Grissom & Sara # 28: To heart's and eyes' delight

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Re: Grissom & Sara #28: To heart's and eyes' delight

^ Okay, but we still need to be aware of the PG-13 line that shouldn't be crossed in general discussion. ;)
Re: Grissom & Sara #28: To heart's and eyes' delight

It's soo hard to chose a new title!
I still can't wait until Season 8 though... And the immenent Season 9... *has evil thoughts*

What? Can I not love CSI and want it to continue for aslong as possible? :p :)

Omg. No GSR is this post...

GSR is the roxxors!
It is my oxygen
I love GSR!

There we go...

Re: Grissom & Sara #28: To heart's and eyes' delight

Well, in all seriousness I think "The Only Person He Ever Loved" is probably the best, but I couldn't resist the mustang pants one. Hee.
Re: Grissom & Sara #28: To heart's and eyes' delight

I couldn't resist voting for #5...even if it is too inappropriate to be the new thread title . #1 or #4 should win I think.
Re: Grissom & Sara #28: To heart's and eyes' delight

"THE ONLY ONE HE EVER LOVED" because this came from his own luscious lips
after that I choose #4-7-8-17 and 23 ;) and a big thank's to sidlewannabee and Herz for your support, but 'team captain' is there such a title on here? if so, it should probably go to Sarah she's the big 'poll taker' and has been a long time advocate of this couple ;)

"I love him so"
Re: Grissom & Sara #28: To heart's and eyes' delight

*starts laughing*
*points at adz*
He he Adz got mod/slapped :p
Come on people, vote for #1!
And I have no idea who could of voted for the inappropriate ones.*pretends to be interested in something else*...*clears throat*
Re: Grissom & Sara #28: To heart's and eyes' delight

Wow we're going on to #29 here?? Nice.
I like # 4, 7, and 20 the best but some of the other titles really made me laugh :lol:
Re: Grissom & Sara #28: To heart's and eyes' delight

Hey Adzix, you got mod. slap. Just kidding. I vote 5 poll, 1. Saving Sara. 2. Everybody goes WTF! 3. His Special Girl. 4. At Least no one shot her. 5. Keep the Faith.

I can't help it when you put Grissom got Mustang, you know what I mean.
Re: Grissom & Sara #28: To heart's and eyes' delight

No, but really, Grissom hides a toy Mustang car in his pants :lol: (Sorry, I couldn't resist)

So, it's been what, a month with no new CSI/GSR? I'm going through withdrawls, and I've watched every clip on for like the millionth time.

I miss GSR :(
Re: Grissom & Sara #28: To heart's and eyes' delight

awww gsrLOVE I think we're all pretty much in the same boat. Reruns are fun, clips are cool, DVD's are precious. But there's nothin like a new ep. Or new spoiler about a new ep. ::cough:: Hm..don't know where THAT came from. It's almost July right? Don't they write the eps before they start filming? So at least one ep is written, yes? Yes? ::sigh::

I saw a red mustang today, complete with racing stripes, on the way home and I explained my hatred towards them to my mom. She somehow thinks I'm still sane though I have a sudden phobia of red mustangs now. *tsk* Yeeeaahhh..I'm gunna go to my fort now.

GSR rocks my metasedimentary rocks. MMMMM quartzite.
Re: Grissom & Sara #28: To heart's and eyes' delight


Are we still ahead of the Grillows people with the amount of threads? because I remember the last time we moved to a new thread we were... By like 1 and a half threads! Yarr!

Fell our wrath Grillows! ;) Just kidding.... But still. :) :)

I have nothing GSR related to comment on except that we need to stop getting mod slapped! And I'm going to get mod slapped if I don't put anything mildly interesting here...

Ah, 3 favourite GSR moments..

1.) Pin Me Down
2.) "Hodges, didn't you know grey hair can actualy be very attractive?"
3.) "You make me happy. "

:) :) :) Those were actually just random... I could never chose. :p

Kate. :) :) GSR-Obsessive and proud!
Re: Grissom & Sara #28: To heart's and eyes' delight

Uh oh, looks like we're gonna have a tie between #1 and #4.
Maybe we should combine them? The only one he ever pinned down with a... :rolleyes:

I haven't done this fav 3 moments yet. Hmmm, let me see.
Ok, well not in order, because I can't decide that. Actually I can.

1) Arm sex. *sigh*
2) Pin me down
3) Ending Happy - sex talk. ;)

Anyone notice a theme? Oh dear.
Re: Grissom & Sara #28: To heart's and eyes' delight was a fun day. Sometimes I really love working at a grocery store.

This lady had a purse today that had butterflies on it and I said "Nice purse." :D

Then, we have these UGLY stuffed animals at work, and my friend wanted the monkey. And she asked me "What should I name it?" I thought for a second and I said "Grissom." :lol: This lady in my line just laughed at me. Then I re-thought what I said and replied quickly "Oh no! LADY HEATHER!" :lol:. Then the lady REALLY laughed at me. THen my friend laughed because she knows I'm insane.

Tomorrow, I'm gonna buy the giraffee and name it Sara. :lol:

My three favorite moments? JUST 3? That's hard ::ponders:: are 3, but I just can't really choose so I'm gonna say 3 that just pop in my brain..

1. Arm!sex. ::sigh::
2. "You make me happy." :D
3. "The only one I ever loved..." :D

There. There's 3.

I saw a red mustang today, complete with racing stripes, on the way home and I explained my hatred towards them to my mom. She somehow thinks I'm still sane though I have a sudden phobia of red mustangs now. *tsk*

Oh Herz. I know what you mean. Everytime I see a Red Mustang, I go into convulsions. My brother-in-law has a black one and everytime I see him/it I say "You know...Mustang's squish people." :lol: He just rolls his eyes. ::sigh:: NO ONE in my family understands :rolleyes:

GSR rocks my friggin' world and my pink CONVERSE socks. :D
Re: Grissom & Sara #28: To heart's and eyes' delight

It is hard to choose the moments they've had, so many.. I was reading some comments on another 'site' and they were talking about the first time they consumated their relationship, and alot chose "BLOODLINES" after he took her home, maybe, I'm still going with "NESTING DOLLS" "I've taken care of it", and I wished they would tell us, when it happened, it's all so vague and murky, so may different ideas, and theories ;) what does everyone else think on here? and the poignant scene in "BUTTTERFLIED' :confused:


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