Grissom & Sara # 28: To heart's and eyes' delight

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Re: Grissom & Sara #28: To heart's and eyes' delight

I hope Grissom's mother is still alive, but he seemed to indicate that she might have passed away in "Double Crossed" when he pulled out a rosary and said it belonged to his mother.

I know now wouldn't be the time to bring her in, but honestly I'd rather see Grissom's mom on the show than Sara's. To bring up Grissom after her husband died, being deaf and all she seems like she'd be a cool character to see.
Re: Grissom & Sara #28: To heart's and eyes' delight

wings23 said:
I hope Grissom's mother is still alive, but he seemed to indicate that she might have passed away in "Double Crossed" when he pulled out a rosary and said it belonged to his mother.

I know now wouldn't be the time to bring her in, but honestly I'd rather see Grissom's mom on the show than Sara's. To bring up Grissom after her husband died, being deaf and all she seems like she'd be a cool character to see.

That would be awesome. I'd like that too! who'd be a good actress to play her? someone that has his face, and hair for sure HMMM, anyone come to mind?.. and here's a hugh red flag, on that fact that Jorja is going to be on S/8! smiling and holding a picture of her and Billy.. would one do that if they were history?

Re: Grissom & Sara #28: To heart's and eyes' delight

I want the entire episode of the premiere to be about Sara. Just seeing possible family members is not enough. I wouldn't mind seeing her family, but I know it would cause tensions I mean look at Ellie in Way To Go, she was a pain and I think Sara's family would be like that. I agree with you DESERTWIND. It is time to see Sara's family though because we have just about seen everyone else's family.
Re: Grissom & Sara #28: To heart's and eyes' delight

egg, my supporter! *loves you* yes, yes y'all listen to her, she knows what she's saying
:D Does that mean you'll feed us? :rolleyes: We'll be good chicks too. :D

I hope G's mum (wow I just typed it with an 'o' :eek:) is still alive too, I've read so many fanfics about her, I want to see how TPTB portray her. :(

Choco it's a good thing I copy my posts before I hit send. Your PM box is full. :rolleyes:
Re: Grissom & Sara #28: To heart's and eyes' delight

sidlewannabee said:
I want the entire episode of the premiere to be about Sara. Just seeing possible family members is not enough. I wouldn't mind seeing her family, but I know it would cause tensions I mean look at Ellie in Way To Go, she was a pain and I think Sara's family would be like that. I agree with you DESERTWIND. It is time to see Sara's family though because we have just about seen everyone else's family.

Me too, ;) think it will, she's risen to the top of her game and is a paramount important character, on CSI, more than hopefully & thats a rap!

Re: Grissom & Sara #28: To heart's and eyes' delight

Herzeleid said:

:) I'm not crazy, I swear! Hey butterflied which book is the best GSR wise? So I know where to start, lol. The people I work with are going to freak out when I start wearing "CSI Addict" shirts carrying around a CSI book. I can't wait!

I believe that would be Cold Burn my friend. Who would like me to post some juicy passages from said novel? Haha I love this power I yield over you all :devil:

for my top three:
1. since i met you (PNN)
2. armsex/the reveal- basically LD
3. WtG

1. butterflied
2.Empty Eyes tear wiping / bloodlines
3. nesting dolls
Re: Grissom & Sara #28: To heart's and eyes' delight

guys, i saw lab rats today!!! so cool i loved!!!
hodges and wendy was so cute he he he
i didn't know was Hodges figured out
about the bleach, wow ...i loved!!! the luck day ha ha ha
and wendy talking with Sara about Grissom, gosh,
Sara is fast!!!wow i just loved!!!
Re: Grissom & Sara #28: To heart's and eyes' delight

IloveBilly said:
guys, i saw lab rats today!!! so cool i loved!!!
hodges and wendy was so cute he he he
i didn't know was Hodges figured out
about the bleach, wow ...i loved!!! the luck day ha ha ha
and wendy talking with Sara about Grissom, gosh,
Sara is fast!!!wow i just loved!!!

"LAB RATS" was great, showing the back-up team, and Hodges, such a liar and a kiss ass, and Wendy discovering what a creep he is :D but he finally impressed Gris with the 'bleach' theory.. wait till you see "LIVING DOLL" it will all come together for you!
Re: Grissom & Sara #28: To heart's and eyes' delight

lol, Go for it butterflied!! I almost went to Border's today but I'm out of money. Stupid rent.

Hey Adz!! I'm actually writing a fic right now and I'm just getting to the rescue part. I could actually fit Sara's family in it if you'd like. ;P If not I'm stealing your idea! HA! It's mine now! I haven't had time to type and publish it though, it's in my little notebook I carry with me to my 500 jobs. So yeah, I'll PM you the link when I start publishing the chaps :) It'll give me an excuse to actually hurry up and finish.

