Grissom & Sara #27: Intimately

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There was some good one-sided GSR, though. I get the feeling that Grissom really wouldn't have sweated it. For some reason, I kind of think that he's at a point now where it's like, "Fuck it - I'm with her, and that's that."

Since Sara was always ready for the relationship, the secrecy of it may be more important for her than for Grissom, who likely does care. lol.
For some reason, I kind of think that he's at a point now where it's like, "Fuck it - I'm with her, and that's that."

I think he's there, too, sarah. Remember when he came back from sabbatical and he was advancing towards her in the hall and she was backing up? I loved that scene, because it showed how gaga he was for her. He didn't care if she just got out of a garbage dump or they were at work. He was thrilled to see her!

(Honestly, I can watch that scene over and over again and not get tired of it. They're both so damn cute in it.)
I think he's there, too, sarah. Remember when he came back from sabbatical and he was advancing towards her in the hall and she was backing up? I loved that scene, because it showed how gaga he was for her. He didn't care if she just got out of a garbage dump or they were at work. He was thrilled to see her!

Oh, I know. That was very much a "Grissom, people are watching and I SMELL!" moment, and he's like, "PRETTY! WANT!"

*cue tantrum when Sara walks off*


Kidding, kidding...

but yeah. That was a fun scene. I like one-sided GSR, and I like that we are FINALLY getting the indication that people might be catching on. Wendy's little head-shake and smile was likely mostly about Hodges, but I thought I caught a bit of a knowing glint in her eye. Maybe it was just wishful thinking. lol.

I'd sort of rather like it if when the GSR is exposed, while it's a shock to some, others kind of just shrug and go, "yeah, that figures."


For anyone still getting that weird H&R Block site, here is the temporary link for YTDAW:

Click me for spoilers! YAY!
LadyD and Sarah - I completely agree with you both. It really seems like Grissom doesn't give a shit anymore whether or not the lab knows, and frankly I love it. It's nice to see Sara being the one that's putting the foot in saying, "No no, remember where we are?". Love it, love it, love it!

You know what I was just thinking? How in Lab Rats I would of loved to see Grissom in Sara's place when talking to Wendy; to see his reaction to the possibility of everything being revealed. Loved Sara in the scene though.

Speaking of Lab Rats, I completely loved the episode to bits. I can easily say it's one of my favourites. I had never laughed so much in an episode of CSI, it was great. The clown smacking again the window? Totally. Owned. And Hodges' flashback had me cracking up. It was great seeing how the lab worked from another point of view. In a way you get a sense of the CSIs' personalities in a different way. I loved the GS interaction. They just make me smile, and so do Hodges and Wendy. I think I've hopped aboard their ship. Also, the Sara-Wendy scene was great, I loved it. All of you are pervs and thought that by "up" she ment something...up, I completely didn't.

*shakes head in a disappointed fashion*

Lol, or maybe it's just that I'm sick out of my face so I wasn't thinking "properly". :p

Turtlebaby said:
*SNIP* Like maybe... I don't know - are leading us in the wrong direction? Because they knew where this episode was going to lead? Maybe? Or am I delusional? I'm delusional. I just want so bad to still be unspoiled for the finale. *sigh*

I'm exactly like you, Turt. I had the feeling that the spoilers queens over at YTDAW were two-timing us but I just brushed it off to wishing I wasn't spoiled too. I think it's partly because I'm not used to knowing everything about such a huge episode, last year was so different being spoiler free. Oh well, we know now but it sounds like it could be one of the best episodes of CSI ever so...*fingers crossed* I'm confident.

Anyways, yesterday I bought "Da Hat," and I'm looking forward to wearing it this summer while working. Ohh and when I get a chance to take a picture of it on me I'll make sure I post it on here, haha.

You'll be the new Gangsta Moses! :lol:
LadyD and Sarah - I completely agree with you both. It really seems like Grissom doesn't give a shit anymore whether or not the lab knows, and frankly I love it. It's nice to see Sara being the one that's putting the foot in saying, "No no, remember where we are?". Love it, love it, love it!

*dirty thoughts*

But yeah, I get what you mean.

And it's nice. It's nice to see that pre-relationship, Sara was the one where it was like, "Hi, Grissom. I see you're trapped behind your desk and this is awkward for you, but I'm going to tell you about my feelings for you while you mumble and look desperately like you're trying to remember why you're saying no. Mmkay?"

You know what I was just thinking? How in Lab Rats I would of loved to see Grissom in Sara's place when talking to Wendy; to see his reaction to the possibility of everything being revealed. Loved Sara in the scene though.

"...keeping Sara up at night?"
"No, Wendy, it's me. I keep her up at night. Because we have sex. Lots of sex. Though we actually have sex in the morning, since we're night shift. I can draw diagrams if you'd like."

