Grissom & Sara # 28: To heart's and eyes' delight

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Re: Grissom & Sara #28: To heart's and eyes' delight

"THE ONE ONE HE EVER LOVED" look's like it's winning, so who ever picked that one HOORAY ;) plus he said it, so that's the key right there

Re: Grissom & Sara #28: To heart's and eyes' delight

i voted for the number 2!!! but i really change my mind!!!too late !!!!
number 1 is so so funny!!! well, can be the next one!!!
both are great ;)!!!


was rerun yesterday here!!! You've got Male
Re: Grissom & Sara #28: To heart's and eyes' delight

*points at adz*
He he Adz got mod/slapped
Hey Adzix, you got mod. slap. Just kidding.
are the two of you laughing at me?

*retrieves a kalashnikov from the back pocket of my eastern-european pants*

Hasta La Vista ... Baby.

admit it, who just thought about Committed?
Anyone notice a theme? Oh dear.
are you ... Hooked on a Feeling, egg? ;)

btw, i have a new love, guys. *angel choir* Davie Hasselhoff. lmao

i'm afraid to post a certain pic of him here (cuz it's like 95% nude) that i find absolutely hoffastic, but it's easy to find if someone is curious. go on google image search, and type 'David Hasselhoff'. i'm talking about the second pic that'll pop up. the one with shar pei's. sexy as hell, isn't it? lol. and if you want to see the best animation technique in a music video type in "Hooked on a Feeling" on YouTube.

*sigh* this post is so freakin GSR related that i think Anthony is going to nominate me as a new mod. or something.

okay so maybe i'll actually say something on topic. someone earlier, was that you sXs?, wrote that in Crate and Burial they found a girl somewhere in the desert, and it would be kinda stupid if they just didn't go for a blind search considering that they FOUND that girl: literally buried, alive, and it was 7 years ago. i mean why can't they just get into a chopper or two, put those night-binoculars on and find her. she's under a red mustang, how many of them are there face down lying in the Nevada desert not far away from LV?

besides, Natalie couldn't take Sara too far away. how much time did she have from the obduction to the time she got back to her apartment? probably a couple of hours. they should be able to mark an approximate search radius.

I have a feeling the writers were doing crack when they wrote all the Sofia stuff. Actually, every time they do a Sofia scene, I blame it on drugs. I thought it was ridiculous the way they put Unbearable right after Nesting Dolls. When things are actually working, they put Sofia in.
i pretty much think that they did it to just mix things up for us. i mean, it would become really obvious that G/S got together somewhere at that time if he just blew Sofia off and Gum Drops came along right in the beginning of the next season.

that's my theory. wonder why has nobody asked Billy about it in the interviews. is anybody writing to Rambo at the moment? Ilovebilly, the guy certainly adores you ;) so if you are writing him another letter can you ask about Unbearable and Grissom's "let's have dinner" to Sofia? it would be awesome if he answered.

anyway i voted for The Only Person He Ever Loved, b/c it was my suggestion.



well, but also b/c it fits the best i think, lol.
Re: Grissom & Sara #28: To heart's and eyes' delight

are you ... Hooked on a Feeling, egg?
Ooga chakka hooga hooga

and it would be kinda stupid if they just didn't go for a blind search considering that they FOUND that girl: literally buried, alive, and it was 7 years ago.
Exactly, plus there's the fact that she's stuck in time at the moment, they've got what? 3 months to find her? :lol: I kid I kid. :rolleyes: Didn't Warrick say something about her being in a 4 state radius. Nope Nick "Generic stretch of desert, she could be anywhere in a 4 state radius." I guess they want to make it like it's impossible to find her without using their CSI-y skills. :p Finding her by luck wouldn't be CSI of course. :lol: Now if I was a writer on the show, Grissom would gather his buggy friends, and they'd all take him to Sara. Much like in PotC 3 with the crabs/stones. Only with Billy, not Depp, 'cause Billy's so much hotter than Depp. ;) *throws toy mustang car at Choco's head*
is anybody writing to Rambo at the moment?
I want to make friends with Rambo. *pouts*

:eek: I'ma gonna send him GSR goodies! I think I'll start with a toy moth. This could be so much fun. :D No wait, postage is going to cost a bomb. Best make that Mothy facts. I could send him facts! Yeah. No one's done that before. :lol:

Wow, I've lost my mind....
Re: Grissom & Sara #28: To heart's and eyes' delight

Great shot ILovebilly so far back but shows once again how in tune they've always been :pand I still think possibly that this how crazy thing, is a figment of Natalies fried-out psychotic brain.. and Sara is stashed somewhere, not under the Mustang at all!