I kind of think it would be interesting to see Sara's family. Isn't Sara's mom in minimum security? Can't they get out for like a day to see a dying loved one? (She's not dying!) Esspecially a child or parent? Hmm, I'll have to look into that. It'd be cool if a scene was just Gris having dinner with her mom. Not even hearing the conv, just the two at a table in the hospital, Gris smiling his cute shy smile, mom proud of her little girl, fade to black. I should be a director. ::pouts::

Okay, I ate too much hot sauce and now I can't stop crying...MMM GSR!
Re: Grissom & Sara #28: To heart's and eyes' delight

The icon queen (Adz) forced me to come back here> :)

Anyway, sorry for not being around much. Working crazily, getting a house togteher, and the wedding is in 8 days. Yeah...

But, I am keeping a little GSR-oriented sanity in my life. I'm plotting a new music video... It's kinda hard to do, though, since I know I won't have time to actively work on it for quite a while, but it's great to dream about GSR.

I do hope we get some sweetness next season and not too much angst. There were all these cute ideas going into this season that never came into fruition, and that still saddens me, at times. I'm a sushi girl, so seeing Gris and Sara bond (even though the line was a bit outta character) is delish any day of the week!

Season 8, guys! Season 8! Maybe the Season 7 DVD will have a whole section on how much Gil loves Sara, since they're canon this year... unlike Season 6 when they shot the extras before the end of the season! Ack.

Well... trying to feel better (i'm sick) and get sleep so I can do more wedding stuff tmra. *sigh* Love to all!
Re: Grissom & Sara #28: To heart's and eyes' delight

butterflied08 said:
Herzeleid said:

:) I'm not crazy, I swear! Hey butterflied which book is the best GSR wise? So I know where to start, lol. The people I work with are going to freak out when I start wearing "CSI Addict" shirts carrying around a CSI book. I can't wait!

I believe that would be Cold Burn my friend. Who would like me to post some juicy passages from said novel?

Hey...I'm actually reading Cold Burn now. It's pretty good I guess. I'm such a freak over it though. The guy has Brass written to a tea and I find myself laughing at times. LOL. But the others? Meh...I guess I just am a stickler because of the show because I KNOW how they are suppose to act. :lol:

Anyway...I'm off today ladies. Not much GSR in this post...but...yeah. You know I love 'em.

Lata. :D
Re: Grissom & Sara #28: To heart's and eyes' delight

Woot GSR! Hi everyone I'm back.

Woah you guys post so much. I can't believe it's actually been TWO WEEKS since I've been on here or watched some CSI. My holiday was sooooo crap. Some man was high and started staring and me, and there were so many anti's there I felt like killing them all.

It started with a word. I was sitting in a cafe and I overheard some people talking about, low and behold, GSR. One was fighting for it and the other was an anti. I wasn't gonna get involved until the anti said "Man I am so glad they're kickin' Sara off the show" so I turned around and said " They're not kickin' her off the show 'coz she ain't gonna die!" Then it got into a whole debate about GSR and stuff.

Man I HATE anti's ! :mad: :mad:

Anyway glad to be back guys and I want to be updated about everything to do with Jorja and Billy and GSR.

Oh and I hate the mail man 'coz when I got home I had stacks of mail! :mad:
Re: Grissom & Sara #28: To heart's and eyes' delight

Choco it's a good thing I copy my posts before I hit send. Your PM box is full.
Sorry *looks with egg with big puppy dog eyes* Ive been procrastinating about cleaning out my PM box.
:cool:<- Ha ha, Its the smiley!

Alright mad dad thinks i am loco because I was laughing at Turt Adz and Egg and their confusion. My dad is still is wondering why I was writing 'Grissom has a godzilla in his pants' :lol:

What the crap are we supposed to talk about for 3 freking months?
Crap there is no GSR in this post.
Alrighty, I would like to see grissoms mom, but in the first ep. seems out of place. Like I said before i believe the first ep. sould be mainly about sara(whether she lives OR dies) And bringing in grissoms mum would be kinda random.
I think that was 3 lines.
Re: Grissom & Sara #28: To heart's and eyes' delight

I love your avatar/icon CHOCOLATE BUNNYS. It is really cool. :cool: I agree with you DESERTWIND. ;) I keep telling my friends that Sara is a main character but they don't listen, she is Grissom's girlfriend so she is the 3rd main character in CSI now. :)
Re: Grissom & Sara #28: To heart's and eyes' delight

What the crap are we supposed to talk about for 3 freking months?

Yeah I was wondering the same thing. I've read all of the CSI books, I've re-watched every season on DVD. And then I've gone back and re-watched some more. Does anybody write good fics? lol. I'd make a poll, but I don't know how.

CSI starts filming again in July right? So there might be some news on JF's contract within the next month, but I hope not. I'm SF so I won't read anything anyway, but it would be nice for the season opener to be a huge surprise (can't really see that happening though).

I keep telling my friends that Sara is a main character but they don't listen, she is Grissom's girlfriend so she is the 3rd main character in CSI now.

Yeah I think Sara has moved up in importance since GSR became canon. This may be irrelevant, but all the CSI DVD's have a character's picture on each disk. Seasons 1-5 it goes in the order of Grissom, Catherine, Warrick, Nick, Sara, Brass (and Greg depending on the season). In season 6 though, the order is Grissom, Catherine, Warrick, SARA, Nick... she got moved up!
And I don't know how anyone can say she's not a main character! There are a ton of anti's out there though.
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