Grissom & Sara #31 : Yes. Let's Do It.

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Hey guys, I just read a fabulous GSR fic that's rated teen, so I can link it. Only the Brave by Summer Reign. It's a really good story, I wish the episodes this year had been so well writen. It's a Sara leaves & then comes back story. It will make you smile.
I've been reading that one over the past week or so, ever since it started! It's seriously awesome, and everyone should read it. (except for the spoiler free people, it has a few spoilers in it.) But it's REALLY good!

there's a promo for 807 already?
Summer Reign's stuff is seriously awesome, I haven't had a chance to read "only the brave" yet, but i keep meaning to when i have a moment.

I've actually just published my first GSR fanfic! *trumpets sound and confetti flies* it's called Living the Dream, it's a short romantic drabble, no spoilers, nothing X-rated (why am I hearing a chorus of moans?), I am absolutely no good at writing and had to be persuaded to sit my GCSE English, so this is pretty big for me, but I had this going around my head so I though, what the hey- why not?

I agree some of the fanfic out there is just absolutely amazing and I think some of it actually puts some of the real CSI scripts to shame. one of my faves so far has been One In Some Percent, wow it just totally blew me away! I just don't know how people can write like that, with all the intricate details and plot twists... my brain just isn't wired to be able to write that kinda stuff, so I think I'll stick to drabbles! lol
oh word it is just totally DEAD in here! where is everyone? seriously this forum used to move so quick I could barely keep up, now, we're in single figure posts a day... what on earth is going on!?

I've snagged one of your avatars too Adzix, it really made me LMAO, and since i'm now beyond 100 posts, thought i'd splurge! GO GSR!
You know what else is dead? CSI without Sara! CSI without GSR! I'll stick it out, to see how the next couple of episodes play out... but I think I'm done. Slap a toe tag on this show. CSI will be dead without Sara! Suck it CBS! :(
I just got asked to babysit on November 15th. I just watched the youtube video and cried. I'm just going to have to change my plans. The kids can watch themselves. The end.

You know what was disappointing was no GSR in:
Chick Flick Chop Shop? Chick Flip Hot Spot? Bleh. I didn't like the title and I didn't like the episode.

Turtlebaby, you make me laugh. I hate these long episode titles.
That video was so cute! :) I can't wait to see the rest of that scene! I bet Grissom will say that Sara is actually his wife or that they're engaged or something! :) Okay, maybe I'm dreaming, but heres hoping! :)
BabyBunting , again, congrats on the drabble. Hey, who wrote that story "percent" , I can't find it.

Adz , great avatars. I snagged some too. All I have to do is figure out how to make them work here. I use them at the other boards I go to.

I'm so happy to see that Sara is at least in the next ep for more that 10 seconds. Yeah.
Thanks Seattle! i can't believe i've already got 7 reviews and it's all been so positive too! real ego boost for little ol' me :)

"one in some percent" was written by "danceoftheheart" - she's a really really good writer, i would thoroughly recommend "a bed of roses" that she wrote too - chapter 12 of that has to be THE funniest piece of Sara writing i have ever read! I mean spitting my juice out at the computer screen, tears in my eyes from laughing so hard kind of funny :lol:

"Quis Custodiet Ipsos Custodes?" (who watches the watchers?) by Solomynne is also a really gripping read which I would thoroughly recommend, a real good piece of GSR writing.

Yeah I'm glad it looks like we're going to see more of Sara next episode (well, she can't really be in it any less than she was CCFS!) though I doubt we'll see as much GSR as we would like to.
You have 8 reveiws now... ;) :D Guess which one is me? Hint: I'm the one that rambled on for a while, lol.

When she said Hank, for a second I was really confused. I was like "Wait, how can they have a kid?" I didn't even realise that it was their dog until Grissom said it. Haha, they named him Hank! That's just great, perfect name for a dog! :D I'm sad that he introduced her as "Sara Sidle, CSI" and said she 'walks his dog sometimes'. I wanted him to say fiancee or wife, or at least girlfriend or something! But at least she's in it, and there will at least be a sort of GSR scene.

I'm so glad that people are actually posting now! The thread was really dead.
OMFG!!! THE SOUND DEVICE ON MY COMPUTER IS DOWN!!! can i please bother somebody to type me up a transcript of what is being said?! F-R-E-A-K- A-T-T-A-C-K!!! :D
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