Grissom & Sara # 28: To heart's and eyes' delight

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Re: Grissom & Sara #28: To heart's and eyes' delight

glad your here, have fun, and on the Sofia and dinner, my thinking is he was appreciative of her work, but wanted to get some Ecklie info. from her, it meant nothing, and we never saw them go out anyway, it I think just fizzled :(

'TOYD' they were so cute, and if indeed they got together back in S/4.. WOW, so this will be going on 4 years of them being 'a couple' and it was their little secret till "LD' :p
Re: Grissom & Sara #28: To heart's and eyes' delight

Alright guys...I need a little help. I want to make my street sign but I have NO idea what suffix to use, if you guys choose one, maybe I'll decide if I get your input. Thanks a BUNCH you guys.

Oh yeah...My dog watching Butterflied like 15 minutes ago...I had to take a picture it was so awesome...


:lol:. Even my DOG is a GSR fan. AWESOME. :D
Re: Grissom & Sara #28: To heart's and eyes' delight

Oh yeah...My dog watching Butterflied like 15 minutes ago...I had to take a picture it was so awesome...
*falls over* ROTFLMFAO
Awwwwww, wish i had a GSR dog.

Welcome puresidle I am Choco-B spoiler-free keeper of the lists. Leader of team angst.
*falls over*
Re: Grissom & Sara #28: To heart's and eyes' delight

gosh !!! i LOVEEEEEEEEEEE DAVID RAMBO!!! write my favourites episodes and is so nice person!!!!
we aswered 2 ours e-mails

Thank you so much -- it's very nice to hear such nice comments.I'll will share your message with Jorja and William; I know they'll appreciate your thoughts.
David Rambo

i died!!!! gosh we will show for Billy and Jorja..that is one my dreams becoming true!!! :)
second we talked about Dr lurie

Thank you for your lovely message. I also would like to see Dr. Lurie come back sometime. He was played by a wonderful actor, and was a great character to write.
David Rambo
Re: Grissom & Sara #28: To heart's and eyes' delight

Rambo should write a GSR book when he's done with CSI Season 25 ;P I'd love to see how he gives life to the "off screen" Gris & Sara.

Alright, I FINALLY got my stuff, so I'm off to read while watching Nesting Dolls. WOO! Multitasking!

GSR rocks my serpentine!
Re: Grissom & Sara #28: To heart's and eyes' delight

Yay for the replies! That is very sweet of him to share your message with Jorja and William :)

Funny how he said he'd share the messages... Meaning JORJA IS STILL ON THE SHOW!!!! He is a writer, and darn careful about what he says. If Jorja wasn't on the set, I doubt he'd share the message with her.

Bwah. We caught you guys. *Stupidly Optimistic*

I hope David Rambo writes the first episode, and makes Grissom and Sara hold hands, while Sara's under the car. "It's okay Sara, you're going to be okay"... Ahhhh, dreams. Can't. Wait. For. September.

Pfft. I'm so upset, David Rambo never replied back to me about the word we were all bugging out about :( *tears* I did praise him, and tell him he's our GSR god, and.. I e-mailed him again, asking when they were going to resume filming.

And, :rolleyes: I'd watch a GSR episode, if my mom wasn't hogging the couch saying she's watching her show (while she's snoring)...

Guh, I really, REALLY want GSR back on my screen :(
Re: Grissom & Sara #28: To heart's and eyes' delight

Leapin' Lizards only just aired here last night so I've still got some GSR for me. I think I'll go crazy over the summer. Or maybe I'll just spend all my time watching clips over and over again at
Lack of GSR can do this to a person.
Re: Grissom & Sara #28: To heart's and eyes' delight

I want to make my street sign but I have NO idea what suffix to use
It's totally got to say Jorja Fox Way, just 'cause it's the Jorja Fox way if you get me. Yeah.... and we expect photos, ok? :lol:

...My dog watching Butterflied like 15 minutes ago
:lol: My dog's too hairy, so he's not allowed any where but the kitchen. :( Well when my parents aren't home I sneak him out of course. :rolleyes: I wish I had a GSR pet. No wait, I've watched many a CSI ep with my hamster, he qualifies right? :lol:

Welcome Puresidle!