Re: Grissom & Sara #28: To heart's and eyes' delight

Wow I thought that I'd converted my mother to being a GSR fan. I'm not quite sure what happened, but for whatever reason she is now convinced Grissom is gay. *shakes head sadly* We got into a 30 minute debate and she nearly gave me a heart attack.

I still think possibly that this how crazy thing, is a figment of Natalies fried-out psychotic brain.. and Sara is stashed somewhere, not under the Mustang at all!

I think it's possible that some of what we saw in LD was just Natalie seeing things, but Natalie's other miniatures were 100% accurate to the crimes she committed... so Sara is most likely under the Mustang. Then again anything is possible right?

The only thing to suggest that this miniature would be different from the rest was the little doll Grissom found at the beginning of LD without a mini crime scene... because that was just odd and I have no idea what the significance of that was. Plus the fact that Sara is the first victim she didn't kill out right.
Re: Grissom & Sara #28: To heart's and eyes' delight

Your mom think's Grissom is gay :lol: he's the most masculine man I've practically ever seen ever.. why does she think that? He's flirted with every woman he's ever encountered. on this show! I've never heard that before .. ever :confused: and remember the final scene where Natalie jumped at Grissom and we saw his throat slashed? well, that didn't happen, it was all in her brain! plus Sara is so strong, how could this happen.. I'm probably off the mark, or a cockeyed optimist, but, the writers, have something up their murky sleeves, and geez, Sept. to wait :(
Re: Grissom & Sara #28: To heart's and eyes' delight

that's my theory. wonder why has nobody asked Billy about it in the interviews. is anybody writing to Rambo at the moment? Ilovebilly, the guy certainly adores you so if you are writing him another letter can you ask about Unbearable and Grissom's "let's have dinner" to Sofia? it would be awesome if he answered.
i helped one of them the other was close friends so i say our he he he
Rambo , i guess, answered almost all e-mails. he try
sure, i can ask ;)!!!!! what you want know exacly about unbeareable?
i just stay upsed with the first Sofia the elevator :mad: and that talk between them...horrible!!!

and I still think possibly that this how crazy thing, is a figment of Natalies fried-out psychotic brain.. and Sara is stashed somewhere, not under the Mustang at all!
i thought in this possibility too!! if Sara is under the car i want know who helped Natalie ,cos how without car, driver's license she was for the desert? who helped her with mustang? where do you guys think was that parking? Sara's apartament???? i didn't undertand how Brass was so fast for there...before Grissom talk with Judy..
i really want more team reaction about GSR!!!
Re: Grissom & Sara #28: To heart's and eyes' delight

Much like in PotC 3 with the crabs/stones. Only with Billy, not Depp, 'cause Billy's so much hotter than Depp. *throws toy mustang car at Choco's head*
Your balmy egg.
Your just in denial of Johnny Depps hottnes.
And BTW what did I do to deserve that?
And Billy licking a bug wouldnt be as 'zexy'. :p

Ooga chakka hooga hooga
Like I said, balmy.*rolleyes*

i mean why can't they just get into a chopper or two, put those night-binoculars on and find her. she's under a red mustang, how many of them are there face down lying in the Nevada desert not far away from LV?
Yah but they where able to narrow down locations in CaB because of the phonecall and the cyonide in the dirt(or somthing like that) same w/ nick.
But sara is different, thus isnt a 'we want money' kidnapping its a 'i am a crazy sociopathic bleach phobic woman and i want to kill you cuz i saw the man whos fault my father is dead armsexing you' kiddnapping.
Fallow? :lol:

I'm not quite sure what happened, but for whatever reason she is now convinced Grissom is gay.
:lol:LMFAO :lol:

~Peace out,
Choco-b, leader of team angst.

Edit: Cuz peach out dosnt make as much sense
Re: Grissom & Sara #28: To heart's and eyes' delight

Ok I just went and looked up delusional psychosis and this is what I found: a magnetoencephalographic study
Yeah... I can't even figure out pronounce that, so I guess I won't be able to figure out anything about Natalie. That crazy chick could be seeing things, it is definately not out of the question. Maybe she did stuff Sara in a broom closet or something and she just thought she towed the Mustang on top of Sara. Though I think it makes a better epi if Grissom saves Sara from under the Mustang than if he drags her out of a broom closet, but if being tied up and locked in a broom closet means Sara will be back on the show that works for me.

Your mom think's Grissom is gay he's the most masculine man I've practically ever seen ever.. why does she think that? He's flirted with every woman he's ever encountered. on this show! I've never heard that before .. ever

I KNOW! Here's what happened.

Mom: Hey I have a very serious question for you.
Me: Ok, shoot.
Mom: Is Grissom gay?
Me: *Choking on my glass of water* Wha-at???

So she starts explaining. She can't give me a specific instance, but she said that Grissom "just acts gay".