All of you are pervs and thought that by "up" she ment something...up, I completely didn't.

*shakes head in a disappointed fashion*

Lol, or maybe it's just that I'm sick out of my face so I wasn't thinking "properly".

It's not what Wendy meant, but I definitely think that it was how Sara took it. Not "up" as in tee-hee, but "up" as in dates or the fact that she would know because they share a bed.

There was a scene in Buffy where Angel starts telling them all how Sara's really been tossing and turning in her sleep, and they give him this crazy look, and he means because she's been sleeping in the library.

I think it was one of those moments. Wendy was asking something innocent, Sara thought she "knew". What Sara ASSUMED is where the dirty comes in.
Sarahvma said:
I think it was one of those moments. Wendy was asking something innocent, Sara thought she "knew". What Sara ASSUMED is where the dirty comes in.

Uh huh, uh huh. Right.

I'm just really happy the way the tables have turned recently. I started noticing it in season 6 (Grey Hair, Thermite) but now it's just done a complete 180. Grissom seems to be the one wiping the drool from his mouth.

By the way, happy (belated?) birthday to Des! And that picture you posted? Maaaan, it was hot.

Oh, I know. That was very much a "Grissom, people are watching and I SMELL!" moment, and he's like, "PRETTY! WANT!"

Bahahahahaha, it's so true. It's especially funny because he had the caveman beard. *wipes a tear*

Ok, and I admit it - the flashback in Lab Rats to I think it was MiaB where Grissom had the tamed beard? That is the only time I think Grissom's hot. Sarah agrees with me, right Sar?
"...keeping Sara up at night?"
"No, Wendy, it's me. I keep her up at night. Because we have sex. Lots of sex. Though we actually have sex in the morning, since we're night shift. I can draw diagrams if you'd like."

Lol. :lol: Since this episode was so secretive spoiler-wise, I assumed this scene would actually be in it. But it's okay. Sara was thinking it. :) Draw a diagram...pfff. :lol: Sorry, that was just too funny!

Anyways, yesterday I bought "Da Hat," and I'm looking forward to wearing it this summer while working. Ohh and when I get a chance to take a picture of it on me I'll make sure I post it on here, haha.

Seriously, take it back now. We need to rid the world of hats like those! What have these pro-hatters done to you? :p ;)

No, it's okay, you can keep it, as long as you don't grow Grissom's homeless professor/caveman/mountain goat beard. (Please don't say that you already have.)
sarahvma said:
There was a scene in Buffy where Angel starts telling them all how Sara's really been tossing and turning in her sleep, and they give him this crazy look, and he means because she's been sleeping in the library.

Angel's been sleeping with Sara!!! *cue fantasy of me writing an Angel/Cordy / GSR cross-over fic where Grissom gets jealous of Angel and thinks the vamp's trying to steal his woman...*

Ahem. :p

From what I've heard/seen, Lab Rats seems completely awesome. I can't wait for it to air over here. *does a quick count in head and realises that Lab Rats will be airing in the UK when we're in Italy* DAMNIT!!!!!!!!!!

I love Wendy completely, but it was a bit of a dumb way of phrasing the question "keeping Grissom up at night" - I mean, the man works nights for the love of bob...

Speaking of Wendy...

If Sofia's leaving - I know it hasn't been confirmed, but if she goes, and MORE IMPORTANTLY, if Sara survives the finale cliff-hanger of evilness, I'm totally going to start shipping Sara/Wendy. Cuz - cuteness :)

I know everyone's trying to be upbeat about the finale and be confident that Jorja's coming back in season 8 and Sara will survive. I, on the otherhand, am having a hard time being optimistic. Maybe it's my cynical nature, but I've decided to assume that Sara won't make it, in order to prepare myself. I can't help but think of my other major ships - Angel/Cordy, Tara/Willow, Xena/Gabby - all of those ended in character death. So... I guess I'm in prepare for the worst and hope for the best mode.
Oh, I know. That was very much a "Grissom, people are watching and I SMELL!" moment, and he's like, "PRETTY! WANT!"

*cue tantrum when Sara walks off*

Sooooooo funny, sarah! :lol: All kidding aside, I think there is a significant grain of truth in this reading of that scene. Brava!

And Shipwrecked, I don't know what is wrong with me, but I actually liked the homeless professor/caveman beard. But then, I am so completely a victim of WPHS that he could show up with a full-on Amish patriarch beard and I'd still think he was the bee's knees.

Oh, and ChocoB, for your angst list, put me down for "semi-slut," I guess. I like a little angst here and there, but need a healthy serving of happy. (This season has been perfect for me so far in re the tenor of GSR.)

