Re: Grissom & Sara #28: To heart's and eyes' delight
The icon queen (Adz) forced me to come back here>
Don't feel bad. She did the same thing to me. lol. And besides, we MISS you. *hugs*
Ok so.
I have nothing to say. Again. So I'll ramble. Hopefully, about GSR. At least for three sentences. lol
Adz, you shoulda hopped on your dogs back and flew up to the helicopter to Kung Fu his ass. Assuming, of course, that your dog has magical powers like mine does.
You'd be doing the world a favor.
I mean what? Huh? Wait. Someone took control of my brain and typed that I swear. I would *never* wish harm upon our loverly president.
I was in DC once and we were supposed to be touring the capitol building but we got delayed because about 5 limo's pulled up and the guys from Secret Service came our and shuffled us all to the sidewalk.
Then *honest to God* There were snipers everywhere. And a low flying helicopter (which I can only assume held more snipers...). We were then informed by our tour guides that it was because one of the Limos held Ariel Sharon. AKA The Prime Minister of Israel. It was fun - we got to spend 20 minutes standing on a sidewalk pointing out the obvious snipers on the rooftops. And taking picture of them. Because that's just how we roll. lol.
Anyways... GSR.
I'm going to go with the original spoilers and believe that Natalie tasered Sara. How else would she have incapacitated someone that much taller and stronger then her? And because of the angle of the shot - I'm assuming she was standing to Sara's side - which leads me to believe that she called her name to get her to turn.
The more contact with the taser wires, the better result you get. And full torso shot is going to get more then a hit or miss shot at her side.
And, as
Choc said, just because she doesn't have a license doesn't mean she doesn't drive. Granted, I'm from a farming community where kids are driving before they know how to ride bikes - just to help in the fields...
But not having a license isn't a set "I can't drive". I've got a cousin that JUST got his learner's permit like... three days ago - and he's been driving for at least 6 years.
Welcome to Small town America. Just don't get caught. And make sure you wear your seatbelt.
Well, Sara has to be in the Nevada desert somewhere right?
Well, I gave myself a headache trying to decide how much time Natalie had to get Sara - get to the car - shove her under it - and get back to Vegas before the boys got to her. And I just don't know. That whole timeline leaves me feeling nauseous. It's like a rollercoaster ride. Eh. I'm NO GOOD with timelines.
Hey Adz!! I'm actually writing a fic right now and I'm just getting to the rescue part. I could actually fit Sara's family in it if you'd like.
Ok, so I'm going to write one too. Probably.
Adz, it'll be your job to make sure that I do. Because I haven't written anything in so very very long. It's depressing. I'm going to use this as reasoning that I HAVE to do it. Ok? Okies.
I think Sara I somewhere totaly unexpected and I still dont mind if they kill her off.
You mean like hanging out under a big rubber car in the middle of a sound studio? That'd be nice. lol.
If it is done well, and I mean high-quality fanfiction well. I wouldnt mind. It could be a butiful storyline if done correctly.
*glares at
Choc* Girl, you know I love you. But I think you've got off your meds a little to soon. *pats*
...then abducted Sara and crushed her under it.
*sobs* Harsh wording, dude. Harsh.
I still however, do not believe Sara is being crushed. Trapped? Yes. But not crushed. If she was crushed she'd have spinal damage and most likely not be able to move even her hand. And at the risk of that, I don't think Natalie would have
Crushed her. And She wouldn't have made the little hand animated (in Advance) if she wasn't sure that Sara was going to be alive and able to move her hand. And unless you've got in planned, -crushing- someone under a car isn't exactly an.. exact science. You know?
And Natalie's sure she's alive. And so am I.
Which leads me to believe that she under the car and can't move, but it's positioned so that the bent in top of the car and the depressions edges just meet, creating a 'crater' of sorts that Sara is lying in. Tightly yes, but not so much that she's bearing the weight of the car.
Yes, NOW I definitly belong on team SO.
That should be our new Thread name. "Home of the Stupidly Optimistic". Yes.
Okies. I've run out of things to ramble about.
GSR is love.
GSR is awesome.
GSR invades my usually martian filled dreams.
That is all.
I very nearly went into heart failure just now. I copied and then hit sumbit. And, of course, it wasn't 'valid' any longer. And so I went to hit 'paste' and it wasn't a choice on my right click! Then I realized that it was... but I had been looking at the copy button.
Go me. Maybe I should just be on team Stupid?
That is all.