Grissom & Sara # 28: To heart's and eyes' delight

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Re: Grissom & Sara #28: To heart's and eyes' delight

Ok! First of all. I woke up this morning, half asleep from the party I was at last night, but I woke up at 6 anyways because my body refuses to sleep in! And I slumped in front of the TV, suddenly realised what day it was and rushed to my computer to watch the Living Doll clips!

And, guess what, the one where Grissom professes his love isn't loading! GSR: isn't working! Ah! Does anyone want to tell me where I can watch the clips?!?! Because I am freaking out here!

And I know I haven't posted in a week, but life got in the way and trying to read all the posts about TGTBTD was taking a while.... Still haven't done it though. :p

Anyways, Sara cannot die and I am officially getting a T-Shirt made that says 'Save Sara' on the front and then a picture of Sara on the back (or something like that) and wearing it, just so that I can hope that Sara will not die!!

I haven't watched all of Living Doll and only will... Um, next year! But I am still in shock.

And I'm gonna go have a nervous fangirl breakdown...

Re: Grissom & Sara #28: To heart's and eyes' delight

O.k., now I can post.

NOOOOOO!!! Dear Lord, please have mercy on Jorja Fox...please, everyone; Atheist, Agnostic, Jewish, Muslim, Scientologist, Buddhist, Hindu, Catholic, and others-- pray every night for her to return permanently...

Anyhoo, "Living Doll": Pardon my French, but that was a FVCK3D. UP. way to end the season. I have good faith that Jorja will come back--and not to die, but that Sara will survive. Still, a freakin' cliffhanger makes my blood boil, though not as much as seeing Greg getting hurt. :mad:

>>>"Living Doll" Details<<<
1) WOW. OMFG. Grissom's desperate plea to Natalie, then we saw Cracked!Grissom as he shouted for Sara, with Brass watching and listening on the other side...
and Grissom's eyes when Natalie confirmed that Sara is still alive...beautiful.

2) *SQUEE* The Whaaaat?!Faces on everyone--especially Catherine-- when Grissom explained that she (Natalie) holds him responsible for the death of Ernie Dell, the only person she ever loved and now she is doing the same to him...

2b) The fact that GSR is out in the open will keep me going until September comes, which seems like an eternity.

3) Arm!Sex

4) Awww, Grissom's "my dear" to Sara at the crime scene.

5) Arm!Sex again :devil:
Re: Grissom & Sara #28: To heart's and eyes' delight

I just visited the official Living Doll Discussion page. Grrr. All non-GSRshippers were bitchin' about how the finales end sucked. To me it seems like you have to be a fan of GSR to enjoy the finale. But Gosh! It made me angry! :mad: I'm staying away from those boards now.

Thanks Cynthia for makng that list. It gave me some understanding about what the episode was about. And don't worry, I'll pray. In many languages. I'll even offer some gifts to my mothers hindu altar-thingy. And light some insence. Anything.

then we saw Cracked!Grissom as he shouted for Sara, with Brass watching and listening on the other side...

WHAT! He did what! *swoon* And Brass was listening all along?*squee* Put me up for Brass on the list for First To Find Out. Or am I late now, that everybody knows? :D

Choc , we need a new list for The Last One To Find Out. :lol: I'm on to Hodges. Cause it'll be hilarious.
Re: Grissom & Sara #28: To heart's and eyes' delight

I'm new here and a huge Grissom and Sara fan. Season 7 hasn't aired in Germany yet, so I registered here to stay up to date about my favourite geeks. Seriously, I think the two of them are a perfect match since the very first time I saw them together.
I've already read the thread for linving dolls and I'm so worried about Sara. :(

By the way: Can anybody explain to me how I get an Avatar under my user name? I couldn't find this option in my profile. :confused:
Re: Grissom & Sara #28: To heart's and eyes' delight

I'm new here and a huge Grissom and Sara fan. Season 7 hasn't aired in Germany yet, so I registered here to stay up to date about my favourite geeks. Seriously, I think the two of them are a perfect match since the very first time I saw them together.

Hi Sarina ! I know how it is. Sweden has aired all S7 episodes up till Leaving Las Vegas. That sucks. :( I don't know how long I will last, but I'm seriously thinking of going to London in July to watch the finale when it airs. A desperate solution.

Actually, I did not ship Grissom and Sara until I discovered this board. :p I was just browsing around trying to find information about CSI:Miami (I was/still am a huge Horation/Marisol shipper *please don't kill me*) and found this. And..POFF! I was hooked. :lol:

I'm also worried about Sara, but check out the discussion on the article about Jorja's Contract. We had a kind of heated discussion there.

By the way: Can anybody explain to me how I get an Avatar under my user name? I couldn't find this option in my profile.

You need a 100 posts before you can upload an avatar (note: This is not required if you are a premium member). I'm getting there. soon. :D (not)
Re: Grissom & Sara #28: To heart's and eyes' delight

I hate hate hate cliffhangers, especially when we know what's going on. I can not believe they left us like that. I mean, we all knew she was gonna be like, but I didn't think it was going to end with her trying to get out from under the car. I was fish-faced, mouth wide open, at the end of that episode. How could they do that to us? They need to fly about 80 choppers over all the surrounding desert and look for that car, foret the deserts, fly over all of the state and look for that car.

