Turts I'm sorry you're having a bad week.
Thanks. It really was a baaad week. Started off with my boss attempting suicide. I wanted to smack him in the head and then hug his brains out. It was horrible. I didn't know how much I cared until we almost lost him. You know? It's a small enviroment. Like... 20 employees, tops. And after going on 6 years with the same people - they start to feel like family. He's an idiot. And a dufus. But he's still a friend. One that I've been ignoring and taking for granted. So I felt horrible about that.
- to working so much I'm shocked I'm not dead because I'm next in charge and the boss was in the hospital and EVERYONE seemed to decide to not come to work, so I got to cover.
To my co-worked informing me that she *groans* Thinks she's friggin' 'in love' with said boss.
Between all that it was fighting with my kid sister (and we're very close) because I was so tired that my temper was out of control. Because I was getting
maybe three hours of sleep at a shot. Bleh. It was long. And it was bad. Not just physically - but emotionally too. It sucked. Big time.
And I was gonna spare you details. Sorry.
Turtle! haven't seen you for a while. hope you'll gonna go smoothly through the roughness of this week. even though it's already ... Sunday. lol
*sigh* That's just it! It was Sunday. Which means, taaadaaa! That it was supposed to be my day OFF. And I got to go back to work yet again. Bleh.
You know how many hours I've worked in the last two weeks? (Yes, I know this as a fact as I just did payroll this morning) 163.75! I'm SERIOUS! That's an 80+ workweek. *dies* I don't know how I didn't fall over dead.
Good news is... I should be DONE. Should be. *crosses fingers* So I'm in a much better mood.
My fingers taste bad.
The plus side to this whole debacle? I got a promotion!

Go me! This, btw, being the same promotion that I was up for a year ago and Didn't get. Because they gave it to some idiot. But all is good. They realized their wrong and demoted him. Yay!
Someone put ME in charge. Holy Crap. And not just sorta in charge... I mean there are only two people left ahead of me. Which, in motel land, is awesome.
*dances stupidly*
As we can see, I'm in a considerably better mood.
Okies. So now that THAT is out of my system...
Let's talk about GSR. Yes. I love GSR. It's totally awesome. Yes.
Ok. So... uh... I believe we were talking about a fanproject for David Rambo. (I just wrote ramble. Why? I dunno. Maybe because I'm thinking I need to stop rambling? This isn't helping...)
I say we do it. Like... right now. I need to practice my organization anyways. Which means, I'm volunteering.
*raises hand*
Anyone wanna help? Anyone wanna take over and let me help? lol. Either way... I say we need to get this ball rolling. *giggles*
There was a thing today at work. A converstation about the clutch of the washing machine (did you know washing machines have clutches? Me either.) and a post-it. And the garbage. And Viagra.
You had to be there. It was funny. *snorts* It just proved what a perv I really am.
Anyways. I gotta go - I'm coming off, hopefully, my last 16 hour shift. So I'm gonna head to bed. At five in the afternoon. Bleh.
That is all.