I'm going to have to keep "Lab Rats" on DVR for two weeks, in order to stave off CSI/GSR/Billy cravings. What am I going to do over the summer? (Am not looking forward to dearth of CSI. :( ) I really hope we don't get a cliff hanger (for the first time ever!), because I will probably become hypertensive and need medication. :eek:

ETA: I agree, forensicsgirl, that Wendy seemed a bit knobby with the "keep him up at night" line. Maybe it's just a reflexive use of a common phrase. You can't really say "keep him up at day." She could have said "keep him from sleeping," I suppose. I chalk it up to Wendy's head being turned by the unexpected hotness of Hodges channeling Grissom. See, just acting like Grissom automatically makes you irresistible to the ladies! ;)
Uh huh, uh huh. Right.

I'm just really happy the way the tables have turned recently. I started noticing it in season 6 (Grey Hair, Thermite) but now it's just done a complete 180. Grissom seems to be the one wiping the drool from his mouth.

I think it's also partially because they both feel secure about things that now he's having more fun, and she's just content.

Bahahahahaha, it's so true. It's especially funny because he had the caveman beard. *wipes a tear*

Oh God. That horrible, horrible beard. That beard was a mockery to all pro-bearded people. He was mocking us, Reebs. No, I'm not making sense. But would you make sense after three final exams in a row? No, you would not.

*pompous face*

Angel's been sleeping with Sara!!! *cue fantasy of me writing an Angel/Cordy / GSR cross-over fic where Grissom gets jealous of Angel and thinks the vamp's trying to steal his woman...


From what I've heard/seen, Lab Rats seems completely awesome. I can't wait for it to air over here. *does a quick count in head and realises that Lab Rats will be airing in the UK when we're in Italy* DAMNIT!!!!!!!!!!

I can top that. I'll be in France when the FINALE airs.

I mean, honestly - who gives up France for TV, but STILL...

I love Wendy completely, but it was a bit of a dumb way of phrasing the question "keeping Grissom up at night" - I mean, the man works nights for the love of bob...

First off, I do agree that it seemed odd that no one corrected that line, but it may just be accepted as a figure of speech. Either way, I still thought the nods to GSR were cute.

I've rewatched the scene, and she definitely doesn't know. Damn. That said, the scenes in last week's episode were enough to convince that they would reasonably have kept it a secret all this time.

Yeah... I dunno right now. I'm hopeful, mostly because of the way Jorja sounded in her last interview, but they can do really awesome things with a CD in terms of ultimate shippiness and just pure storytelling advantage. So... I'd be fine with it either way so long as they handle it well.

Sooooooo funny, sarah! All kidding aside, I think there is a significant grain of truth in this reading of that scene. Brava!


What I like is just HOW unabashed he is. You expect him to shoulder a bookbag and ask her to the Spring Fling.

Ok, and I admit it - the flashback in Lab Rats to I think it was MiaB where Grissom had the tamed beard? That is the only time I think Grissom's hot. Sarah agrees with me, right Sar?

I... don't know what you're referring to.

You smell of lies.


The final four episode trailer is up, and it's damned cheesy. Even though it likely won't actually play that way, they're definitely making it look like Sara's going to be jealous of LH. Oh, spare me. I mean, yes - I know that technically LH is the biggest threat, and it would make sense that Catherine would gossip about her, but... I dunno. I really hope this doesn't lead to JealousSara.
This was a great episode. Maybe not as funny as Rashomama, but still very funny. I also love how Sara is being the nervous one now, and that Grissom is persuing her in a way, rather than the other way around. I do wish that Hodges or anyone would have picked up on GSR, because that would have made it even better, but I did like Wendy and Sara's convo.

I love all the lab rats, and I gotta admit that I'm kinda feeling Wendy and Hodges. I agree with LadyDisdain about it being an echo of GSR. Hodges is the Grissom of the lab rats and Wendy is Sara. Now I wonder who the other ones match with? Maybe Archie as Nick? I dunno.

I'm almost totally spoiler-free for the finale. I've read the TV Guide/Ausiello spoilers, but nothing about the identity of the MCSK. Honestly, the way I avoid spoilers is simply just think about how much better the finale will be if I don't know anything. That's one reason why I am able to enjoy LOST so mcuh. What is the date of the finale? Is it the week before all the other major shows like last year? There's no way I'm watching GA instead of this, but I would like to know.
Ha, finaly got to watch it.
I started laughing so hard when Hodges said the MCSK was keeping Grissom up at night and I was thinking 'No I think Sara dose' :devil:

...Yah, this was a funny episode but It wasn't very CSI-y I think it was OK considering their was no GSR.

goodbye *shrinks into a puddle of goo*
Thank's for the B-day wish Shipwrecked & Turtlebaby;) very thoughtful ;) and, I'm posting this again, apparently the majority of fans didn't read it! about Jorja NOT leaving! she sure is cool!


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