Grissom & Sara #32: With Every Beat of My Heart

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I really needed all those GSR pictures from posts up there ^
Having a bad day :(

Welcome to seahawk though! It's always nice to have new GSR lovers.
Good csi_love that's what their here for ;) and good to see your still amonst the living bengali stay safe, and don't stay away so long!

Nice pics Desert , thanks for the pick me up. I swear I could eat them both up. They're so adorable and so hot. I mean, I'm straight, been married for 20 years, never coveted a woman; but if Jorja Fox ever made a pass at me, man I'd definately give the idea some careful consideration.
On that note, I think I'm going to go re-read Smacky30's Unremarkable. Yowsa.

My GSR madness keeps intensifying.

Tonight I had a GSR dream. Actually, it was more like a complete CSI episode, only without a plot, since my brain kept telling me: "The case is not important, it's just a pretext to get GSR back onscreen".

I dreamt the first episode after the strike. It was called "Strikebreaker" (yeah, I'm really inventive when asleep...)
The DB found at the beginning of the "episode" turned out to be a Hollywood writer who was poisoned before coming to LV and died there.
So, Gil had to go to LA to investigate. He finds out the guy was suspected to be a strikebreaker, but wasn't really.
Ok, somehow (I think it was random "evidence analysis") he found the murderer.
After that my brain had the great idea that LA is in the same state as San Francisco (500 miles distance? who cares...). So Grissom went there, knocked on Sara's door, and when she opened gawping at him, he just said: "I was in the neighborhood and just wanted to come by and ask when you're ready to come home."

*cut back to LV, normal lab routine*

Sara and Nick are processing some evidence at a crime scene. Sara's name tag reads Grissom.
Nick asks her: "Hey, how did Griss find the guy who poisoned the writer?"

Then I woke up and was confused because of the plot holes.

*humph* I have the perfect GSR dream and wake up because of PLOTHOLES... :rolleyes:
what stage of GSR madness is this? On a scale from 1 to ten probably a 23.
I love, love, love your dream!!!! It totally works for me!
I DO think that when Sara comes back, her name on her vest (if she still wants to work as a CSI) will read "Grissom".I have no doubt she's going to come back married to the bugman.
Yeah...I'm keeping my fingers crossed (although it is slowing down the typing ;))

I finally got around to watching "Butterflied" today *sigh*
The love is SO there...the glances, pensive moody Grissom, more glances and the ending, of course *squeee*

So I'm back off to GSR dreamland and hopefully my brain will just shut up when it comes to plotholes :rolleyes:

Keep the faith, everyone...GSR forever
seahawk, your dream was fantastic! I love it when I dream in CSI. Just like yours, it always has GSR! :)

Also, desertwind, I love the third cap from Crate and Burial that you posted. I love the look on Warrick's face. To me it says, "Oh yeah, there is definitely something more going on with Grissom than just his bugs and her name's Sara." :lol:
I LUV all of you GSR fanatics. and your the best fans on this whole site, and thank's for your compliments, and seattle I sorta of feel the same about Jorja, I'd love to sit down and have a brewski with her, and pick her brain. she's just got a special aura, that shrouds all around us, but, in the romance dept. I'll take him instead :p
their just so perfect together, have I said that before? :D and seahawk great dream if ony huh? and GSRLUVER Warrick always knew, I think they all did, but were shocked when he spilled his guts in "DEAD DOLL" he's so private, 'The only one I've ever loved" what a revelation :eek: and finding her OK, after her grueling expierence in the hot-hot desert!

GSR Fanfiction SMUT ALERT...

Over @ GEEKFICTION check out - A Different Approach :eek:

Smokin! God, I just love a good GSR smutathon! :lol:
OK, will do, but instead of SMUT, I'm more of a romantic and love the love they have

Those intense looks, burn through the TV screen :eek:
I like it all, but I love good ol' smut. I wrote one at as PiperGrissom. It's not great, but it IS smutty. LOL!! :eek:

I am writing one now, Home Again, which has 10 chapters, I'll add # 11 soon. It's not really smutty, it's becoming a comedy. :p
Yeah, I love his eyebrow raise when she first kisses him, but then he totally get's into it. I also like how he doesn't pull away for the initial kiss, but actually leans in. So in conlusion, he's confused about why she's kissing him, but certainly doesn't mind kissing her. :)

That's what I thought the first time I saw that kiss. WOW, he's not pulling away! :D Grissom has come a LONG way! He's so inlove with her, I don't think he would care if she jumped his bones on the lay out table infront of Eklie, this point. The boy has got it bad! :lol:

I love the GSR romance, I love the fluff... but I also love it when Grissom gives in to his animal instincts (so unGrissom) and just pins Sara against a wall with the GSR smutfiction. :lol: Bonus if he's making growling noises! :lol: My toes just curl if he's making growling noises, dragging her to the bedroom all caveman like, and talking dirty! :lol: Mmmm... caveman Grissom. :p
Hey y'all, just a bit of a fiction alert. I've been writing last night and this morning. New chapter for Misunderstandings and a stand alone called Fetishes?
I also read Chibs' new one Madness in the First Degree. It's fun.
And Castles in the Air is finally finished, so bittersweet, it's finished at last but you want more too.
And Penny finally finished The Sessions.

I don't know what to think about the DGA signing a contract so soon. Hopefully the writers will get a contract now, but I hope it's a good one. If the writers do okay, maybe it'll pave the way for SAG to get a good contract and they won't have to strike.
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