Me: Ok ok, lets clear things up now. Nice and simple: Grissom. Loves. Sara. He said it himself.
Mom: Well I don't know, Greg acts kind of gay too... do you think the two of them--

And at this point I couldn't take it anymore so I had to walk away and splash water on my face.
Maybe the hotel walls were painted with lead paint?? :confused: I can't come up with another explaination for why she thinks Grissom is gay. My own mother, honestly.

Edit: I forgot Go Team SO! :D
Re: Grissom & Sara #28: To heart's and eyes' delight

Grissom gay? NEVER! LMAO, my mom doesn't dare mess with my Gris and Sara. If she disagrees she just says "Yes, dear." She said something about them not being together and I started to tick off the eps on my fingers recounting the scenes verbatim. Yeah, like she knows the titles of the eps. Then she comes back with "I was just checking you." WTF?! Like I don't pay attention as I'm bouncing off the walls at ramdom dogs and letters and coocoos. I can multitask! :)

As for the Depp Grissom debate? Grissom is hot in a smart edumacated "he makes me wanna love roaches cause he's an entamolologistist" way while Depp is hot in the "OMG I love his hair and that way he walks and struts" way. Yeah that made perfect sense in my head. As did magnetoencephalographic :) (that's my new favorite word..) I actually had trouble reading an RX for Motrin today. OMG I almost kicked myself. I swear doctors take a class on how to write illegibly.

Oh, and I voted #1 just cause I'm strange like that. :) What can I say? I like my humor, even if it is morbid. Alright, I'm out!

Go Team SO!!!
Re: Grissom & Sara #28: To heart's and eyes' delight

Hey Everyone!

I'm a newbie here. Well...I've been lurking here for the past two years *hangs head in shame*.

I looooove GSR. One of the very first CSI episodes I ever saw was Scooba Doobie Doo and I went "What the heck...?!" after the Cheek Thing. From that moment on I was sold. Over here we are halfway season 7 so I frantically search the Internet every Friday morning. Expect me to drop in here every now and then!

Yay, I'm out of the GSR-closet! I'm so proud of me....!
One more thing. Typing is difficult when you have a bad case of the hiccups.

Did I mention I love GSR?
Re: Grissom & Sara #28: To heart's and eyes' delight

Hi! Thought I'd also introduce myself. :) My name is Cath and although I'm new to these boards, I'm not new to the CSI verse. I've been sold on GSR ever since I saw the episode Sex, Lies and Larvae and just like you guys, having now seen the season 7 finale, I'm hoping that Sara survives so that Grissom and Sara can carry on a 'steamy season 8 romance' just like Jorja Fox said.:devil:
Re: Grissom & Sara #28: To heart's and eyes' delight

But sara is different, thus isnt a 'we want money' kidnapping its a 'i am a crazy sociopathic bleach phobic woman and i want to kill you cuz i saw the man whos fault my father is dead armsexing you' kiddnapping.
:lol: Yeah, so Natalie has no reason for them finding her. She wouldn't get anything out of it. :( Oh crap. Go Team SO! :D

Though I think it makes a better epi if Grissom saves Sara from under the Mustang than if he drags her out of a broom closet
Anyone read that fic, um about a closet and... :rolleyes:

Hey to all Newbies. :D

You know I'm actually thinking that they've forgotten about the coocoo. :rolleyes: Or maybe it's actually already hatched, but they just haven't told us yet, and we'll hear a brief mention like 1/2 way through season 8 like 'Griss the moth died', and we'll be all, when was it alive! :lol:

Yeah... I gotta go and revise. Stupid Biology synoptic paper. *grumbles*
Re: Grissom & Sara #28: To heart's and eyes' delight

8x01 Hard Evidence
8x02 Aftermath
8x03 Epiphany
8x04 High Roller
8x05 Death

apparently those are the names of the first 5 eps of season 8. i have to add that i HATE the 5th title, but it can mean anything and i doubt they would make us wait 5 freakin episodes into season to tell us through the episode name that they will kill her off after all.
Ooga chakka hooga hooga
Jump In My Car!


i mean, he's even better than Tom Selleck.
Nope Nick "Generic stretch of desert, she could be anywhere in a 4 state radius." I guess they want to make it like it's impossible to find her without using their CSI-y skills.
yeah, i agree. the first ep's name is Hard Evidence, so i can't picture them just randomly searching and finding her.

oh, i just got an idea. what if Hard Evidence is gonna mean also the way GSR is gonna be portrayed? and the team is gonna have some serious proof that they're in love. for example they could need some private information about her that might help in the search and he's gonna know it. or the famous every-fanfic-has-it rescue scene with the Emotional!Grissom. i'd like that.


Welcome Da Newbies! Have fun, guys :)
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