Grissom & Sara #27: Intimately

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I don't have any news, but Catherine's line is good "I'd slap you,but I think you'd like it". :lol:
Grissom & Sara Forever!!!
Hi everyone. I'm Harley, and I'm new. Happy to be among people just as insane as me. Billy is hot, Jorja is beautiful,and Grissom and Sara forever.
"Conserve water. Shower with a friend."
Love to all,
Oh god all these titles are so cheesy, I feel like such a metro. No offense but I'm not exactly praying for "To Heart & Eye's Delight" haha
I find 2 of the titles definite thumbs up for me- the others? Gotta agree with mrb, they're quite cheesy. Anyway, I entered my votes and no matter the title, it'll still be GSR.

31 hours 54 minutes
Well I'm an actress, and I have a thing for Shakespeare. That's why I chose it. Nothing wrong with a little chesse. Tastes good with crackers. :lol:
I had planned to comment on this when I got home (which I am now) from work. But, now I have to hug you even harder. I work in a newsroom, and we covered that story tonight. I audibly gasped. The assignment desk wanted to know what was going on, and I had to explain. So mucho hugs to you. I'm sorry for the loss of a good guy over something dumb.

Thanks for that. It was a tough two days, but all the cops finally left and we had some peace and quiet around here. The kid finally turned himself in yesterday afternoon.

Its weird to see real investigators and criminalist. I kept think how bad I felt for the finger print analyzer because of all the finger prints they got off the doors.

As for GSR, we have had a good season. Scratch that, a great season! I am still holding out for that kiss. They have got to give it to us before the season ends, or be building it up for next season.
What a FREAKING day!

This morning I had a flat tire and my mom was yelling at me to put air in it.

I put the wrong pump in the gas hole. (meaning deisel instead of unleaded.)

The scales went down at work today. There were lines out the butt.

I fell asleep in my car on my break and woke up with a horrible headache.

I. BLAME. HER. :mad:

Yes. You KNOW who I'm talking about. :rolleyes:


On a good note. These ladies came in the store today with MATCHING CSI: shirts and my eyes got HUGE. All my friends turned to look at me, with this HUGE grin on my face, and they all rolled their eyes and laughed. And their picture was on the back! I pointed and jumped up and down (at a register mind you) "Grissom and Sara! Grissom and Sara!)

Yeah...they all know I'm mental. :lol:

ginascar, I'm really sorry to hear about that. :(. There was this guy in my complex that got killed like a few months ago, and it was drug related. It's never a dull moment in Tampa.

I KNOW how hard the CST(Crime Scene Technicians as they call them here) because I'm going to be one, hopefully ::crosses fingers:: by next year. I graduate this fall. :D. The cases are back logged like CRAZY down here.

Yeah. Right. Rambling.

GSR. Let's see...I thought of something today that made me think of GSR...oh yeah! Those ladies shirts! But there was something else...OH! This lady had a change purse with butterflies on it! As SOON as I saw it I went "Friggin' cocoon..." :lol:

Wow...this is a REALLY long post. Sowwy.

And hurray for my thread title being up there in votes! :D
Yeah, I wore (one of) my CSI shirts to volleyball practice today and I swear like 20 people commented on it. I told my coach, who knows I like CSI, but maybe not just HOW much, that I would wear my other shirt on Monday (when we have practice again) and she was like, your OTHER shirt?! I then ran down the list of CSI paraphenalia (sp?) I own including 2 t-shirts, a windbreaker, the boardgame and booster packs, both computer games, all seasons currently available on DVD, and the wall calendar in my room. She got all bug eyed and my friends just laughed- they've all been to my house before :lol:

So um my three lines...

I'm watching butterflied, committed, and primum non nocere tonight as I study- the best of the best from pre-season 6 I'd say. Hmm that's two lines so maybe I'll watch play with fire too- just to hear the H word!
Oh yeah...I also forgot that my tooth hurt like a MOTHER. I wanted to cry it hurt so bad. Meh...I'm done complainin'.

Innertube "Cold Opens" are up, if anyone is interested. "Like a bad penny. Some people just keep showin' up." :lol: LOVE. Brass.

Hurray for GSR! :D

I wore my shirt today too.

:lol:mad: butterflied
Just think, tomorrow at this time, we all will be watching the new episode. AHHHH what a glorious feeling. Anybody ever clean our their dorm room before moving out? I'll tell you it is the biggest pain in the ass ever.

Anyways, Go GSR. I too saw a dude today wearing a CSI sweatshirt.
I have packed and cleaned a dorm room before - it's not fun. And it doesn't get any better - cleaning an apartment before you move double sucks.

I would like to add that the first time I watched Primum Non Nocere, when the infamous line happened, I was like, "WTF?!" Before that I noticed...something happening with them, but after that I became all intrigued. I mean, why did he say that?! What does it all mean?! I saw in an outtake, WP said, "He's just trying to get you off his back," but how the hell would that get someone off your back? Wouldn't that make you think "Oh, I get it, he wants some of this."

Or maybe I'm just thinking about it a teeny tiny bit too much. Either way, PNN was my initiation into the world of GSR.
I plan to be on while the episode is airing so I can squee/rant as I'm watching. It'll be a pain to do the spoiler boxes, but I'll do it for y'all who's episodes air later. I CAN'T WAIT!! Like every class I've gone to I've been like, 23 hours 26 minutes and everyone's like, um freak don't talk. It's great.

Anway, 12 hours 51 minutes!
Maybe we should set up the last poll before the episode, seeing as there'll probably be a crapload of posts after tonight's episode and we'll have to move. If it isn't done by suppertime (my time - that's about 4:00 EST), I'll come here and post it myself.

(It's one choice of the top five answers, right?)
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