as to Mr. Grissom man, & Sara, he is a sexy handsome sensual beast.. and what women hasn't been attracted to him?, he's a hard cookie to crumble. I feel that Sara brought out the best in him, and he realized after 'Butterflied' that she was the one, and he stopped his s..t, with others .. and seattle I love the chocolate fondue VD idea, how sexy and delicious.but knowing him he'd probably get her a book on bugs, but then again he sent her the cocoon [which we never saw again] and that love letter from Shakespeare Sonnet-47, who knew he was so deep and romantic, he changes like the wind.. for reals I just hope that she's on soon, guess their back to work, hopefully filming!
As for V-day, I would think they'd do something simple. A card, maybe a single flower, and dinner out somewhere nice. Or maybe chocolate fondue in bed.::winkwink::

I agree, something simple. They're not the sort of couple to break out the diamonds and forty-foot teddy bears just because it's a holiday. They're too subtle for that. Chocolate fondue in bed, eh? I think I used that in a RPG once...

Sara and Hank, on the other hand, was, IMO, because Grissom told her to go out and get a life. Basically telling her she wasn't going to have a life with him.

He did tell her that she needed to get a life, but I'm not sure that he was saying a life with him was out of the question. Maybe at the time it had seemed like that, but there was obviously a part of both of them that kept hoping and trying. It sounds cheesy, but they always kept the faith in a secret corner of themselves. Or maybe I'm just a hopelessly romantic optimist.
If ya'll want to know what I think happens on Valentine's Day for GSR, go to the smutathon and read my fic. LOL! It's a Valentine story. :devil: ;)
JorjaAnn said
Seattlecsifan said
Sara and Hank, on the other hand, was, IMO, because Grissom told her to go out and get a life. Basically telling her she wasn't going to have a life with him.

He did tell her that she needed to get a life, but I'm not sure that he was saying a life with him was out of the question. Maybe at the time it had seemed like that, but there was obviously a part of both of them that kept hoping and trying. It sounds cheesy, but they always kept the faith in a secret corner of themselves. Or maybe I'm just a hopelessly romantic optimist.
I think at that time Grissom really thought that they would never get together. I think he was afraid of having a relationship with Sara because if he ever gave her his heart and she then left him it would devestate him. Also there are the carreer implications. If it was found out that they had a relationship it would harm both of their careers - Boss boinks subordinate, or She slept her way to her possition, neither one very savory. Of course when Sara got together with Hank, he discovered that it hurt him immensely that she was with someone else.
Obviously Grissom got over his fears at some point. I think it was a long and complicated journey though.
seattlegsrfan said:
JorjaAnn said
Seattlecsifan said
Sara and Hank, on the other hand, was, IMO, because Grissom told her to go out and get a life. Basically telling her she wasn't going to have a life with him.

He did tell her that she needed to get a life, but I'm not sure that he was saying a life with him was out of the question. Maybe at the time it had seemed like that, but there was obviously a part of both of them that kept hoping and trying. It sounds cheesy, but they always kept the faith in a secret corner of themselves. Or maybe I'm just a hopelessly romantic optimist.
I think at that time Grissom really thought that they would never get together. I think he was afraid of having a relationship with Sara because if he ever gave her his heart and she then left him it would devestate him. Also there are the carreer implications. If it was found out that they had a relationship it would harm both of their careers - Boss boinks subordinate, or She slept her way to her possition, neither one very savory. Of course when Sara got together with Hank, he discovered that it hurt him immensely that she was with someone else.
Obviously Grissom got over his fears at some point. I think it was a long and complicated journey though.

Okay, that makes sense. At the time, he was probably trying to keep his career as top priority so he wouldn't tread dangerously beautiful GSR-infested waters. That's understandable. And then he got smart about life. I think it's safe to say that we are all very glad that he got over his fears.

Can someone give me a link to the smut-a-thon? It would be greatly appreciated. :]]
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