Grissom & Sara #32: With Every Beat of My Heart

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Right. This is me, coming back from the depths of doom, to comment on this apparently lost for months picture.
OHMYLORD! -flails to death-
Toasty! you know we miss you! *hugs* good to know you're still alive there.
Adzix I just snorted tea out my nose when I saw your new icon. Too funny!
lol, thanks.
I saw an icon of that, but I was never sure wtheck it was about. Its on lj? What all does it say/do?
ah my dear CathStokes, lol. nah, it's just some new pics that somebody found of the two of them making out from 8x07. we all got excited cuz there is 3 different promo pics of the same kiss, and every pic takes place somewhere else. read: they made out a lot. and there have to be a lot of different versions of that scene. what would i give to see the bloopers.
Don't you just wish you could eat cake for breakfast and look like that?
Stay Forever opens tonight. I wonder if any CSI people will be there.
So, if the writer's strike ends next week how long will it take before they start shooting a new episode? I wonder how many more episodes they'll get made this year. I certainly hope we get Sara back for more than 'a moment'.
Okay, enough rambling. I'm going to go read fanic until dinner...CSIGeekFan's Restart, good stuff.
^ tbh i think the writers are already silently working. they know the strike is coming to an end so they are coming up with new ideas for episodes not to waste any more time. of course they are not doing it officially but i think a lot of them are back on track at this point.

one thing that gave them away a bit was jorja talking like she already knew some things that are supposed to happen to her character in the future.
THE WRITERS STRIKE HAS ENDED it's on the TV media thread.. and two links telling us when their going to start filming again..YIPEE
is this not fabulous.. it's been a long brutal time :( now finally back to square one! and I was just re-watching "Monster In A Box" whne he and her tell each other "I'll see ya later" "yeah you will" :p

I don't think the writers have voted yet, that's not schedualed to happen until Saturday. The strike isn't officially over until they vote to accept. This is from a writer over at YTDaW who is joining the guild soon and is in the loop. Supposedly the two sides are close and will probably settle before the Oscars (feb. 24th).
seattlegsrfan said:
Okay, enough rambling. I'm going to go read fanic until dinner...CSIGeekFan's Restart, good stuff.

I love that Fic. The saga of Review and Login is gripping. I have a feeling I know what is coming next tho'...
Welcome Looking4Love FYI and I don't know how long you've been watching CSI, but to catch you up.. he asked Sara to marry him :confused: they've had a relationship for 9 years.. so, he has admitted it ;) in many ways~~

I'M NOT READY TO SAY GOODBYE but then you did anyway.. come back soon :(
Hey y'all, I was looking around for any info on Jorja's play and saw that Jorjaallaround has a few picture from opening night. Anyway, one pic had WP and MH. I think that's really cool that they were there to support Jorja and bodes well for us seeing Sara again.
You're not supposed to link that sight, so I'll tell you to find the pics in the gallery, at the bottom, under last additions. Oh, and thats a .org And you need to be a member to enter.
ETA a link to the best picture, I put it on Badongo. cool pic
Billy looks kinda like my husband when he looks in the mirror, sucking in his cheeks to look skinnier.
wow, just saw the pic of WP, MH, and JF. I think that it is great that they are showing support. I wonder if they showed up to it to suprise JF.
seattle nothing came up :(is this the pic. on yours?

JORJA'S PLAY and Billy loves plays, he left to go do one last year, so it would seem probable he'd be at her's, and their real life frends as well, thus the camraderie one sees on screen.. very cool ;)
That's it desert, yours is bigger though.
Has anyone found any reviews or anything?
Man, I would have loved to camp out on the sidewalk in front of the theater last week when I was down there. Damned relatives wanted to go to Disneyland. What kind of priorities are those? :)
Hey desert, you ever eat at the Buffet at Wynn? We ate there last week, wow. I'd like to spend a week eating there.
Okay, back to writing GSR smut for the smutathon.

ETA: I just read on YTDaW from the writer who's in the WGA loop that the vote won't start until monday and will take 48 hours. One of the moguls really put his foot in his mouth and said they had forced the writers to go back to work on monday, so the writers will probably picket until the last minute to spite the moguls. Picketing until wednesday or thursday probably and then back to work.
Your welcome, and on reviews, they'll be there. it just opened Feb.3rd I believe, & I always wonder did they all go out for dinner, and drink's afterwards? and NO I haven't eaten at the Wynn, the Rio is delicious and the Palace Station.. YUMMY.. like $6.99, and your eyes are bugged out from all the tempting goodies, you'll be stuffed for days :p glad you had fun here, did you stay at the Wynn? expensive isn't it?

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