Grissom & Sara #26: It's So Obvious, Isn't It?

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I hope not, I'm curious to see what they have up their sleeves, and CM, is cagey, and vague on her comments to this ep. ~~bites nails~~maybe she'll congratulate them, on their togetherness.. she's a strange bird, so in 6 week's we'll find out

Sarah your mailbox is full, time for deleting ;)


i wanted a hug, but i love how was!!the whole scene was so sweet!!! is unbeliveble some plp don't see how perfect they are for each other...bad luck for them!!
i'm more happy with my geeks!!!
i didn't see the whole episode yet, but i know Jorja's work!!wow, i just can't wait !!!
hey guys, nobory worried with that woman cleaning??? she saw whole scene!!! someone saw the chalk scene ..hmmm. she can start a rumor hauahaua maybe she is hodges's friend *ha ha ha* and say something for him...1 second for everyone know!!!

love since forever!!

desertwind i love your pics!!! thank you :D!!
Season finale spoilers: They discover the identity of the miniature killer. Grissom and Sara's relationship is uncovered. Sara goes missing...
Re: it's Official..
This should be great!! No wonder why everything is so Hush Hush about JF's contract. And this is where their relationship will be outed!! I hope it will be as good as Grave Danger!! Man this is gonna be good

Sorry for only writing one line but, I really have nothing else to say. Other than chat! Identical to the old MSN one! PM me for details.
Grissom and Sara's relationship is uncovered. Sara goes missing... aff i don't have what say only....O M G.
I AM SO EXCITED. K, sorry, I had to edit my post super quickly cuz the spoilers didn't work. CBS ANNOUNCES DATES AND PLOT LINES FOR SEASON FINALES Released by CBS The Miniature Killer Returns...Sara Goes Missing on "CSI" Thursday, May 17 (9:00-10:00 PM, ET/PT) CSI -- The "miniature killer's" identity is revealed. As the CSI team tries to track down this diabolical murderer, Sara (Jorja Fox) mysteriously goes missing -- and Grissom (William Petersen) and Sara's relationship is suddenly forced out into the open
When does LH come back? Is that the same as the finale? I agree the finale would explain Jorja not speaking up...if she just says she's coming back it wouldn't be as suspsenseful. I just don't wanna get left hanging all summer. Grr lol I hope not
LH is on this date the last one before the finale.. which will, hopefully explain everthing~~~chews nails~~ on the Sara goes missing.. scary.. please don't let her leave or worse:(

Hey ILovebilly thank's for the kind words.. I like yours too!!

I will cry so much if Sara dies. Not just cuz I love the Geek!Love but because I love SARA. This is going to be a crazy episode. I wish they would make it a two hour one though! And, in other news, a word from one of the spoiler queens at YTDAW "'A lot of people are asking if Sara's fate will be the S7 cliffhanger -- the answer is no.'' least we know we don't have to sit tight alllllll summer. I do wondoer though, how the relationship is going to be FORCED into the open. Or will it just be Grissoms reaction. I can't wait for the promo!
So... *cough* I can't be the only one thinking that Sara goes missing because she IS the mcsk? Not that I believe that - not for a half a second, don't get me wrong. But that's the first thought that popped into MY head. And it would make a very tasty fanfic. Anways - I hope JF sticks around for season 8. Or at the very very very least, don't kill Sara. Just don't do it. Ok PTB? There will be no killing of Sara. I'm going to receed into my bubble now and pretend that I'm not spoiled for the finale. Ok?

As much as I always dread finale's and their lovely overdone excitement that falls short of what you are wanting (save for the last scene of WtG - because lets face it, the actual episode was kinda ho-hum. And well, all of Grave Danger) I actually can't wait to have GSR outted. Perhpas that will bring back some of the angst to my life. :rolleyes: I love angst. I am an angst whore. And I've been missing it something terrible. Yeah.

