Grissom & Sara #30: Pin Me Down...But Not With a Mustang

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Re: Grissom & Sara #30: Pin Me Down...But Not With a Mustan

i deleted the post i couldn't get the pic on...ill try again... the pic..
its probably not going to work
Re: Grissom & Sara #30: Pin Me Down...But Not With a Mustan

i just popped in to say that i'm freaking out in the best way possible!!! I can't wait another 2 1/2 hours! I want my CSI now.

And I think Sara's going to live. In the case that she doesn't, WP guaranteed us a kiss, right?

oh, and i thought CSI:NY was excellent, but that has absolutely nothing to do with GSR.

And I got rid of my Save Sara (although I'm still pushing for her to live) banner and put something new there. The song lyrics are from a song by this band Mae and it always reminded me of GSR.

Actually, my AP Chem teacher and I were discussing CSI and we had ironically decided to do the same thing. We're both recording the office, watching CSI, and then watching our tape afterwards. pretty random.

But all my friends think CSI is better and want Sara to live. I don't know if they're GSR fans, but I think I got a few ppl to join our side.
Re: Grissom & Sara #30: Pin Me Down...But Not With a Mustan

it didn't work for me
and guys, i just read the part in casa w/ grissom's note in his wallet...made my pulse speed up and my jaw drop. it was of those moments that took my breath away. it's such a great story...i can't believe how great it is
but this is the shipper forum
i really hope we get a good gsr scene tonite, i'll be so heartbroken if we don't!!
2 hours 28 minutes
Re: Grissom & Sara #30: Pin Me Down...But Not With a Mustan

We're all so neurotic and so crazed over this.. I've never seen so much secrecy from TPTB, no leaks anywhere, no one knows zip, really weird. and almost unbeliveable, so hush-hush, I think like their underground :( I can't take much more.. the hours are moving like snails on sleeping pills :eek: some more positive feedback. [pic below]. ~~~tapping fingers~~ and I think I'm getting a nervous tick.. this is torture :mad:

Re: Grissom & Sara #30: Pin Me Down...But Not With a Mustan

OMG!! 2 Hours
Sara has to live.

I agree with Lady Disdain we all want the depth of relationship that Grissom and Sara have.
I love how the writers and actors have slowly developed it to make it real and deep.
I am an English major (who loves film and TV besides books being my first love) and I have rarely read or seen a love story as great, detailed, and subtle as Grissom and Sara.
It is actually quite lovely to see the complexity come from the actors and the writers collaborating.
I have always thought of GSR as the introverts love story. They are not flashy or have endless kissing or sex scenes but the love is all in the eyes which reveal more about a person than dialogue. Just as subtle body languge does more than hot sex. NOT everyone is loud with their emotions in the traditional sense. I know I am not. Sara and Grissom are deeply emotional, but not dramatic. They are symmetrical and it is what most of us want to be loved for who we are, not the way we style our hair or the clothes we pick.

Although I got to say Billy is handsome and Jorja really is the most beautiful woman on the show. Who doesn't love the Grissom smirk or the Sidle Smile, but i also think a lot of it comes from the natural chemistry they are famous for. The writers have often said Billy and Jorja do not always notice how in sync they are when they are acting. Several writers have said Jorja is the best actor or actress on the show. So there, you cannot kill her!!

Back to my other point, I also think CSI does not get as much attention from the magazines as buzz worthy because it has stayed true to traditional and high storytelling techniques. It is a classic novel unfolding on television.
It is Hitchcock and Sherlock Holmes and Dickens all rolled into one, but distilled enough for the average viewer. Yet it is complex enough to make an English major drool, but not everyone notices all the subtlies. For example, I laugh or smile and my parents dont and i have to explain why i am laughing at a reference or storyline. CSi is filled with all the subtle references, to the writers i mentioned, integrated into the show.
So CSI seems effortless and fades into the background because most people do not get its true brilliance. Sad, but even some people who watch it do not appreciate its true complexity and brilliance. It amazes me every week.

This means that the show does not go for cheap thrills like sex and caveing to what is trendy. (Although they need to use the sexed up Marg less this year, one flaw that goes for the trendy well and Sofia, more Jorja please!!!)
The writers do what great novelists do they leave you with questions and then bring it all back full circle. I mean they even mentioned Moby Dick (fantastic novel, by the way) again in the show after Season 5, in a pivotal GSR moment in "Way to Go" and the fact that Gil remembers Sara is a vegiterian when in Season 2 "Burden of Proof" he famously and completely forgets that she is one. Beautiful and thoughtful.

GSR Rules and CSI Rocks in that order!!!
Go Team SO!!!!!!!!!

PS they had better tell us she is alive tonight or I will never last until next week!!!!!!!
Re: Grissom & Sara #30: Pin Me Down...But Not With a Mustan

Oh dear god, 1 hour and 53 minutes to go!!!

I am currently camped out in front of my tv with gummi bears in hand, waving my GSR flag (figuratively of course :lol:) watching "the best of GSR" (AKA every GSR scene from season 1-6 and a little of 7). It's a lot of changing disks and fastforwarding but you know what? It works. Oh yeah, I'm wearing my CSI t-shirt too.

I should probably be ashamed of all this, but I'm not
Re: Grissom & Sara #30: Pin Me Down...But Not With a Mustan

Hey guys, I used some of my nervous anxiety & made a Sara/GSR video today. I know we have a special Video page but most of those people don't appreciate GSR like you all do. Its called The Story
Re: Grissom & Sara #30: Pin Me Down...But Not With a Mustan

I am watching great GSR moments and have on my CSI t-shirt too.
the anxiety is killing me too!
I wish I had someone to watch it with
Re: Grissom & Sara #30: Pin Me Down...But Not With a Mustan

Does anyone have the link to that master "Top number of GSR" episodes or whatnot? I'm trying to add to my marathon
Re: Grissom & Sara #30: Pin Me Down...But Not With a Mustan

butterflied, your post cracked me up. i wish i had a csi or gsr shirt, i'd be rockin it too. and i'm getting ready to head over to youtube for my gsr moments.
anticipation is killing me

GSR_SARA_GIL i loved what you said. i saved it to my computer, lol, i do that sometimes, in my special csi folder. you put it wonderfully about their relationship and teh actors and the wrtiers and the show, and eveyrhitng. thank you
and i agree w/ everything you said! lol.
Re: Grissom & Sara #30: Pin Me Down...But Not With a Mustan

I don't have a tv in my dorm room so I'm going downstairs an hour early to stakeout the big tv room. I'm so afraid that there's going to be a big group of Grey's fans who want the tv and if that's the case...there will be a fight to the death!

If I lose (which would be bad), I'll go room to room on every floor if I have to, but I will find a workable tv so I can see Grissom SAVE SARA!!!

Re: Grissom & Sara #30: Pin Me Down...But Not With a Mustan

Hey fans have you read this.. on the pros and cons of GSR mostly if SARA lives or dies, the repercussions of that on CSI :eek: [will he run to Lady Heather?] NOT :(

Re: Grissom & Sara #30: Pin Me Down...But Not With a Mustan

45 minutes
i just decorated a batch of brownies with a ton of gsr, if i can get them to my sisters photobucket, the pictures will be posted here soon.
i can't wait...just cna't wait
i'm bouncing off the walls
must ...have...GSR!!!
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