This is ging to be one looooong summer.
Re: Grissom & Sara #28: To heart's and eyes' delight

I agree with those who say it's going to be a long summer

As for my reactions to the episode:
I literally screamed out loud at the declaration of love scene and my sister got mad at me. My parents calmed her down and were like "This is the way she enjoys the show, cut her some slack" :lol:

Natalie freaked me out...a lot. And when Sophia looked at her workshop you could almost see the "WTF" bubble above her head.

Talking about Sophia, seeing the scene with her striding (best word I could think of to use) down the hall, gun raised, in Natalie's apartment gave me chills. She looked royally pissed off and on a mission and I was like, "YES everyone cares about Sara, even Sophia!" And when Brass was outside the interrogation room and he was like "I don't want to waste time, I want to drip bleach on her until she tells us where Sara is". It made me feel all happy to see how everyone cares so much about Sara and the concern of the team...kinda brings back flashbacks of Grave Danger.

Though I'm upset about the TBC, I think the episode was really good and I've been waiting awhile for something to happen to Sara so the team (especially Grissom :D) can get upset and pissed and on a mission to find her like GD. It's kind of like a fanfic...but real. I hope they find her, she's ok and stays on the show next season, but I really like the plot of the episode. It's like the episode I've been dreaming of forever.

AAAHHH I'm going to go watch it again...maybe I'll cry this time
Re: Grissom & Sara #28: To heart's and eyes' delight


Did anyone else like or notice the fact that Grissom remembers that EXACT crime scene just because he was touching Sara's arm? That is sooo cute...maybe something "special" happened the night before. :D

And i can't believe that they were all shocked by the revelation, i thought at least one of them would know. They are scientists, or maybe GSR is just so well hidden.

Well this is gonna be my last post (probally) cuz i can't do this stuff anymore cuz i'm spoiler free now so, i might pop in to see whats up with JF. Thanks for letting me be here for the past 2 months!!!! Myabe talk to you guys next may? ha :p

GSR is Love.
Re: Grissom & Sara #28: To heart's and eyes' delight

At the end of this ep I was like, WATTTTTTTTTTT! :eek: They can't leave me hanging like this! She was dying under the car. Did you hear at the end when Natalie was singing that song and it went to Sara under the car, did you hear her dying gasps? Maybe that was just me or my freakishly good hearing... i dunno.But what I do know is that this summer's gonna be a long one... :(. I'm glad for the arm touching though...we finally got a little bit more physical GSR...and I'm glad Sara forgave Grissom coz at least now if she dies it won't be in angst. She won't die though...well I'm about 80% sure and about 20% terrified for her.
Can't wait until September or whenever new eps come on.

Long live GSR!
Re: Grissom & Sara #28: To heart's and eyes' delight

Did any of you catch the segment with the CSI cast on the Early Show this morning?

No spoilers, but it made me feel so much better about Sara's fate. They interviewed Jorja, who talked about how she didn't like having her character in peril, and seemed perfectly happy. (She didn't look like someone in the midst of a serious contract dispute, who walked out on filming the finale, etc., etc., etc.) Billy, Marg, George, and Gary all had great things to say about their characters' reactions to the big reveal. Billy talked about how this season was all about Grissom's realizing that he loved someone (Sara!) and that when he dropped the GSR bomb in front of everyone, it was done unconsciously. (He was just articulating his realization about the MCSK's motives as it occurred to him.) George thinks Nicky didn't really put it all together (because he thinks Grissom loves all of them--in a special platonic way ;) ). Marg and Gary suggested a little "did we just hear what he thought we heard?" scenario.

Anyway, Jorja looked gorgeous and Billy was his usual handsome self, so it was a delight to watch. One of my favorite moments was Jorja saying, "What, I'm gone five minutes and he's telling everybody?" Hee!

They left us with the ominous "No one knows what Sara's fate will be--not even Jorja," but then the Chenbot (I love that nickname for her--totally related to her Big Brother hosting) led everyone in a cacophony of "Don't kill Sara" protest, so, I'm going to stay positive. At the very least, I don't think all those tabloidy JF contract kerfuffle stories had an ounce of truth in them.
Re: Grissom & Sara #28: To heart's and eyes' delight

ElinWaffle said:
You need a 100 posts before you can upload an avatar (note: This is not required if you are a premium member). I'm getting there. soon. :D (not)

Thanks for the explanation. :)
Re: Grissom & Sara #28: To heart's and eyes' delight

It's good to hear that Jorja sounded confidant that she'll be back, or well Sara anyway.. we all know what I mean.. :lol:

edit: Found it on the site. That was great. At least Jorja's optimistic about Sara's future.. lol
Re: Grissom & Sara #28: To heart's and eyes' delight

Arm sex....never thought i'd hear that saying lol!

Re: Grissom & Sara #28: To heart's and eyes' delight

That Eppie Rocks My Socks(cant believe i just said that)

I have an undying love of clifhangers.

Props to TPTB for making the MCSK a woman. male serial killers in stereotypical. We can commit massmurder too you know!

Props for finally putting Sar in danger, she NEVER gets any drama.

Props for arm sex.

Props for Grissom saying sara was the only person her ever loved.

Props for every ones WTF expressions when gris said that!

La Chica Loca~Choco-B
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