I've decided that my mother is a GSR 'shipper wannabe. lol. She came over the other night and almost the first sentence out of her mouth was "Did you see CSI on Thursday?"


I gave her a look that plainly asked "Who do you think you're talking to?" The following is a reenactment of our conversation. Words have obviously been changed because I have a memory almost as bad as a goldfish.

Me: Yeah. Why?
Mom: I bet you liked the end.
Me: Tears, pain, good Sara!Angst. What wasn't to like?
Mom: And the "GSR" **yes, my mom put GSR in finger quotations.**
Me: And that.
Mom: What did they say there? I can't remember.
Me: She said how she held his hand - the same way she held hers. How she lost perspective.
Mom: And what did he say?
Me: Nothing...
Mom: Yeah he did. He said something before he put his arm around her all lovingly and led her home.
Me: *snorts*
Mom: What's so funny?
Me: You so just said that with little hearts floating above your head.
Mom: *glare* No really, what did he say?
Me: Mother. He didn't say anything.
Mom: You still have it on tape?
Me: Uh, yeah. **Like I'm not uber obsessive and keep them all**

So I started the tape and we rewatched it. Any excuse right?

Mom: I could have sworn he said something.
Me: Nah mom, WP is just so awesome that you read his face and understood him just like if he was talking.
Mom: Now who's got hearts floating over her head?

Yeah, so my mom is leaning in the ways of GSR. And knows I'm madly in love with Billy. That's so awesome.

I really have nothing to add to this. Except for -

Adzix, you need to get those icons done. Turtle's waiting. Chop Chop. :p

Reeble, I PM'd you. ;)

Sarah, your mountian man speech made me spit Red Bull all over my keyboard. :lol:

That is all.
Turtle your a total trip :lol: and what the hell is your icon :eek: and the mom comments.. cute, go mom.. ;)maybe this will be the ending!! pic. below..CBS would not do this, she's too popular.. and if they did, bye-bye CSI :mad:

*falls over and dies* I just swore SO much. lol. seriously, i have never sworn more in my whole life. No. No. NO. NOO! So as I see it, there's two options. One, Sara going missing results in her death. And two, they find Sara, but they are just making us go crazy because they haven't released that JF has signed her contract yet. GRR. That makes me mad. Excuse me, I must go scream at something.
Adzix - the Clever Spoiler Investigator interprets:

y'all, i have a very bad feeling about all this. the fact that there is a huge revelation about the finale, and i don't see any smilies, good or bad ones, makes me think that y'all decided not to use them in the boxes on purpose. cuz, i've never seen so many posts without them.

oh god, it's either something freakin amazing, like the kiss, OR something what we all feared since the beginning of this season ... a possible CD. and i have Sara in mind here.

i'm seriously shitting in my pants now, lol.

the thing is that we already had Sara in danger in EE, and every single CSI finale except S2-4 ended this way. they could figure out something else once.

on the other hand the title "official" that i've seen on one of the spoilers, doesn't fit to the whole scenario that i've presented. to me it suggests that we'll get a kiss.

btw, please do not confirm or deny my suspicions. they are all PURE speculation, based only on what is going on in my sick head.

Turtellini, i gotta admit that ... well, i'm making some LH icons as well and that's why it takes a bit longer. please don't kill me, yo.
Gosh. I just can't believe this guys... Why, oh why, do they have to do this to Sara? Why can't Jorja sign a contract already? What if she ends up dying, WHAT ABOUT GSR? WHAT ABOUT GRISSOM. I can't stop thinking about the negatives, screw the positives. Their relationship is forced open.. I was hoping to get another season of cute-flirty GSR. Why is forced open? Nobody needs to know yet, she went missing.. Maybe she went missing in their house, or when she was supposed to meet him somewhere. :( :( Oh gosh. This finale better be friggen' good, 'cause if Sara dies, I don't know if I will be ABLE to watch next season.. At least I wouldn't have any interest in the show. :( I don't even want to think about it, we need some positive information.. :rolleyes:
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