Grissom & Sara #32: With Every Beat of My Heart

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Going back aways.. for "TOYD" when they went to that 'guru' and he right off the bat assumed they were a couple ;)




I've been trying to live in the real world.

I think my heart broke a little yesterday when both "Castles in the Air" and "The Sessions" fanfics ended. They were so good. I'm also enjoying "Restart." I guess I have to live in the fantasy until the real show comes back.

With the Director's deal, I'm hoping the writers agree and the season is salvaged. I'm looking forward to an end of season hook-up. I really hope that Sara is in the last episode, but it's like ER where no one knew that George Clooney would be in the last scene with nurse Hathaway.

Of course what would be great would be a suedo-flashback episode where they writers show how they hooked up. I think that's what entrigues me is the first time we saw them together...we didn't know how long or when.

I watched "Turn of the Screw" and the lines in there were so charged. "Looking for a screw?" Ah the good old days. In a few months, after the strike ends, I hope we are able to look back and see how foolish we were to worry about Grissom and Sara. He'll go off with his girl into the sunset...

PS...thanks for all the fic recommendations...
Haha idahomom, thanks for reminding me about "Turn of the Screw." I LOVED that scene with the screw and how Sara is the one to point out his poetry reference. :)

I also like when they're looking at the roller coaster and Grisosm says, "We'd like to be alone." Wow, so many sexual innuendos, so little time. :lol:
I was thinking about Turn of the Screw earlier actually.

I am able to replay GSR moments in my head because I've watched them so many times. It's really helpful when I need cheering up!
I reckon we're pretty lucky really. We've still got Grissom, we've got miles of scenes to replay in our heads or on our computers, we've got thousands of fanvids and fanfics. Plus JF, DR, CM, and NS have all said that Sara will be back.
Look at those poor salsa shippers (or whatever you call Sofia/Sara. They've lost both halves of their ship and have damn few scenes to re-live.
Since Castles and Sessions are over I've decided to re-read Casa. Woo Baby!
I need help.

I need to get my mind out of the GSR gutter and to focus on my real life. Got an exam tomorrow and all I did today was reading fanfiction.
Ok, I took some notes (we're allowed to take them with us), but I honestly can't see how I'm going to concentrate on media technology with all those stories on my mind :D ...

I hate when real life interferes with daydreaming :rolleyes:
Ok seahawk, here's what you do. Study for two hours and then take a 15 min. GSR break. Watch clips, read fanfiction, whatever. :)

Then, after 15 min. go back to studying for another two hours.

It's how I study for my exams. It works pretty well as long as you pay attention to the clock :lol: GSR can be mesmerizing!
Duh...I did it the other way round :p

Well, it's too late for tomorrow (the notes will have to do) but I'll try to remember the right order.
At age 22, in an M.A. course, I should actually be able to keep focused. I mean I do. Just...not on the course

Another sign of advanced GSR madness I guess...
Yeah, GSR got in the way of RL a lot less when I was only into fan videos. With fan fiction there's just so much of it and so much of it fabulous.
Look at it this way seahawk GSR IS a part of media, and I figure if you live in Germany that English is a second language, so in reading GSR fanfics you're practicing your English skills. Look at it as educational.
@seattlegsrfan I've got a new mantra :lol:
*it's educational it's educational it's educational*

Grissom in a suit? Just educational :D
That's a beautiful manip Sidlreiana and his lips, and her lips.. so sensual
and she will be back, is't it ironic that she leaves, and the writers go on strike :confused: here's a couple from "SWAP MEET", where, they both were confused by these people switching partners, so not them.. Sara "do you think these people are happy"? :(

Bringing her tea ;)

walking and talking, about this case!
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