Grissom & Sara #29: The Only Person He Ever Loved

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Eggy, I never put it together, but I wanted Hermione and Ron together from the moment she pointed out the dirt on his nose on the train, and I have wanted Gil and Sara together since I started watching the show also:)

I think it's awesome that fellow shippers are fellow shippers, too. I should join a HP ship for that. But then I'd have to join an Abby/McGee one, too.(NCIS for those of you who don't know).
I am up to Fur and Loathing now. I don't particularly love this one, no real GSR to speak of in it, but it puts me one closer to Butterflied, and that is always soooooooo good.

The Sept. 20th date was mentioned earlier on this thread, and it is a Thursday, so at this point, it is only a guess. I am hopeful they will move it up, because 68 days is really a long way away, but we'll make it girls, I swear. If anyone finds out a different date, that they are SURE of, please let us know and I shall adjust my numbers according to the evidence :D
Oh, oh, Desertwind, I agree with you about Sucker. That was my whole favorite episode. I'm enjoy that show so much to see my three favorite shippers working together, Nick/Sara/Grissom.
Hi! I'm a non-shipping lurker but I thought I'd pass on a possible GSR moment that I've never seen mentioned here. It occurs during "The Execution Of Catherine Willows". Grissom, Sara and others are examining the painted railing. There's discussion about the blue paint killer's habits and Grissom says "...but maybe he was waiting for the right one to come along." He then turns and looks at Sara. :)

If Jorja's signed for only 5 episodes, maybe the plan is for Sara to join the FBI or other law enforcement agency with offices in Las Vegas. She could be found alive at the end of the season opener. The next week, CSI would return to current time. Grissom, after serving a suspension, would be returning (with Catherine as supervisor) at the same time Sara would be leaving for her new job. The other 3 episodes would be sprinkled throughout the year.
Adzix old friend, good to see you!! :D :) (BTW if you still make the fabulous sig pics i remember, could i have one??Tnx! ;) )

I was watching Empty Eyes the other day, and last scene, after Gris wipes Sara's eyes (what a sweet gesture, Da Man is soooo caring :)), we see them take off, Sara in his arms, and in the background a cleaning lady sweeping the floor...Could that cleaning lady be the mini killer, and that's how she found out about Sara "being the person he ever loved" (instead of the arm-touching flash back)??

Just a thought... :rolleyes:
Supposedly Natalie was supposed to be the cleaning lady at the end of Empty Eyes, but it's hard to tell. I've found many screencaps but there are no defining characteristics to make it Natalie or to make it someone else. She was supposedly at the crime lab for about a month or so, therefore, it is possible that it is Natalie, but it's really hard to tell.
Hey ya'll.

I've had a rough week.

It's good to see Adz is back. Hope you had a good vacation.

So..I have a funny story...

First, I have to tell you one of my managers names is George...

I walked into the managers office and I asked my manager where he wanted me to level. He said "Get with George and find out." So, low and behold, he was behind me. So I asked him "Hey, Jorja..." My face got SO RED. It wouldn't of been so bad if MY manager didn't hear and reiterated what I said outloud. "Hey Jorja?" It was embarrassing. Of course I tried to cover it up. "Yeah, I was singing that song by John Mayer, Why Georgia?" Yeah...didn't work. :lol:

So much for being spoiler free. :rolleyes: I promise, after the premiere, no spoilers! ::coughyeahrightcough::

Ladies, I have to go eat lunch and get ready for work. Everyone have a great Sunday.

Re: Grissom & Sara #29: The Only Person He Ever Loved *DELETED*

Post deleted by chocolate_bunnys

^^^No I didnt!
What where did my post go!!!!!! :eek:
This is not my day.
It wouldn't of been so bad if MY manager didn't hear and reiterated what I said outloud. "Hey Jorja?" It was embarrassing.
Oh dear. That sort of thing happens to me on a regular basis. :lol: *consoles*

What does that make me? ococ-unnys?
:lol: So it's 'dzix, 'lebaby, chicken, and 'unnys? :lol:

Then I realized she must of saw a smutt fic.
:eek: Choco bad girl! You told me you didn't read smut?! Thank heavens for being able to delete your history, is all I can say. :lol: :rolleyes:
Weren't people saying earlier 20th September? (I nearly wrote july then, god I wish, eh?)

This doesn't have much to do with GSR, but I can't think of anything to say. :( Well we've talked about everything before, there is nothing to say, I'll just be repeating myself, and I hate doing that. :lol:



Go Team SO. *half heartedly waves choco's GSR flag*

ETA: Choco doesn't read smut. ;)
Hey welcome Elayne glad your here, and thank's for that scenerio, in "TEoCW" and I never noticed that, will pay attention next time it's on ;)

And "Empty Eyes" so emotional, and his finally showing his caring side! geez, their good actors



And there scheduled to start filming soon! the premiere is supposedly Sept. 20.. ratts.. still two months away! :mad:
:lol: So it's 'dzix, 'lebaby, chicken, and 'unnys?
I'd be 'I_love. Probably just 'love but the first one makes my name sounds better.

It rocks my socks.
Except I'm not wearing socks.
GSR rocked them off.

ETA: I just totally topped you, page 11!
It rocks my socks.
Except I'm not wearing socks.
GSR rocked them off.

:lol: Nicely said, and agreed.

I keep seeing season one eps on Spike and I'm really enjoying the season one GSR interaction. Dunno where I'm going with this, but probably that GSR is fantastic in just about every episode GSR is present.
SPIKE is good for the old episodes, they've not ever shown any S/5 nor 6 yet :confused: Here's one from S/2 "Scuba Doobie Doo"

'eleid...actually doesn't sound too bad.

Eggy I was an H/Ron shipper..sorry, I hate when the two main characters hook up, so predictable! Why do you think I went for G & S and not G & C? ;) Ok despite the fact the G & S were made for eachother...I'll stop.

Anyway, today my boss took a few of us out to lunch (have I told you I had a bad week yet? I keep threatening to quit. Maybe that's why she's being so nice?) and I told her I need Sep 20th off cause it's the CSI premiere. One of my coworkers said "The whole day?!" I said "Yeah, I'm going to have a CSI themed party at my house with myself...and me, and there's gunna be popcorn..and um, tons of CSI DVD's and CSI book readin'... Shut up ok, I just want the day off... :D" In fact I may request vacation time..hmmmmmm there's a thought!

GSR rocks my diorite :)

Go Team SO!!
I do believe that we *all* just got invited to Herz's house for a CSI party!!!! Bring your DVDs and books ladies! BYOF (Bring Your Own Food) Hehehehe Party! What's the countdown at? Gosh, I'm hyper and rambling. ^_^ I think it has to do with the fact I was at Walmart today and somebody was talking about the CSI DVDs and I just interupted and told them to buy certain seasons for the GSR content. Ah, it's a good day when you can convert someone to GSR.
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