Rambo should write a GSR book when he's done with CSI Season 25 ;P I'd love to see how he gives life to the "off screen" Gris & Sara
Wouldn't you love it if he secretly wrote Fanfiction? :lol: Like behind the scenes... :rolleyes: Or maybe he already does! :eek: :lol:
Re: Grissom & Sara #28: To heart's and eyes' delight

*sighs at the beautifullness of GSR and how far her obsession has gone*

eggbe4thechicken said:
Wouldn't you love it if he secretly wrote Fanfiction? :lol: Like behind the scenes... :rolleyes: Or maybe he already does! :eek: :lol:

David Rambo is the best! It would be awesome if he wrote the occasional fic... Wow... Hey, egg you have a point... Maybe he already does... Dum, dum, dum. ;) :)

I absolutely loved school today because I got to wear my GSR shirt and it was finally warm enough to take off the five layers on top of it...... :rolleyes:

One of the most classic responses I got today besides people who I just explained the shirt to was: (note: Everyone at my school knows I am obsessed with CSI, even people who don't even know my name know that....)

Girl in my class: Wow, I absolutely love your shirt!
Me: Thanks. :) *beams*
Girl: Is it a CSI shirt
Me: Of course it is.
Girl: oooh, do you like CSI? *looks at me questioningly*
Me: *stares open mouthed for a few moments* Yeah.... I do, more on the verge of obsession...... *walks away in shock*

I later realised the stupidness of the situation.... And started rolling round on the floor with laughter.... :lol: :lol: :lol:

:) :) Kate.
Re: Grissom & Sara #28: To heart's and eyes' delight

okay i have a lot to say but i don't really have time for it now, so i'm just gonna post the final thread name poll.

choose only 1.
Re: Grissom & Sara #28: To heart's and eyes' delight

Aw... I voted
'making Everybody go WTF' but I guess it shall not be the title...

At least there is still... What? two months... Three months?!?! Oh well... The torture!

Team SO! Sara will live!

Kate. :)
Re: Grissom & Sara #28: To heart's and eyes' delight

Yay I voted.
I love polls- gives me something to do. The 'pin the down' one still makes me laugh, but 'The Only Person He Ever Loved' is probably the most suitable. Oh well I don't really care all that much because #29 here we come! Long live GSR.

Wow it really is 3 whole months until S8 starts up again. I wish it was sooner and not just because I'm impatient. The premiere always comes on when I've just started a new semester and I go all crazy with excitement and can't focus on the papers I'm supposed to be writing. And I can't very well tell my professors, "sorry I didn't get around to that paper because I was too busy freaking out over S8 starting for CSI and Grissom saving Sara from the big bad mustang..."

Yep, I am obsessed and insane and proud of it. Go Team SO!
Re: Grissom & Sara #28: To heart's and eyes' delight

Haha I like how most of us end our posts with 'Go team SO!'

Anyway I voted for The Only Person He Ever Loved because it's the best. Although #1 is a close second :)

...Oh and I can't forget Go team SO!
Re: Grissom & Sara #28: To heart's and eyes' delight

If there is anything we need in this time of depression it is humor.
Pick #1!

Go team angst!
*ducks flying duct tape(and possibly an egg or two)*

Edit:*throws an egg at eggy*
Re: Grissom & Sara #28: To heart's and eyes' delight

^ :eek: No throwing of eggs thanks. ;) Maybe a chocolate bunny or two. :devil:

I totally agree, #1. Maybe we'll even get through another thread before season 8 though. :lol: But humour is awesome, and there's never a need to be glum when GSR is involved. :rolleyes: :lol:
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